Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Clustering help in Heat Maps"
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
now we have the mapping of color names to color codes (see below) and
conversion to rgb (something like Ben Bolker's function), but how to convert
rgb to hsv?
Thanks to Brian Ripley, Peter Dalgaard and Ben Bolker
Details below
etc/colors.big maps 455 names to rgb in S syntax
etc/rgb.txt maps 657 names to rgb in C syntax, but unlike colors() it has
mixed upper and
2011 Jul 13
Colors in R
HI everyone,
I''m trying to assign colors to multiple lines in a graph. Problem is I don''t want to type in as many colors as there are lines....is there a way around this? In brief, I''m plotting the logratio for up to 60 samples and want a different color for each sample. Here is the code I''m using now..
Any help is greatly appreciated..
data <-
2012 Jul 30
Z score in gplots
Can anyone tell me how to set Z-score according to my own requirement as
the below code is taking as per the file entries. Any help would
be appreciable.
x=read.table("final.txt", header=TRUE)
distfun = dist,
2011 Sep 21
heatmap.2 with colsep and sepwidth
I am using attributes colsep and sepwidth from heatmap.2 function,
however when using larger values for sepwidth the following columns are
not moved to the right but the seperator is covering the column(s) with
a white bar and the column labels and ColSideColors remain at their
positions, is this intended? I expected the following columns to be
shifted to the right by sepwidth. Is there a way
2010 Sep 18
Drawing Heatmap using gplots
I am using heatmap.2 of gplots to make heatmaps of my the attached file. I
am giving my code for the same ..
x=read.table("1.txt", header=TRUE)
heatmap.2(mat, col=greenred(75),
distfun = dist,
hclustfun = hclust,
dendrogram = c("both"),
scale = c("row"),
2012 Jan 28
gplot heatmap
I am drawing a heat map using gplots of R package. The file (new4) is
having values 0 and 1 only.
x=read.table("new4", header=TRUE)
distfun = dist,
hclustfun = hclust,
dendrogram = c("row"),
scale =
2007 Sep 20
help with making a function of scatter plot with multiple variables
Dear list,
I have done a scatter plot of multiple variables in the same graph, with different col and pch. I managed to do it with the following code but not know how to make a function of these so that next time if I want to do similar graph but with new variables, I dont have to copy the code and then change the old variables with the new ones but just call a function with the new
2010 Jun 30
ggplot qplot bar removing bars when truncating scale
I'm having problems with this example, it is posted with reproduceable code
below, both with the normal 0-6 scale and the desired 3-6 scale (with bars
removed). How can I get the graph to have the desired 3-6 scale without
removing the bars. Thanks!
2009 Aug 06
adding color bar to a graph
Hi everybody,
I am wondering how i can add a "stretch" color bar / legend to a graph that uses colorBrewer to define the colors in it. I will try to explain my graph, but i also uploaded it at: ftp://ftpext.usgs.gov/pub/er/fl/st.petersburg/Monica_pal/
The file is: robcor_training_pca.pdf - i will also attach this file in case some people accept attachments.
So i took apart the
2013 Feb 25
colors to pie chart.
hello, all.
i am trying something new and am stuck. i typically go with whatever colors the pie function pops out, but i would like to customize it.
please find below a sample dataset.
##TVs per household.
TVs <- factor(c(rep("0", 1), rep("1", 16), rep("2", 14), rep("3", 12), rep("4", 3), rep("5", 2), rep("6", 2)))
2010 Sep 13
Transparent Labels for Polar Plot
I am currently using the polar.plot function in the plotrix package to graph data. Unfortunately, it seems that the default for the labels is to have a background color that is covering the line representing my data, making it difficult to read. Is there a way to make this label background transparent?
lengths <- 0:72
bearing <- seq(from=0, to=360, by=5)
2007 Oct 18
Secondary Y axis title
I have the following R code to create a plot with two y axes. I am
essentially trying to
plot a price series with a volume series on the same graph. (i.e. to
compare price with volume). I can label the first
y axis successfully, but the problem is in labeling the 2nd y-axis.
Essentially, the
label never appears. It seems as though there is not enough margin
on the right hand
side of
2011 Jan 11
modified FAST Script from package SensoMineR for the R community - Reg
###Dear R users
###I have been using SensoMineR package from CRAN for most of my work in
sensory data analysis and from my usage experience, I encountered some
areas for improvement and considered ###modifying the function in
SensoMineR package for my personal use. I felt that it could be useful to
share this to the community for enabling adoption by other users where
they might require a
2009 Jun 15
heatmap.2 questions
I'm using this code to create a heatmap of expression data and indicate a
specific column of data, post clustering:
#Generate heatmap:
heatmapChipDx <- heatmap.2(L3data_med2, dendrogram="column",trace="none",
col=redgreen(64), colsep=seps, sepcolor="yellow", sepwidth = 0.1,
margin=c(5,5), scale="row", key=FALSE)
I have two problems that I'm
2007 Dec 16
levelplot border and dendrogram width
I'm trying to learn how to use lattice and levelplot in particular.
There are three elements of customizing the plots I'm stuck with:
a) Is there a way to put borders around each "cell" within a
level-plot. I'm trying to do something like the
colsep/rowsep/sepcolor/sepwidth parameters of heatmap.2 in gplots
b) Can I alter the line-width of dendrogram added
2009 Jul 21
problem with heatmap.2 in package gplots generating non-finite breaks
I have written a wrapper for heatmap.2 called
heatmap.w.row.and.col.clust which auto-generates breaks using
breaks<-round((c(seq(from=(-20 * stddev), to=(20 * stddev))))/20,
digits = 2) #(stddev in this case = 2.5)
This has always worked well in the past but now I am getting an error
that non-finite breaks are being generated. Drilling down, it seems
that my wrapper is generating finite
2010 Sep 01
Save data as .pdf or .JPG
Hi all ,
I have following script to plot some data.
plot( c(1,1100), c(0,15), type='n', xlab='', ylab='', ylim=c(0.1,25) ,
axis (1, at = seq(0,1100,50), las =2)
axis (2, at = seq(0,25,1), las =2)
lines( c(1,304),c(0,0),col='grey', lwd=3 )
lines( c(1,238),c(1,1),col='grey', lwd=3 )
segments(86, 0 ,270,col = "green", pch=23,
2010 Jun 10
points marking
How to mark points on x axis of a graph keeping x axis as constant and
changing y from y1 to y2 respectively. I want to highlight the area from y1
to y2.
Any suggestions
Thank you
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2011 May 07
venn diagramm
Dear all,
I have a set of five datasets with string, for which I need to draw the venn
diagram. there are tools available to draw venn diagram online, but limited
to three sets. I can also generate venn for three from limma package, but do
not know how to proceed with five subsets.
Help me in drawing the same any script .
Thank you
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2010 Jun 01
Help barplots
Dear All,
I am newbie to R, and I wanted to plot a barplots with R and in such a way
that It will also show me position which I can plot on the bar line.
Here is my code that I am using to plot,
> chromosome <- c(40.2, 35.6, 36.1, 29.6, 31, 29.6, 31, 29.4, 28.2, 23, 23,
>barplot (chromosome, col="purple", xlab="Oryza sativa Chromosomes", border
= NA, space =