similar to: Help with ape - read.GenBank()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Help with ape - read.GenBank()"

2010 Jun 16
Is there any function to read genbank flat files.
Hi I am trying to read genbank est flat files. Is there any function in R to do that. I was looking for something similar to SeqIO.parse(input_handle, "genbank") in bioPython that convert the genebank sequence into fasta sequence. (One option is to call biopython from R but I am not familiar with python functions so I want to avoid that and I am keeping it as last resort) Thanks and
2017 Jun 17
write.dna command
Hi all, I am learning R by "doing". And this is my first post. I want to use R: 1- to fetch a DNA sequence from a databank (see bellow) and 2- store it as FASTA file. The problem: neither an error is prompted nor the fasta file is created. Testing the code (see bellow), I notice that everything works until the *"write.dna" *command - which is not creating the fasta file.
2011 Nov 21
Read from HTML file, print if see a specific string
So basically I have made a HTML file with a table in it. Column 3 contains a GenBank number and is always proceeded by "=GenBank">". I want to read the file and return the number which comes directly after this (the contents of column 3). Ideally I would like to save this number as a string for use later in the script, but any help is good help. Been at this for HOURS and
2017 Jun 17
write.dna command
I suspect you meant WD <- "~/Documents/Scripting/R_Studio/Sequences/" but I am entirely unfamiliar with the packages you are using, and know nothing about what is on your hard drive. For future reference: A) Read the Posting Guide. This is a plain text email list, and your html formatting gets removed leaving a mess that is not always readable. B) Most frequent users of R
2002 Feb 13
large file error is now SIGUSR1 or SIGINT error
I just ran this again and got this error: leelab/NCBI_Data_old/GenBank/htg write failed on leelab/NCBI_Data_old/GenBank/htg : Error 0 rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(243) Received signal 16. (no core) rsync error: received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT (code 20) at rsync.c(229) The command I am running is: /usr/local/bin/rsync -auv --delete --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh lpgfs104:/share/group/*
2002 Sep 05
ape 0.1 is released
Ape is an R package for "analyses of phylogenetics and evolution". The first version (0.1) has been released on 27 August 2002 and is available on CRAN. >From the 'Description' file of version 0.1: Ape provides functions for reading, and plotting phylogenetic trees in parenthetic format (standard Newick format), analyses of comparative data in a
2002 Feb 12
error in rsync protocol on large file
I'm trying to rsync a filesystem from a Solaris 7 server to a Solaris 8 server. I keep getting the following message when rsync attempts to update a particular file: write failed on leelab/NCBI_Data/GenBank/htg : Error 0 rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(243) Received signal 16. (no core) rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (22672537 bytes read so far) rsync error:
2007 Dec 13
MPI-Blast + Lustre
Anyone have any experience with MpiBlast and Lustre. We have MpiBlast-1.4.0-pio and lustre-1.6.3 and we are seeing some pretty poor performance with most of the mpiblast threads spending 20% to 50% of their time in disk wait. We have the genbank nt database split into 24 fragments (one for each of our OSTs, 3 per OSS). The individual fragments are not striped due to the
2006 Jun 18
analyze amino acid sequence (composition)of proteins
Dear R-helpers: thank your for your attention. i am a newer to R and i am doing some protein category classification based on the amino acid sequence.while i have some questions urgently. 1. any packages for analysis amino acid sequence 2. given two sequences "AAA" and "BBB",how can i combine them into "AAABBB" 3. based on "AAABBB",how can i get some
2007 May 31
Venn diagram
Hello, I am a total beginner with ?R? and found a package ?venn? to create a venn diagram. The problem is, I cannot create the vectors required for the diagram. The manual say: "R> venn(accession, libname, main = "All samples") where accession was a vector containing the codes identifying the RNA sequences, and libname was a vector containing the codes identifying the
2017 Jun 09
efetch result not in character format
Hi, I want to use reutils to obtain the accession numbers of a query search in character format. When I use efetch, the accession number isn't in a character format, and I'm not sure if the number is accurate, because I get the error: Error in file.exists(destfile) : object 'destfile' not found This is what I tried: UIDs<-esearch( "Methylation" ) accession_numbers
2006 Dec 22
Dear Sir or Madam, I am very new to R, and I am trying to install seqinr-package. In the manual I read that I need to install ape-package first, and I failed to do it. I had the following error messges: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgfortran collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [] ?????? 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package 'ape' ** Removing
2008 Sep 04
Binary Tree Testing in "ape" package (a bug?)
Dear all, I was testing the wonderful package APE. However upon testing a particular Newick's format tree - which I think to be a non-binary tree - it yields different result as expected. > library(ape) > <- read.tree(text="(rat,mouse,(human,chimp));") > is.binary.tree( [1] TRUE Was that a bug in APE package? - Gundala Viswanath Jakarta - Indonesia
2009 May 11
Using ACE in the ape package
Having a problem running the ace command in ape. After reading my table into R and then putting the names of the rows in the table in same order as the tree I can't get ace to run and get the message Erreur dans as.matrix(x) : dims [produit 25] ne correspond pas ? la longueur de l'objet [0] This is the command I am using and each of the vectors used in the snalysis.
2006 Oct 17
ape -- internal nodes and pie charts
Hi, I've been investigating the ape package for a while, and I was wondering if it is possible to: - display the names of the internal nodes (from a newick tree) - plot a pie-chart on top of each of the internal branches in a phylogram plot Thanks in advance, Cheers, Albert.
2007 Oct 10
Rooting trees using ape
Hi all, I seem to be having a difficult time using the 'ape' package in R when it comes to rooting trees. Here's a short screenshot: > nirK.tree Phylogenetic tree with 23 tips and 21 internal nodes. Tip labels: Burkholder, Burkholde3, Burkholde1, Burkholde4, Burkholde5, Ralstonia2, ... Node labels: , 100, 100, 100, 70, 91,... Unooted; includes branch lengths. >
2010 Jul 19
possible bug in ape::extract.clade()
Hi, I was recently splitting some massive phylo class objects with extract.clade() and noticed what appears to be a bug in how tip labels are copied from the full tree to the pruned tree. This possible bug was also mentioned here: at An example: library(ape) set.seed(5) x <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=10) p <-
2003 Mar 10
ape 1.0 is on CRAN
Dear all, The version 1.0 of ape (analysis of phylogenetics and evolution) is now on CRAN. The jump from version 0.2-1 to 1.0 is explained by the fact that the initial objectives of the project have been completed. The relevant part of the Changes file is shown below. All comments, suggestions, or bug reports are welcome. Emmanuel Paradis CHANGES IN APE VERSION 1.0 NEW FEATURES
2006 Apr 28
unrooted tree and margins, ape package
Hello, I have a question about margins when plotting an unrooted tree (type="unrooted") with the 'ape' package ver. 1.7. When I plot an unrooted tree with: no.margin=TRUE it seems that the margins are still there. It appears to be only when type="unrooted". I'm plotting multiple plots using layout() and would like to be able to get rid of the margins or if
2009 Feb 19
change the label size when drawing trees with ape
Hi All, I want to be able to change the labe size on a tree when using ape package so that the graph can look nicer, but don't know how. Playing with the "font" doesn't seem to help. (Right now the labels barely show.) Thanks for your help! Code I'm using now #------------------------- t1 = "(((1:77.37,2:77.37):9.4,4:86.77):7.56,3:94.33);" t2 =