Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Turning ppp into im in spatstat"
2008 Sep 02
Writing new controllers
I have created new rails-project.
I start Mongrel.
I add to project:
class MyFirstController < ApplicationController
def index
render :text => ''<html><body>My First Controller</body></html>''
end -> all
2010 Oct 15
tessellation from biological data in spatstat
I'm new to this mailing list so apologies if this is too basic. I have
confocal images 512x512 from which I have extracted x,y positions of the
coordiates of labelled cells exported from ImageJ as a.csv file. I also
have images that define an underlying pattern in the tissue defined as
areas of different pixel values 0 or 255 (also 512x512) I've exported
these images as .txt
2009 Mar 06
help to use ppp in spatial analysis
i am using spatstat package for spatial data analysis and now i have a problem to create a point pattern. The points are in file "points.txt" (first column for Latitude and second column for Longitude ) and I imported them and separated each columns in two arrays x and y. If I plots x and y ( e.g plot(x,y) ) the result appears in square area without problems and the scale is
2010 Nov 06
Spatstat rmh function error message
I have fitted a Poisson Process model in spatstat using
>fit1<-ppm(points, ~elevation, covariates=list(elevation=elevation.im))
This far, everything went well, but I try to simulate the fitted model using
the function:
But I get the error message:
"Extracting model information...Evaluating trend...done.
Checking arguments..determining simulation
2011 Feb 16
help with spatstat ppp transformation data
I am currently studying spatial distribution of lizards in Spain and
Germany. For this I am using the spatstat package of R to make a
test of CSR of unmarked points data.
I have problems transforming the data to ppp class, and I would like to know
if you can help me. I have already made the test with the data of
'japanesepines' that comes with the package, and
2005 Sep 21
ppp from SpatStat
I want to extract the points from an object of type ppp.
How can I do this?
2008 Apr 24
extracting averages from smooth.ppp output on spatstat
I have used smooth.ppp in spatstat to create a smoothed surface plot based
on randomly selected depths across a lake (as marks).
I wonder if based on the smoothed surface plot if I can calculate the
average depth for each 10x10 grid square across the lake.
I can't see any obvious way of doing this and would appreciate some
Many thanks,
[[alternative HTML version
2009 Dec 08
Quadratcount problem in spatstat
I know there are older threads discussing the quadratcount function in
spatstat. Unfortunately, I could not find a solution to my problem there.
I'm analyzing a point pattern in an irregular polygonal window. Both the
window (an entire country) and the points are projected using WGS84.
When I do quadratcount with only one quadrat for the entire country it
holds all my 154 points:
2011 Feb 15
spatstat ppm models with covariates
Hello R users,
I am fitting spatial point process models in spatstat using ppm and my models
actually contain spatial covariates. The results of the models are returned
with some levels of the covariates absent. eg when I fit a model with "aspect"
ppm(points, ~aspect, covariates=list(aspect=aspect))
the results give coefficients for "North"," South",
2006 Aug 24
spatstat 1.9-5
A new version 1.9-5 of the package `spatstat'
has been uploaded to CRAN.
What it is:
spatstat is a package for analysing spatial data, mainly Spatial Point
What's in it:
Functions for exploratory data analysis, model-fitting, simulation,
spatial sampling, model diagnostics, and formal inference. Data types
include point patterns, line segment patterns,
2006 Aug 24
spatstat 1.9-5
A new version 1.9-5 of the package `spatstat'
has been uploaded to CRAN.
What it is:
spatstat is a package for analysing spatial data, mainly Spatial Point
What's in it:
Functions for exploratory data analysis, model-fitting, simulation,
spatial sampling, model diagnostics, and formal inference. Data types
include point patterns, line segment patterns,
2007 Jan 15
spatstat 1.11-0
spatstat 1.11-0
Version 1.11-0 of package 'spatstat' is now available.
Spatstat is a package for the analysis of spatial data,
mostly point pattern data. See <www.spatstat.org>
Important changes in version 1.11-0:
New format for ppm objects (objects in old format are still handled).
More stringent checking of function arguments.
Improved handling of pixellation effects.
2007 Jul 13
spatstat - Fitting a Strauss model with trend determined by kernel density smoother
Dear r-help,
I would like to use the 'ppm' function of the 'spatstat' package to
fit a Strauss inhibition model. I understand that I can specify a
parametric model for the "background" trend, but how would I specify a
trend which is estimated using a Kernel density smoother?
In particular, I would like to use the 'kde' function of the 'ks'
package to
2014 Dec 17
Problema con el subset
Hola a todos,
Agradeceros de antemano vuestro tiempo y paciencia ya que soy un poco
novato y tal vez esto sea un poco trivial.
Lo que quiero hacer es que me represente en eje de las x las fechas
(columna fecha) y los valores de z (columna z) pero de los datos que he
filtrado antes en
(dfgrupo<-subset(df,df$parametroslaboratorio=="Aflatoxinas ByG")) y que los
parámetros iguales
2004 Aug 03
Recently Brian Ripley had occasion to mock my inability to see a
comment in the code for arima(), in the stats package. After
considerable dredging around in the r-news archives I found reference
to keep.source() and keep.source.pkgs(), which I conjectured just
***might*** possibly be the ``obvious'' resource to which Prof.
Ripley thought I ought to have resorted.
However, after
2003 Dec 01
Re: using shapefile as owin
My sincerest apologies, as this is a very elementary problem, but I have
searched through archives and FAQs and on the web, and I am at the end of my
own resources.
I need to do analysis of a spatial point process occuring with four
counties, using spatstat. I've had no trouble importing the shapefiles, but
I can't seem to figure out what I need to do in order to use the boundary as
2011 Jan 14
holding objects in dataframes
Hello list,
I need to keep track of objects that are related to particular
observations. In this case, I need to keep track of polygons that are
associated with observations. What I would ideally have is one column
of a dataframe hold a "polygonal" object (from the spatstat package).
My question: I seem to have managed to do it, but as I haven't read that
dataframes are supposed
2010 Apr 09
Problem with Loops
I am trying to write a script with the end goal of graphing power (y) as a
result of sample size (x) at a variety of effects sizes. I am new to loops,
and I think my problem is there. Here's the script, which is modified from
the script found at the bootom of
http://www.statmethods.net/stats/power.html. ANy help would be much
appreciated!mtesche at ualberta.ca
2009 Feb 11
contour( ..., method='edge') incompatible with xlim & ylim
A colleague of mine in our oceanography lab has pointed out a slightly
annoying imperfection with the contour plotting function. It appears
that the 'edge' option for the 'method' parameter doesn't work very
well (or at all?) when xlim and ylim are also set.
The following code should recreate and demonstrate the problem:
2011 Apr 08
asking about contour plot with R
I'm working in Rosario, Argentina, trying to plot some contours.
I found the function "draw.contour" created by James Forester at
R-bloggers. If you take a look at that function you'll see it's very
But I have a problem with it and James is trying to help me (but also
asked me to seek for more help) I hope you can help me (don't worry if you