similar to: square brackets in expression in plots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "square brackets in expression in plots"

2013 Feb 05
maximum amount of lines of code to be copy pasted to R console
Dear list members, is there any maximum amount of lines of code that can be copy pasted into the R console? Or some maximum amount of levels of nested parantheses? Whenever I copy paste some big chunk of code into the R console I get errors of missing parantheses etc. even though the parantheses are balanced (i.e. the code runs when run via source or inside some function). Cheers Jannis
2009 Aug 12
Superscripts in axis label
Hi All, I am trying to lable the y-axis on my scatterplot with the following: "Soil moisture content (m3m-3)" I am using the following coding for plotting the graph: plot(soilmoisture~gradientlevel, xlab="Levels of droughting gradient", ylab="Soil moisture content (m3m-3)", bty="l", font.main="2", pch=16, las=1, cex.lab="1.13") I have
2010 May 18
scaling with relative units in plots or retrieving axes limits in plots
Dears, a way to define x and y positions in plots in relative numbers (e.g in fractions between 0 and 1 referring to relative positions inside the plot region) would really help me. One example I would need this to would be to add text via text() to a plot always at a defined spot, e.g the upper left corner. Until now I always determined maximum x and y values and used those, but defining
2011 May 11
Parantheses highlighting
Dear list, is it just me or is everybody experiencing this? Since the upgrade to R 2.13.0 on my Mac (OS X 10.6.7, R GUI 1.40 (5751)) the highlighting of matching parantheses doesn't work the way it used to. It doesn't highlight the matching parantheses while typing, but it still does while scrolling over it with the cursor with the arrow keys. This is quite inconvenient since I have to go
2009 Dec 01
Error message when logical indexing vecor is all FALSE
Dears, is there any way to "switch off" or work around the error message that pops up when I do something like: A<-B['logical vector'] and when 'logical vector' only consists of FALSE values? My problem is that this message always kicks me out of my loops and always testing via an if clause whether 'logical vector' contains any TRUE values is much too
2010 Mar 09
find out commands in package
Dears, I am trying to implement some R package which is still under construction and has not yet been submitted to CRAN (RSSA, Documentation is yet very poor (or i just did not find it), so I am wondering whether there is any way to retrieve a list of commands available in this package from within R? And to find out whether the package is successfully
2010 Dec 16
test whether all elements of a vector are identical
Dear list, this might be an easy one, but I could figure out a solution (or how to google the right term). Is there any way to test whether all elements of a vector are identical? For numeric vectors I would use sum(diff(vector)==0)==0 but I have character vectors. Any Ideas? Cheers Jannis
2010 Jan 29
Plotmath: suprscript on scalable delimiter?
ComRades, How do you put a superscript on a scalable delimiter? I want to put 'b' as the power of the expression in the following plot: t <- 1:25 K <- 0.2 y <- ((1-exp(-K*t))/(1-exp(-K*t)*exp(K)))^3 plot(t,y,"l",main="K=0.2, b=3") text(15,5,expression(bgroup("(",frac(1-e^-Kt,1-e^-Kt*e^K),")"))) Plotmath examples in demo(plotmath) do not
2008 Jan 29
Convert string for expression in plot
Hi, Although I understand how to use expression and paste to add superscripts and symbols to my graphs, I have a problem with adding superscripts to an existing string. For example, I read in the following from a separate file: 25Mg(p,g) I want to convert that to superscripts etc. (in LaTex format): $^{25}$Mg(p,$\gamma$) This needs to then be put into a graph title. Any ideas? I know that I
2010 Sep 09
scalable < > delimiters in plotmath
Dear list, I read in ?plotmath that I can use bgroup to draw scalable delimiters such as [ ] and ( ). The same technique fails with < > however, and I cannot find a workaround, grid.text(expression(bgroup("<",atop(x,y),">"))) Error in bgroup("<", atop(x, y), ">") : invalid group delimiter Regards, baptiste sessionInfo() R version
2010 Sep 09
scalable < > delimiters in plotmath
Dear list, I read in ?plotmath that I can use bgroup to draw scalable delimiters such as [ ] and ( ). The same technique fails with < > however, and I cannot find a workaround, grid.text(expression(bgroup("<",atop(x,y),">"))) Error in bgroup("<", atop(x, y), ">") : invalid group delimiter Regards, baptiste sessionInfo() R version
2008 Jul 22
Decoding subscripts/superscripts from CSVs
Hi, I have a CSV file with various biological reactions. Subscripts, superscripts, and italics are encoded in carats, and I was wondering if R can actually recognize those and print actual superscripts, etc. Here's an example: <i>S</i>-adenosyl-L-methionine + rRNA = <i>S</i>-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + rRNA containing
2008 Jul 30
Converting to subscripts and superscripts
Hi, I am reading in a CSV file of chemical reactions where the subscripts and superscripts are encoded in angle brackets, like below: 2 H<SUP>+</SUP> + 2 O<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> Is there a way to convert these to actual sub/superscripts and save them in another excel file? I greatly appreciate the help! Thanks, -Nina PS. I asked this before, but I
2011 Jan 20
Procuct of a sequence or vector
Dear list, is there a function in R that returns the product of a vector? E.g. if the vector is c(1,2,3,4) it should return 1*2*3*4=24 Cheers Jannis
2011 Aug 01
General indexing in multidimensional arrays
Dear R community, I have a general question regarding indexing in multidiemensional arrays. Imagine I have a three dimensional array and I only want to extract on vector along a single dimension from it: data <- array(rnorm(64),dim=c(4,4,4)) result <- data[1,1,] If I want to extract more than one of these vectors, it would now really help me to supply a logical matrix of the
2013 Apr 08
checkUsage from codetools shows errors when function uses functions from loaded packages
Dear list members, I frequently program small scripts and wrap them into functions to be able to check them with checkUsage. In case these functions (loaded via source or copy pasted to the R console) use functions from other packages, I get this error: no visible global function definition for ?xxxxxxx? For example: test = function() { require(plotrix) color.legend() }
2011 Oct 05
help with regexp
Dear list memebers, I am stuck with using regular expressions. Imagine I have a vector of character strings like: test <- c('filename_1_def.pdf', 'filename_2_abc.pdf') How could I use regexpressions to extract only the 'def'/'abc' parts of these strings? Some try from my side yielded no results: testresults <-
2013 Jan 11
Using square brackets in a ploted expression
Dear Users, I have the following text plotted inside a graphic: text(16200, 2.8*0.97, expression(NH[3]==0.33-1.1 %*% 10^-5 %*% day), adj=c(1,1)) I need to include square brackets in the expression around the ammonia to have it plotted like that: [NO3-]. I tried instinctively to use %[% to plot the brackets, but it did not work. Does anybody of you know what is the correct syntax to plot
2011 May 04
Problems saving ff objects
Dear list, I am trying to understand and use the ff package. As I had some problems saving some ff objects, and as I did not fully manage to understand the whole concept of *.ff, *.ffData and *.RData with the help of the documentation, I tried to reproduce the examples from the help of ffsave. When I ran, however : (copied from the help) message("let's create some ff objects")
2012 Jun 15
time zones and the chron to POSIXct conversion
Hey R folks, i found some strange (to me) behaviour with chron to POSIXct conversion. The two lines of code result in two different results, on ewith the correct time zone, one without: library(chron) as.POSIXct(chron('12/12/2000'), tz = 'UTC') as.POSIXlt(chron('12/12/2000'), tz = 'UTC') Only the code below would give me a POSIXct object with the correct time