Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches similar to: "RODBC to import/export xls files"
2010 Feb 24
problem with sqlSave()
Dear R users,
I've already asked this question yesterday, but, though I had answer for
the other ones (and they helped a lot, thanks), for some reason didn't
get an answer for this one (I would also appreciate to know why, so that
I can improve the quality and clarity of my future questions).
Here it is again:
I'm trying to use RODBC to export dataframes to xls files.
When I run
2010 Jan 18
Exporting a data.frame to excel using sqlSave - adds a character ' to values
Hi all,
I am using RODB to export multiple data.frames into one excel file with
multiple sheets.
One thing I can't seem to unserdatand is way the command adds the character:
To the beginning of each of my (non numeric) values.
Here is an example code:
save2excel <- function(x, t.name) sqlSave(xlsFile, x, tablename = t.name,
rownames =
2010 Dec 31
(no subject)
Dear Help,
I am using the library RODBC to export data into an excel file with different sheets.
Here is the code:
save2excel <- function(x, t.name,channel) {
sqlSave(channel, x, tablename = t.name, rownames = FALSE)
## Write Parameters to Excel
channel <- odbcConnectExcel(paste(data.dir,"Calibrated_Parameters_Full_Set",".xls",sep=""),
2009 Aug 18
(no subject)
Dear all,
I have a problem with the function read.xls from the gdata package, error message see below. Two examples:
First, I try to read my data, which does not work;
Secondly, I tried the example code/data with the Iris data, which worked
Any idea?
> path<-"I:/subProjects/bh/HPGD/"
> setwd(path)
> xls <- "Platten_Liste_090421.xls"
2010 Jun 16
Reading data from xls..........please help
Can anyone help me how to read xls file into R. I have tried following
xlsfile <- file.path(.path.package('gdata'),'xls','iris.xls')
I got following error:
Converting xls file to csv file... Error in system(cmd, intern = !verbose) :
perl not found
Error in file.exists(tfn) : invalid 'file' argument
Question *1) What is the way
2012 May 20
Hello, All:
The "writeFindFn2xls" function in the "sos" package tries to
write an Excel file with 3 sheets ('PackageSum2', 'findFn', 'call').
Unfortunately, it is often unable to do this because of configuration
problems that are not easy to fix. I've found 3 contributed packages
that provide facilities to write Excel files with
2014 Aug 14
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Pensé que esto iba a ser trivial en R, pero me estoy encontrado muchos con
mi problema en internet, y que las soluciones ofrecidas no terminan de
Estoy intentando leer un fichero .xls en ubuntu con los siguientes paquetes
y nada:
conn = odbcConnectExcel("madrid.xls") # open a connection to the Excel file
sqlTables(conn)$TABLE_NAME # show all sheets
df =
2010 Jul 22
64 bit use of odbcConnectExcel
Hi All,
I'm using R 2.11.1 on 64 bit windows XP. The little function I wrote below
I use often to import the first 1001 lines in an excel sheet to R. This
works fine on the 32 bit version of R but fails on the 64 bit [both on the
same machine, using the same function, importing the same .xls file]. The
message from 64 bit R is:
Error in sqlTables(channel1) :
first argument is not an
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
@javier, me gustaría no tener que hacer nada de forma manual, ni por fuera
de r, rstudio. Es decir, el típico comando de linux que me convierta de xls
a csv prefiero no usarlo. Me gustaría hacerlo todo desde R.
@jorge ->
Con RODBC me salta ->
Error: could not find function "odbcConnectExcel"
Lo que creo que es inevitable en Ubuntu
2010 Feb 24
problem with looping on sqlSave()
Dear R users,
I have a follow-up question on sqlSave().
Since most of the output from the tests I use are lists, I would like to
loop to export each element of the list and append it to the sheet.
Here is what I do:
> library(RODBC)
> test <- structure(list(m = structure(c(0.090909090909091,
0.272727272727273, 0.363636363636364, 0.454545454545455,
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Gracias Jorge por contestar tan rápido.
Con gdata hago eso del path, y directamente con el fichero, lo vi en una
web, y he intentado todas las opcioens que he visto.
En vez de install.packages('rJava', type = 'source')
he hecho install.packages('rJava')
Ahora probaré, y lo mismo con scan y readLines.
He visto en stackoverflow que mi problema puede ser actualizar java,
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
offline? te lo envío a tu email, pq no creo que a toda la lista sea buena
El 15 de agosto de 2014, 9:47, Jorge I Velez <jorgeivanvelez en gmail.com>
> De nada, Miguel. Es posible que me envies el archivo offline? --JIV
> 2014-08-15 17:45 GMT+10:00 Miguel Fiandor Gutiérrez <
> miguel.fiandor.gutierrez en gmail.com>:
> Gracias
2006 Oct 25
gtools(read.xls) error in perl installation?
My installation is R version 2.4.0 on Mac OS X version 10.4.8 (the
latest release in both cases). I've recently had to restore my hard
drive after a crash, and fear that this may have screwed up my Perl
installation slightly.
Whenever I run the read.xls function from library(gtools) I get the
following errors:
> file =
2010 Apr 29
UpdateLinks = FALSE
I'm reading 100s of excel files and many of them contain links to external files (I hate that, but that aside). Every time such a file is opened, a menu pops up asking if I want to update the links. I never want to update the links. I used the macro recorder to see what code would be needed to suppress that message, but to no avail (I tried more variations, but one attempt is shown
2009 Nov 16
Writing a data frame in an excel file
Hello, I am having trouble by using the write.table function to write a data
frame of 4 columns and 7530 rows. I don?t know if I should just use a
sep="\n" and change the .xls file into a .csv file. Thanks in advance
Anna Lippel
new in R so be careful I should be asking a loooooooot of questions!:teeth:
View this message in context:
2007 Jul 08
Writing Excel (.xls) files on non-Windows OSs using Perl
Hi all,
There have been quite a few threads in the recent months pertaining to
the ability to directly write native Excel (.xls) files from R. For
example, exporting R matrices and/or data frames to an Excel file, with
perhaps the ability to create multiple tabs (worksheets) within a single
file, with one tab/sheet per R object.
There exists the xlsReadWrite package on CRAN by Hans-Peter Suter,