similar to: Reading Excel files in Linux

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Reading Excel files in Linux"

2006 Jul 12
RODBC, missing values, and Excel
Hi, all, I'm trying to use RODBC to read data from Excel. However, I'm having trouble converting missing values to NA and rather perplexed by the output. Below illustrates my problem: ## DATA - copy to Excel and save as "tmp.xls" ## tmp.xls!Sheet1 x 0.11 0.11 na na na 0.11 ## tmp.xls!Sheet2 x 0.11 0.11 na na na na 0.11 ## R Code read.xls <- function(file, sheet =
2004 Dec 04
Excel *.xls files, RODBC
I gather from reading the back-issues of r-help that it should be possible (modulo a number of caveats) to read an excel (yuck!) file into R using RODBC. I have obtained and installed ODBC and the RODBC package, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to go about it. Can anyone give me a simple recipe? I have an excel file on cdrom, say: /mnt/cdrom/melvin.xls I have started R and loaded
2010 Jun 16
Reading data from xls..........please help
Can anyone help me how to read xls file into R. I have tried following library(gdata) xlsfile <- file.path(.path.package('gdata'),'xls','iris.xls') read.xls(xlsfile) I got following error: Converting xls file to csv file... Error in system(cmd, intern = !verbose) : perl not found Error in file.exists(tfn) : invalid 'file' argument Question *1) What is the way
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Gracias Jorge por contestar tan rápido. Con gdata hago eso del path, y directamente con el fichero, lo vi en una web, y he intentado todas las opcioens que he visto. En vez de install.packages('rJava', type = 'source') he hecho install.packages('rJava') Ahora probaré, y lo mismo con scan y readLines. He visto en stackoverflow que mi problema puede ser actualizar java,
2009 Jan 17
Downloading Excel file & reading a range
I am trying to figure out a way to download an Excel file and then read a range into R - so that i can have a reasonably automated process. I have been trying to use the RODBC package, but with little success. I suspect that this isnt the right route Here is some code. My aim is to read in the data starting in H69:H283 in sheet 2.
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
offline? te lo envío a tu email, pq no creo que a toda la lista sea buena idea. El 15 de agosto de 2014, 9:47, Jorge I Velez <jorgeivanvelez en> escribió: > De nada, Miguel. Es posible que me envies el archivo offline? --JIV > > > > 2014-08-15 17:45 GMT+10:00 Miguel Fiandor Gutiérrez < > miguel.fiandor.gutierrez en>: > > Gracias
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Hola, @javier, me gustaría no tener que hacer nada de forma manual, ni por fuera de r, rstudio. Es decir, el típico comando de linux que me convierta de xls a csv prefiero no usarlo. Me gustaría hacerlo todo desde R. @jorge -> Con RODBC me salta -> Error: could not find function "odbcConnectExcel" Lo que creo que es inevitable en Ubuntu
2009 Nov 18
Re ading multiple Excel 2007 files with a loop
I have several hundred Excel 2007 data files in a folder. I would like to read every file in a single given folder using a loop. I have searched the FAQ, the forum archives here, other or older R boards and the R Import / Export documentation, and have asked some very knowledgeable R users without learning of a solution. I hope someone here can help. I understand that the most common
2014 Aug 14
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Hola, Pensé que esto iba a ser trivial en R, pero me estoy encontrado muchos con mi problema en internet, y que las soluciones ofrecidas no terminan de funcionar. Estoy intentando leer un fichero .xls en ubuntu con los siguientes paquetes y nada: require(RODBC) conn = odbcConnectExcel("madrid.xls") # open a connection to the Excel file sqlTables(conn)$TABLE_NAME # show all sheets df =
2012 Jan 09
RODBC vs gdata
Hi one col in my Excel file contains many numbers. But on line 3000 and some other lines are strings like "FG 1". "RODBS" seems to omit this lines. "gdata" works, but is much slower. Is this a bug of RODBC or do I apply it wrong? Example with the same "file.xlsx" library(RODBC); excel <- odbcConnectExcel2007("file.xlsx") tab <-
2006 Jan 10
"Missing value representation in Excel before
I reproduce from memory my exhaustive look into this issue. RODBC uses the Microsoft ODBC DLL's developed by Microsoft. These DLL's perform an automatic determination of column type based on the contents of the first N rows of cells in each column, where N [0,16]. N may be set in the Windows system registry, and there are a few other things that may be set in the system registry which
2009 Sep 10
Running R in Windows server
Hi, I'm trying to set up a server which allows different users to use R simultaneously. Is it possible in Windows? I know that a LINUX Server is probably a better option, but I had already created a GUI with Tcl/tk in Windows. So some of the events don't work in LINUX. Thanks in advance, Srpd _________________________________________________________________ m só local.
2007 Jun 25
Good morning to everybody, I have a problem : how can I import excel files in R??? thank you very much Erika Frigo Università degli Studi di Milano Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Veterinarie per la Sicurezza Alimentare (VSA) Via Grasselli, 7 20137 Milano Tel. 02/50318515 Fax 02/50318501 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 24
extract worksheet names from an Excel file
Hi list, Is there a R function I can use to extract the worksheet names from an Excel file?? If no, any other automatic ways (not using R) to do this? thanks! ...Tao
2005 Jun 22
How to read an excel data into R?
Hi all, Does anybody know the easiest way to import excel data into R? I copied and pasted the excel data into a txt file, and tried read.table, but R reported that Error in read.table("data_support.txt", sep = " ", header = T) : more columns than column names Thanks! Ling
2005 Jun 15
Reading Excel files...Error
hi, i am using the RODBC package to read .xls files. now after i installed the package and loaded the library and tried to read a file this is the error i got. >channel<-odbcConnect("D:/rstuff/1.xls") Warning messages: 1: [RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified 2: ODBC connection failed
2006 Feb 23
read file of EXCEL format
Hello sir: How can I read data file of EXCEL format from disk("d:\\data.XLS" for example)? I can only read data file of .txt format read.delim("d:\\data.txt",header=T,,but only EXCEL format is available at present. Thanks a lot
2008 Jun 26
RODBC, sqlFetch error when accessing Excel
This is about R 2.7.0 and related packages on windows NT. I have a mixture of numeric and character data and empty cells in an Excel spreadsheet with several tabs that I'm trying to read with sqlFetch from RODBC. The data that is returned by sqlFetch is unfortunately not identical to the source data in that in columns with character values in the first few rows the subsequent rows of that
2009 Jul 08
Import xlsx file in Ubuntu 9.04
Hi list, By the entire last 2 weeks I was looking for a way to directly import xlsx files to R in a Linux OS (Ubuntu 9.04). I already read the R Import/Export guide, and I know how to use gdata to import xls files and read.table to import .csv. My problem is that all data that I receive is in the xlsx format, and I have to convert all the files to xls. Well, when I was using Windows Vista OS,
2009 Apr 07
Re ading Excel 5.0 files with RODBC?
Hi, i'm trying to read some data from excel files but it seems that neither xlsReadWrite nor sqlFetch (RODBC) doesn't like the format (Excel 5.0). When i open the file in Excel and save it in a new format Excel 97 -2003 everything works fine. Is it possible to use ODBC connection to open old format files, or i guess i will have to open and save every file in Excel in new format, which