Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "How do you save in R?"
2009 Jan 06
Using apply for two datasets
I can run one-sample t-test on an array, for example a matrix myData1,
with the following
apply(myData1, 2, t.test)
Is there a similar fashion using apply() or something else to run
2-sample t-test with datasets from two groups, myData1 and myData2,
without looping?
2006 Feb 20
Boxplot Help for Neophyte
R helpers
I am getting to grips with R but came across a small problem today that I
could not fix by myself.
I have 3 text files, each with a single column of data. I read them in
myData1<-scan("C:/Program Files/R/myData1.txt")
myData2<-scan("C:/Program Files/R/myData2.txt")
myData3<-scan("C:/Program Files/R/myData3.txt")
I wanted to produce a
2012 May 15
reading data into R
Hi I am really new using R, so this is really a beginner stuff! I
created a very small data set on excel and then converted it to .csv
file. I am able to open the data on R using the command "read.table
("mydata1.csv", sep=",", header=T)" and it just works fine. But when I
want to work on the data (e.g. calculate the mean of variable "X") R
2011 Feb 25
speed up process
Dear users,
I have a double for loop that does exactly what I want, but is quite
slow. It is not so much with this simplified example, but IRL it is slow.
Can anyone help me improve it?
The data and code for foo_reg() are available at the end of the email; I
preferred going directly into the problematic part.
Here is the code (I tried to simplify it but I cannot do it too much or
else it
2012 Jul 03
insert missing dates
I have dataframes.
mydata1 <-data.frame(value=c(15,20,25,30,45,50),dates=c("2005-05-25 07:00:00
","2005-05-25 19:00:00","2005-06-25 07:00:00","2005-06-25 19:00:00
","2005-07-25 07:00:00","2005-8-25 19:00:00"))
mydata2 <-data.frame(value=c(15,20,25,30,45,50),dates=c("2005-05-25 00:00:00
2011 Sep 07
randomForest memory footprint
Hello, I am attempting to train a random forest model using the
randomForest package on 500,000 rows and 8 columns (7 predictors, 1
response). The data set is the first block of data from the UCI
Machine Learning Repo dataset "Record Linkage Comparison Patterns"
with the slight modification that I dropped two columns with lots of
NA's and I used knn imputation to fill in other gaps.
2012 Jun 06
problem about set operation and computation after split
I met some problems in R, plz help me.
1. How to do a intersect operation among several groups in one list, without
a loop statement? (I think It may be a list)
create data:
myData <- data.frame(product = c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,2),
mySplit<- split(myData,myData$year)
2011 Jul 11
GLS - Plotting Graphs with 95% conf interval
Hi, I am trying to plot the original data with the line of the model using
the predict function. I want to add SE to the graph, but not sure how to
get them out as the predict function for gls does not appear to allow for
SE=TRUE argument.
Here is my code so far:
2008 Apr 15
How can I import user-defined missings from Spss?
It works for me to import spss datasets via library(foreign) with read.spss or via library Hmisc by (spss.get).
But no matter which way I do import the data, user-defined missings from Spss are always lost.
(it makes no difference if there are a single value, a range, or any combination of them. They are always ignored).
Is there any way in R to find out if any value was user-defined missing
2013 Jan 10
Semi Parametric Bootstrap
Greetings to you all,
I am performing a semi parametric bootstrap in R on a Gamma Distributed
data and a Binomial distributed data. The main challenge am facing is
the fact that the residual variance depends on the mean (if I am correct).
I strongly feel that the script below may be wrong due to mean-variance
#####R code#######
2011 Feb 13
creating NAs for some values only
I have some data file, say, mydata
i want to replace some percentages of "mydata" file in to NAs for those values
that are NOT w's. I know how to apply the percentage thing here but don't know
how to select those values that are not "w"s. So far, i was able to do it but
the result replaces the w's
2018 Mar 15
stats 'dist' euclidean distance calculation
I am working with a matrix of multilocus genotypes for ~180 individual snail samples, with substantial missing data. I am trying to calculate the pairwise genetic distance between individuals using the stats package 'dist' function, using euclidean distance. I took a subset of this dataset (3 samples x 3 loci) to test how euclidean distance is calculated:
3x3 subset used
2002 Jul 16
r-square for non-linear regression
We have extracted parameters from physiological measurements by fitting
SSlogis-like curves with nlsList and nlme.
We presented residuals plot in a paper, but a referee argues that these
cannot be included (too technical), and r-square values should be given
instead to compare the goodness of fit with those of other authors.
I remember that 30 years ago in my stat 101, I learned that r-square is
2006 Mar 25
Regexp subexpression
I can't get the PERL subexpression translated to R. Following, for example,
B. Ripley's
I am using sub, but it looks like an ugly substitute. Assume I want to
extract the first alpha part and the first numeric part, but only if they
are in sequence.
Do I really have to use the sub twice, first extracting the first variable,
2009 Apr 06
Need help in calculating studentized residuals/leverage values of non-linear model [nls()]
Hi there,
I hope I can get advice regarding the calculation of leverage values or
studentized residual values of a non-linear regression model. It seems like
rstudent() does not work on a nls object.
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards,
2010 Jan 22
confidence intervals for mean (GLM)
Dear useRs,
How could I obtain the confidence intervals for the means of my treatments, when my data was fitted to a GLM?
I need the CI's for the Poisson and Negative Binomial distributions.
Here's what I have:
mydata1 <- data.frame('treatments'=gl(4,20), 'value'=rpois(80, 1))
model1 <- glm(value ~ treatments, data=mydata1, family=poisson)
means1 <-
2009 Sep 30
Condition to factor (easy to remember)
Dear List,
creating factors in a given non-default orders is notoriously difficult to
explain in a course. Students love the ifelse construct given below most,
but I remember some comment from Martin M?chler (?) that ifelse should be
banned from courses.
Any better idea? Not necessarily short, easy to remember is important.
data = c(1,7,10,50,70)
levs =
2010 Mar 20
Problem specifying Gamma distribution in lme4/glmer
Dear R and lme4 users-
I am trying to fit a mixed-effects model, with the glmer function in
lme4, to right-skewed, zero-inflated, non-normal data representing
understory grass and forb biomass (continuous) as a function of tree
density (indicated by leaf-area). Thus, I have tried to specify a
Gamma distribution with a log-link function but consistently receive
an error as follows:
2009 May 17
Kumar quantile
can someone please help me with this problem.
i found the density and distribution for the Kumar~(2.3,3.2), but now im
stuck on the quantile. how do i determine the quantile for kumar with
Inverse F(0.5).
im trying to use qkumar(_,2.3,3.2). but im stuck on determing the
probability vector.
thanks :)
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Kumar-quantile-tp23580613p23580613.html
2004 Jun 11
Modifying Code in .rda based packages (e.g. lme4)
Dear List,
assume I want to make a minor local change in a package that is supplied as
.rda. For example, I want to get rid of the non-verbose-protected
"Iteration" message in GLMM/lme4.
Probably I have to load / change / save the package, but could someone help
me to get the syntax right?
Dieter Menne