Sent directly to OP by mistake again.
>Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 23:56:25 -0600
>To: "Nick F. Silkey" <>
>From: "Rodolfo J. Paiz" <>
>Subject: Re: [Shorewall-users] Accolade and Praise
>At 8/5/2003 19:36 -0500, you wrote:
>>I just wanted to voice my gratitude to Tom and everyone involved with
>>development of the Shorewall software suite.
>Everyone? Is there someone else? I''ve only seen Tom, which makes
>that much more amazing.
>>While it has undoubtedly been
>>voiced in the past by other pleased users, your contributions to
>>a lightweight, intuitive solution which maximizes the powers of iptables
>>helped make IT management easily something simpler to deal with.
>Tom, may I suggest that you post on the website at least a PayPal ID and
>an "optional donation" for happy users? Even if only a few people
>that opportunity, and even if you set some really small number like
>$10.00, you could still probably get the pleasant surprise of receiving a
>couple hundred dollars a month along with the clear message of recognition
>and praise that comes from knowing people are paying for your product
>_even_ when they don''t have to.
>That surely marks a happy user like nothing else, and the warm and fuzzy
>feeling that comes with it is probably the most valuable part... although
>the cash doesn''t hurt either. Personally, I promise to be first in
line at
>PayPal even though my optional donation may be somewhat humble... you
>really have saved me dozens or maybe hundreds of hours of my time, and
>that has a very definite, concrete, and tangible value to me!
>Thanks again.
>Rodolfo J. Paiz
Rodolfo J. Paiz