search for: zkumu

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "zkumu".

2011 Jul 28
Support for ECDSA and SHA-2 (SHA-256) in the SSHFP record
...5.8 here: Please Cc: me as I am not (and don't intend to be) subscribed to the list. I will check the archives occasionally, but Cc: would be appreciated. Thanks, O. -- Ond?ej Sur? vedouc? v?zkumu/Head of R&D department ------------------------------------------- CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. -- Laborato?e CZ.NIC Americka 23, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic mailto:ondrej.sury at tel:+420.222745110 fax:+420.222745112 -------------------------------------------
2017 Oct 11
changing "," to "." in data.frame
And as follow up, fff<-function(x) gsub(",", ".", x) BX <- apply(apply(AX, 2, fff), 2, as.numeric) this seems to be easier. Cheers Petr S pozdravem | Best Regards RNDr. Petr PIKAL Vedouc? V?zkumu a v?voje | Research Manager PRECHEZA a.s. n?b?. Dr. Edvarda Bene?e 1170/24 | 750 02 P?erov | Czech Republic Tel: +420 581 252 256 | GSM: +420 724 008 364 petr.pikal at | > -----Original Message----- > From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf...
2014 Feb 05
100% přírodní složky
...m??e b?t pomoc ?asto i nebezpe?n?. j zcela bezpe?n?, nakolik obsahuje 100%n? p??rodn? slo?ky. Nejsou nutn? operace, pumpy, kr?my nebo jin? nebezpe?n? zp?soby ?e?en?: sta?? jedna tabletka jednou denn?, a b?hem n?kolika vte?in jste p?ipraven na milov?n?. Odkud poch?z? ? byl vyvinut na z?klad? v?zkumu prov?d?n?ho na New York Men?s Clinic. Tato slavn? klinika, kter? v?decky zkoum? zdrav? mu?? uskute?nila ?adu souvisej?c?ch speci?ln?ch v?zkum?, a vyvinula mnoho velice ?sp??n?ch intimn?ch pom?cek. je posledn?m produktem vyvinut?m touto organizac?. Vyu??v? nejnov?j?? objevy v oblasti pohlavn?ch pud?...
2017 Oct 11
changing "," to "." in data.frame
Dear friends - I have a data.frame with "," instead of "." and found the discussion so copying the code of Ulrik(I hope:-)) I tried (making some data) AX <-
2023 Jul 07
Plotting factors in graph panel
Thanks! You are correct, the graphs look very similar, except ggplot is scaling the text font to make it more readable. Is there a way to scale down the x-axis labels, so they are readable? On Fri, 7 Jul 2023 at 12:02, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at> wrote: > Hallo Anupam > > I do not see much difference in ggplot or lattice, they seems to me > provide almost identical