Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50 matches for "zar".
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2008 May 05
proportional test on epicalc library vs. Jerrold H. Zar.
Hi everyone,
I'm working with the Epical library, specicatly using the power test in
proportions. I think this test is not working like in the book:
Biostatistical Analysis (4th Edition): Jerrold H. Zar
In the example 23.25. (I attach this Pic) It's not the same answer.
Using the follow command don't give the same answer.
power.for.2p(0.75, 0.50, 50, 45, alpha = 0.05)
with this command the Power = 0.6402. But in the Book we find Power=0.72.
?what it's the correct a...
2010 Apr 15
nested (hierarchical) anova
I'm having difficulty to replicate in R a nested (hierarchical) anova example found in p. 308 of
Zar, J.H. 1996. Bostatistical Analysis. Prentice Hall. 3rd ed.
The example (15.1) is as follows:
The variable is blood cholesterol concentration in women (in mg/100 ml of plasma). This
variable was measured after the administration of one of three different drugs, each drug
having been obtained from t...
2004 Apr 25
nonparametric multiple sample comparison
Hello all,
Here goes one of my first functions.
I want to make a nonparametric multiple sample comparison with unequal sample
sizes (see Zar?s Biostatistical Analysis, 3rd. Ed., pg. 201 Example 10.11, pg.
288 Example 11.10). In the real world, I want to compare samples of fish
length captured with different fishing gears.
After using the Kruskal-Wallis test I want to check the differences between
each two samples.
I wrote the func...
2009 Feb 12
Comparing slopes in two linear models
...lt;- summary(fit2)$coefficients
db <- (s2[2,1]-s1[2,1])
df <- (fit1$df.residual+fit2$df.residual)
### Pooled Variance ####
sd <- sqrt(s2[2,2]^2+s1[2,2]^2)
td <- db/sd
2*pt(-abs(td), df)
Spencer(dP, dHT)
[1] 0.0001717730
3- I wrote one based on Zar (1999) and Kleinbaum (1987) procedure:
Zar <- function(df1, df2){
fit1 <- lm( log(df1$varCDI)~log(df1$CDI) )
fit2 <- lm( log(df2$varCDI)~log(df2$CDI) )
s1 <- summary(fit1)$coefficients
s2 <- summary(fit2)$coefficients
db <- (s1[2,1]-s2[2,1])
2001 Mar 22
[Fwd: FW: Biostats text/software]
...er than post the
> entire text of all the messages to the web, I have summarized the results of
> this "poll". If you want a copy of all the messages, then drop me an email
> and I will forward them!
> AND THE TEXT WINNERS ARE.... There was a clear preference in texts for Zar,
> with Sokal and Rohlf coming in second. Most folks thought that Zar was the
> best combination of text and reference for undergrads. Many admitted it was
> difficult, but that the students could handle it.
2005 May 02
Nonparametric Tukey-type multiple comparisons "Nemenyi" test
...significantly different. I
have read the dialogue on this topic from the R-help, and am still not
clear why no statistical packages include this test as an option? Is it
not an appropriate test to conduct on non-normally distributed data? Is
the only option to calculate it by hand using the (Zar 1996) formula?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Rikki Grober- Dunsmore
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Marine Protected Areas Center
110 Shaffer Rd.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Unless someone like you,
Cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better,
It's n...
2001 Sep 20
G-test : log-likelihood ratio test
...39; corrections are implemented.
I've put some examples from Sokal & Rohlf up at
Feedback welcomed,
# Kludgy log-likelihood test of independence & goodness of fit
# Does Williams' and Yates' correction
# G (TOI) calculation from Zar (2000) Biostatistical Analysis 4th ed.
# G (GOF) calculation from Sokal & Rohlf (1995) Biometry 3rd ed.
# q calculation from Sokal & Rohlf (1995) Biometry 3rd ed.
# TOI Yates' correction taken from Mike Camann's 2x2 G-test fn.
# GOF Yates' correction as described in Zar (2000)
2000 Jan 04
multiple comparison function
I asked a while ago about multiple comparison tests for use with
multi--way ANOVAs. Thanks to all those who replied and gave me
some ideas and functions.
What I ended up doing was writing my own function for Tukey's
HSD test (ref: Zar's Biostatistics pg 186-190), as this was the
procedure I could best understand.
I've included my function here for those who may be interested. I'm
sure there are many things that can be improved, but it works!
When interpreting the results one does, however, have to check
which mea...
2003 Apr 15
About kruskal.test
...for these list!
is there possible to make kruskal.test
summarize the sum of ranks??
ranks(z) # like in octave package
6 7 3 3 3 3 3
ans= 28
then apply multiple comparisions for many other data
SE<-sqrt(n*(n*k)*(n*k+1)/12) # according Zar,JH. Bioestatistical
# Analysis sec.12.6, on pg. 199
Thanks for any helps
Marcelo A. BRUNO
--# Oceanographer #
--# FURG - Dpto.Oceanografia #
--# CP 474 - RIO GRANDE - RS #
--# CEP 96.200-000 BRAZIL #
2004 Nov 04
Specifying error terms in aov and lme
factors in lme but I am not sure how these get treated.
When making the calculations for fixed and random factors, are the correct
error terms used and how can you get aov or lme to use different error
terms for fixed and random effects?
I'm basing the need for this on this table from Zar,
Both fixed factors - both tested against error
Both random factors - both tested against interaction MS
1 fixed - interaction MS
1 random - replicate MS
for random you can use error if the interaction is not significant (I have
been told).
I want to make sure that the correct error terms are...
2000 Nov 01
triangular matrix
How I make the below matrix
| a^0 0 0 ... 0 |
| a^1 a^0 0 ... 0 |
| a^2 a^1 a^0 ... 0 |
| . |
| . |
| . |
| a^n a^(n-1) a^(n-2) ... a^0 |
with no loops, where "a" is a constant?
C?zar de Freitas
Depto. de Estat?stica - UFPE
Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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2002 Apr 15
simple Q: required sample size & usage of power.t.test()
Hi community,
Seems I am too stupid:
I try to calculate with power.t.test() an example from the statistics textbook [Jerrold H. Zar, Biostatistical Analysis, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1984, Chapter 8, Exercise 8.4, (page 120)]:
A sample of size 18 has a mean of 13.55cm and a variance of 6.4512cm^2.
(a) Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the population mean.
(b) How large a sample would have to be taken from th...
2009 Mar 30
Comparing Points on Two Regression Lines
...he x and y values for each lines.
Suppose we need to compare the two lines at the common value of x=13.
Please see attached the method as described in section 18.3 in Jerrold H. Zar.
With many thanks
AbouEl-Makarim Aboueissa, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Southern Maine
96 Falmouth Street
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04104-9300
Tel: (207) 228-8389
Fax: (207) 780-5607
2011 Nov 15
Quantstrat; error with applyStrategy()
as.numeric(data.xts$close) ),
order.by=index(data.xts) )
colnames(STOXX) <- c("STOXX.Open", "STOXX.High", "STOXX.Low", "STOXX.Close")
rm(table.name, tablenames, ch, chooseTable)
stock('STOXX', currency="ZAR", multiplier=1)
mktdata <- STOXX
spot <- as.xts( as.numeric(data.xts$spot),
order.by=index(data.xts) )
colnames(spot) <- "spot"
# Initialise...
2008 Oct 01
"tapply versus by" in function with more than 1 arguments
#dataf$class: 3
# V1 V2
#V1 1.0000000 0.7318938
#V2 0.7318938 1.0000000
#My interest is on cor(V1,V2)[1,2], so I can take 0.91777, 0.987857 and 0.7318938, but I think that tapply can works better, if I can solve the problem.
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2003 Jan 07
Your Enterprise Java/J2EE Architect Requirement
...d Happy New Year 2003!
Let it be prosperous for both you and me!
Below you see a very short version of my CV as of January 2003
for your kind consideration and update.
Word, TXT, and PDF version of the complete CV are available upon request.
Enjoy the economic recovery!
Make it a great day:
ZAR PETKOV, Nov. 2002 (905) 727-2176
Toronto, CANADA ZarPetkov@Compuserve.COM
Enterprise Rescue-Operation Consultant for large - scale projects
in Java/J2EE/EJB/XML/JMS or C#/...
2001 Feb 27
Post hoc tests
This is only partly an R question, but this seems a good place to ask.
Like many, if not most, statistics programs, R has no post hoc tests
for Kruskal Wallis or Friedman, and as far as I can make out they are
not available in any of the R packages. I would be grateful if someone
could point me in the right direction if I am wrong.
As I said this is not uncommon. Parametric Anova procedures
2008 Jun 04
Comparing two regression lines
...by using
where FACTOR gets "y1" if y1 is the response, and "y2" if y2 is the response?
The problem I see here is that the residual degrees of freedom obviously go up (n1-1+n2-1) although
there were only n1=n2 "true" replications.
On the other hand, Zar (1984) and some other statistics textbooks base their calculations on a
modified version of the t test (mainly using the residual SS from the two regressions), but when I
calculated these tests by hand I found that the t-values are almost identical to the one I get using
the lm(...) approach.
2004 Aug 30
D'agostino test
Hi, Does anyone know if the D'agostino test is available with R ?
2012 Feb 06
multiple comparisons in nested design
Dear professors and collegues
I need to perform a analysis of dates from a nested experimental design.
"Bioestatical Analysis" of Zar
"Bimetry of Sokal" & Rohlf
"Design and Analysis of Experiments" of Montgomery
I have:
Sum (mean(x)_i - mean(x)_T)2 / (a-1) -> var(epsilon) + n sigma2_B + n b
(sum alfa_i)2 / (a-1)
Sum (mean(x)_ij - mean(x)_i)2 / (ba-a) -> var(epsilon) + n sigma2_B
Sum (x_ijl - mean(...