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2013 Mar 18
Hiera 1.2.0-rc2 and deep-merge
Stumbled around a bit until I figured out you need to do this: gem install deep_merge to get it to work ! “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.” Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group.
2011 Dec 13
Is there a way to push/copy a file from client to master ?
I am dealing with SSL certificates for secure rsyslog that need to be created on each machine and then collected onto the logging server. Getting a file from puppetmaster to client is trivial, but how do I reverse the process ? “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.” Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)
2012 Feb 08
Running Puppet(Master) on port 443
On Feb 1, 2012, at 8:06 PM, Nan Liu wrote: > Puppet uses REST, so you can run puppet master on 443 to work around firewalls. I would like to get a bit more information on this. Is it as simple as setting all the ports in puppet.conf to 443 on master and agent ? “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact
2011 Nov 17
4 ?
Anyone from listening to this list ? The web page to create an account <> is busted. The CAPTCHA does not show up and you cannot register without it. So I tried their mailing list -- <> I was able to join, but then my attempt to post to the list bounced:
2013 Apr 26
passwordless ssh
What is the best and easy''t way to let all nodes ssh passwordless to each other ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to
2012 Apr 18
Puppet agent hostname/domain change
Hi Everybody, I have a puppet setup working, but run into issue, which couldn''t figure out how to solve. Say I have puppet agent generated certificate and signed it on puppet master. If somehow puppet agent''s hostname has been changed it will stop communication with puppet master. I would like to know if there is a way to be able to change hostname of puppet agent, without
2013 Apr 11
puppet-lint -- learning stuff about style but also generating questions
Here''s one I learned: I originally had # Ensure /etc/hosts contains the basics host { "${fqdn}": host_aliases => $hostname, ip => $ipaddress, } And thru some trial and error, got down to this (which puppet-lint does not gripe about) # Ensure /etc/hosts contains the basics host { $fqdn: host_aliases => $hostname, ip => $ipaddress, }
2013 Jun 04
Share Hiera configuration between 2 nodes?
Hi, I am trying to use Hiera in puppet 3 and I have two nodes that both need the same configuration. In this case they are two web servers which have the same apache configuration. Rather than creating two seperate hiera files for node1.yaml and node2.yaml is there a way to group these by role (e.g. webserver.yaml)? I want to avoid duplicating the configuration if possible and keep the data
2016 Jul 13
CentOS 6.8 + Samba4 + Kerberos: No credentials cache found
...sswitch.conf passwd: files ldap shadow: files ldap group: files ldap Btw, I can access my samba share perfectly from my clients. I have exactly the same configuration running normally at CentOS 7.2. No GSS msgs! Does anyone have any idea what is causing this message? Thank you! -- Ygor Thomaz Website: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." ― Mahatma Gandhi
2013 Jun 08
Using yum provider to install local RPM
Hey guys, puppet n00b here. I think I already found an answer for my question here, but the topic was dated back in november of 2011, so I''m hoping things have changed since then! Here''s the topic I''m referring to.!topic/puppet-users/oSHWWjMX-sE I''m running: CentOS 6.3 yum 3.2.29 puppet 3.2.1 To sum it up, I
2013 Nov 26
how to deal with xml files within Puppet ?
hi there, I have to create a new server.xml which should be build from at least 3 or 4 another xml files. How could to copy and paste with puppet methods ? On a command line under Unix I would do cat 1.xml > my_file.xml ; cat 2.xml >> my_file.xml; cat 3.xml >> my_file.xml. I have to say, I''m pretty new to puppet and simply have no clue how to tackle this task ;=(
2012 Jan 23
Another Discovered/Undocumented feature of yumrepo - and a workaround
I was working with yumrepo, defining new entried and seeing them appear in /etc/yum.repos.d After considerable tinkering, and with the sad discovery that resource { ''yumrepo'': purge => true } does not work, I moved my working /etc/yum.repos.d to /etc/yum.repos.d-old and re-ran my catalog. To my surprise, the repo entried were appended to /etc/yum.conf Long story short: I
2013 Nov 16
frustrating dependency problem
I''m having a difficult time with a dependency issue. Basically, I want to be able to call a defined type, but it''s not working out so far. I have my manifests setup like this: init.pp: class foo { .... } bar.pp: class foo::bar { include foo package{ "test": ensure => running, notify =>
2012 Dec 05
Slight oversight in the type documentation
So I was looking at the type reference, and noticed that for a lot of the types, no namevar was listed. When I checked the types in the code, for each of those omissions, the namevar was simply "name". Now, it might be self evident that this is the case, but a little documentation couldn''t hurt, If not in each type, at least in the section where it describes what namevars
2013 May 30
Run a File resource only if another file is missing
Hi, I would like to run the File resource below: file { ''autoconfig.php'': path => ''/var/www/owncloud/config/autoconfig.php'', ensure => file, owner => ''www-data'', group => ''www-data'',
2012 Aug 25
How can MCollective replace "puppet kick"?
Dear readers, I was shocked to see that "puppet kick" will be deprecated in 3.0.0 How can MCollective replace "puppet kick"? Hugs, Sandra -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on the web visit
2012 Nov 14
firewallchain issues w/ 1.0.0 release
Hi, First, some software versions, just to get them out of the way: - CentOS 5.x through Centos 6.2 - Ruby 1.8.5 - 1.8.7 - Puppet 2.7.19 - Facter 1.6.11 Just a note - we''re working from the EPEL repos almost exclusively. I am working with the firewall module, and so far I am unable to use firewallchain. Some digging suggests that it''s not completely user error (though I
2012 May 21
Looking for a path into the innards of the Puppet Firewall Module @ The Forge
For a few reasons: There is a missing bit of functionality that is important to me. I know WHAT I want to fox, but I do not know HOW. Also, if I am understanding how this module operates, I have ideas for other modules that use the same base methods. So, I am looking for either the folks that wrote this module or someone who can help me understand it enough for me to make some enhancements to
2012 May 14
problem with importing node definitions (2.7.14) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi all, Doing some work with a puppet 2.7.14 installation to see what''s new and needs to be changed, however i''m seeing unexpected behavior with my manifests, so my external node directory isn''t being imported. This is on a rhel 5 server with the puppet rpms from, but the cilent machines is based on fc17 beta with 2.7.13 rpm (which is with that
2013 Nov 26
puppet won't change user's password
Hi! I''m trying to set password for a user. I do the following: user { "username": password => ''*'', } And when I run puppet agent nothing happens. The password remains the same. But if I create a new user which doesn''t exist yet, the password is set without any problems. Is this a normal behaviour of ''user'' type? --