search for: yanez

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 27 matches for "yanez".

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2006 Jul 13
Migrations + foreign keys
Hi all, In the AWDR author use the execute method to declare foreign keys: execute "alter table.... add constraint.... foreign key...." Is there a ruby sintax to declare a foreign key in a migration class? -- Posted via
2005 Jun 29
Problem connecting to MySQL
Hello, when I invoke an action of my rails web app I recieve this message: No such file or directory - /tmp/mysql.sock In my MySQL config file I have this line: socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock Why Rails doesn''t pick up this value instead of his default value? How could I change the configuration of Rails in order to change that value? -- / Eduardo Yáñez Parareda /
2006 Aug 11
Some questions of REST actions
I''ve set up my application to use edge rails in order to get REST functionality. I''ve a controller called team (team_controller.rb) with some actions (index, list, show, create, new....). Moreover in routes.rb I''ve added map.resources :team so I guess I could call localhost:3000/xxxx/team/1 or localhost:3000/xxxx/team/1;edit Well, when I do the first call, server
2008 Jul 24
How to add link_to_remote element with RJS?
Hello, after executing an action, I add an <li> element to an existing list using a RJS template: page.insert_html :bottom, :contributors, "<li id=''contributor.#{}''>#{}</li>" but I need to add an image with a link_to_remote as I have in a partial page: <li id="contributor.<%=
2006 Aug 01
Hi, Is it SimplyRestful compatible with Rails 1.1.4 or Would I need edge Rails? -- Posted via
2006 Aug 14
Another try with REST
I''m using edge rails. My routes.rb is: map.connect '':controller/service.wsdl'', :action => ''wsdl'' # Install the default route as the lowest priority. map.connect '':controller/:action/:id'' map.resources :team <---- THIS LINE ADDED BY ME Also have a team_controller.rb, a team.rb model and scaffolding for it. If I
2006 Jul 13
Regenerate DB
Hi again :), I''m playing with migrations. I''ve created some migrations classes and with rake db:migrate the tables are created and altered fine, but then I dropped some of the tables and when I run db:migrate command again I don''t get tables being re-created. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to run db:migration in order to drop the tables? -- Posted via
2010 Dec 30
validates_inclusion_of doesn't match constant
Hello, I have a model Model: SPECIAL_FEATURES = %w(none top) class Model validates_inclusion_of :special_feature, :in => Model::SPECIAL_FEATURES, :on => :create, :message => "special_feature %s is not defined" belongs_to :team def special_feature attributes = attributes_before_type_cast if attributes["special_feature"]
2006 Mar 14
Starting with RJS - not working
Hi, I''m trying to work with RJS and folowed Cody Fauser''s tutorial ( I''ve started by creating a new rails applications and executing rake freeze_edge rake rails:update:javascripts rake rails:update:scripts After that I''ve created a controller: class DtestController < ApplicationController
2006 Aug 11
Changing to edge rails
Hi, I''m developing an application and used rails 1.1.4 o generate the structure, some models, scaffoldings and so. How it is in an early stage I''ve decided to use edge rails instead of stable release. Well, I''ve checked-out edge rails in a directory and made a symbolic link within vendor/rails dir of my application. Is it enough to use edge rails or do I need to do
2006 Aug 18
How update a record which hasn''t id column?
Hi, I''ve two database tables 1-N related and one of them doesn''t have id column: matches (id, more columns), match_details(match_id, ... more columns) Also have two models that represents these tables: Match MatchDetail has_one :match_detail belongs_to :match, :foreign_key => ''match_id'' When I
2006 Jul 18
Replacing scaffolds
Hi all, having a scaffold for a model, I''d like to replace some of the views that Rails offers me. When it''s showed the details of a particular model, I''d like to show a link to an action of the controller. What must I do?, Should I create a new show.rhtml view to get the dafault view replaced? -- Posted via
2006 Jul 18
One or several controllers?
Hi again, I have several model classes that need CRUD operations on them. Could I have a controller to manage scafolding for all of them or I need a controller for each model? -- Posted via
2013 Mar 13
Revolution R Enterprise Server
Estimados,   En la empresa donde trabajo estamos incurriendo en la necesidad de instalar en R en el servidor para reproducir nuestros modelos desarrollados y demás análisis a gran escala. Alguno de estudes tiene conocimiento sobre la conveniencia de instalar R en el servidor a través de Revolution R Enterprise Server, y las bondades del mismo, sobre todo en seguridad.   De ante mano, muchas
2008 Feb 22
Problems with drag&drop + scrollbar
Hello, I''m using RoR 2.0.2. In a page my app has a droppable DIV, and several draggable items in another DIV. Item''s DIV is declared overflow => auto, so when there are too many items in the list a scrollbar appears. Then, if user peeks an item and try to drag it to the droppable DIV, the item beings hidden below that DIV. Drag&drop still works fine in this situation, but
2006 Oct 11
Hello, I''m having troubles with accents in words I retrieve from database. What I expect is ''Retención'' but what I get is ''Retenci?n''. When I retrieve that info with a Java app it works fine. Is there any solution? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2007 Feb 20
From edge to stable version
Hi, I was developing an app with Edge-Rails. When 1.2.1 version arrived I removed the rails directory within vendor and application doesn''t work anymore. Alse I made a gem cleanup and I got this error running webRick server: /usr/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:204:in `report_activate_error'': RubyGem version error: activesupport(1.4.1 not = 1.4.0) (Gem::LoadError) from
2008 Jul 23
Link_to_remote object missing
Hello, I''m in troubles trying to use ''link_to_remote'' on Rails 2.1. Having this page: <h4>Editing project</h4> <% form_for(:project, :url => project_path(@project), :html => { :method => :put }) do |f| %> <p> Name <%= f.text_field :name %> Date <%= calendar_date_select :project, :target_date, :time =>
2006 Jul 18
Saving an ActiveRecord object
I get this error when I try to save an object that extends of ActiveRecord: NoMethodError in TeamController#add_player You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occured while evaluating nil.keys .... .... #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/player.rb:17:in `create_player'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/team_controller.rb:53:in `add_player'' And my Player model
2006 Aug 16
Create several models at once and validating
I have two models User and Team. Also I have a register form where the new user fill in her data and choose a name for a Team. Well, in the user model there are several validations which work fine, but team model also have a validation for a uniqueness name that doesn''t fire up when she gives an existent team''s name. This is the flow it follows: /user/new -> it shows a