search for: xyvalues

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "xyvalues".

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2010 Jul 02
S4 classes and debugging - Is there a summary? doesn't really help in easily finding the bit of code you're interested in. Getting the code with getAnywhere() doesn't always work. Debug() doesn't work. Using trace() and browser() is not an option, as I can't find the correct method. eg : library(raster) > getAnywhere(xyValues) A single object matching ?xyValues? was found It was found in the following places package:raster namespace:raster with value standardGeneric for "xyValues" defined from package "raster" function (object, xy, ...) standardGeneric("xyValues") <environment: 0x0...
2010 Aug 26
Passing arguments between S4 methods fails within a function:bug? example with raster package.
...his problem came up initially while debugging a function, but it seems to be a more general problem of R. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't find another explanation. Let me illustrate with the raster package. For an object "RasterLayer" (which inherits from Raster), there is a method xyValues defined with the signature (object="RasterLayer",xy="matrix"). There is also a method with signature (object="Raster",xy="vector"). The only thing this method does, is change xy into a matrix and then pass on to the next method using callGeneric again. Argume...
2010 Aug 26
my function decided to stop working, problem with scoping?
Hello list. Until last week, I've been using my function without a problem. I can only imagine what has changed (no package updates), but all of a sudden, a custom function that uses raster::xyValues stopped working. For some reason, one of the values is not found, even though it's there. Here is a snippet of code from browser() call from within my custom function where everything goes awry. Browse[1]> effect.distance [1] 220.2045 # just to make sure effect.distance is there Browse[1]&...
2012 Sep 18
extracting values
Hi all, I 'm doing the exercise given in the 'SDM with R' (Robert J. Hijmans and Jane Elith), chapter 4.2, regarding extracting values . I tried to do the same using my own data as well. Each cases i received the following error message ; "Error in .xyValues(x, as.matrix(y), ...) : xy should have 2 columns only. Found these dimensions: Can some body explain me how to get rid of that? Thanks in advance. champika [[alternative HTML version deleted]]