search for: xlconnect

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 121 matches for "xlconnect".

2013 Jan 21
Problema gWidgets & XLConnect
Hola. Tengo una especie de "poltergeist"... a ver si alguien es capaz de echarme un cable.... sucede al usar los paquetes XLConnect ( y gWidgets ( simultáneamente en R 2.15.2 (de 32 bits bajo Windows 7) ... con la versión anterior (2.15.1), en las mismas condiciones, no pasa. Caso 1: # Cargo XLConnect . require(XLConnect)...
2011 Jun 27
XLConnect Error
Any ideas of what is happening when I attempt to load XLConnect? I think I installed everything correctly. I posted what I get when I installed rJava as well as when I attempted to load rJava directly. Thanks in advance for any help you can give on this. library(XLConnect) Loading required package: XLConnectJars Loading required package: rJava Error : .onLoad...
2012 May 09
Can't read xlsx file into R. Seem, Seem to have XLConnect loaded.
I have spent hours on R in Windows 7. Just installed 2 days ago so the R package should be current. Currently I am using the RGui (64-bit) for Windows. I can not read an Excel file into R from my computer. Have hours on this. Completely crazy!! I have the XLConnect package loaded. I think it is loaded because when I enter: > loadedNamespaces() [1] "base" "datasets" "graphics" "grDevices" [5] "methods" "rJava" "stats" "tools" [9...
2013 Apr 23
Questions on function "readNamedRegionFromFile" in XLConnect pacakge
Hi, I have two questions on the function "readNamedRegionFromFile" in XLConnect pacakge. 1. In the documentation, # multiregion xlsx file from demoFiles subfolder of package XLConnect demoExcelFile <- system.file("demoFiles/multiregion.xlsx", package = "XLConnect") # Load a single named region into a single data.frame....
2011 Aug 12
Extract named regions from an Excel file using XLConnect?
Hi Everybody In R, the XLConnect package can read and write named region to and from Excel. In order to read a named region with the readNamedRegion function you need to know it's name. You can check is a name exists with existsName, but you still have to know the name. Is there a way to actually get a list of the named region...
2013 Feb 14
Rcmdr, RODBC and XLConnect conflict cause R to crash
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2017 Nov 14
Possible bug(s) causing ggplot2 and XLConnect to crash recent builds of r-devel
...error". I also started the RGui for the 64-bit version and entered the same code into the console. The error message displayed in a dialog box was "R Windows GUI front-end has stopped working". Closing the dialog box cause RGui to close. I had a similar experience with the package XLConnect. Having used remove.packages to remove the ggplot2 and associated packages from the library, I installed XLConnect and it dependencies from CRAN from RStudio. Now the packages installed in "D:/Analyses/R LibDevel" were: "rJava", "XLConnect", "XLConnectJars"....
2013 Nov 04
Reading data from Excel file in r
Hi experts, I want to read data from an excel data like this: for the fifth column, from first row until 140 but only 1,3,5,7,.....139 (only 70 values), How can I do it in R? thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Aug 30
segfault in gplots::heatmap.2
...simple reproducible example causing the segfault on my machine. The offending dataset is quite big, so instead of posting it here I put it here: Please put it into offending.txt to make the code below working. This is the example. Note, that without loading 'XLConnect' this works nicely. #+begin_src R library("gplots") library("XLConnect") # any of XLConnect, venneuler, xlsx case a segfault offending <- dget("offending.txt") heatmap.2(x=offending) #+end_src Interestingly, I get a segfault when loading any of c(&qu...
2012 Aug 30
segfault in gplots::heatmap.2
...simple reproducible example causing the segfault on my machine. The offending dataset is quite big, so instead of posting it here I put it here: Please put it into offending.txt to make the code below working. This is the example. Note, that without loading 'XLConnect' this works nicely. #+begin_src R library("gplots") library("XLConnect") # any of XLConnect, venneuler, xlsx case a segfault offending <- dget("offending.txt") heatmap.2(x=offending) #+end_src Interestingly, I get a segfault when loading any of c(&qu...
2013 Nov 19
XLConnect error - "not implemented yet"
When using XLConnect's readWorksheet, instead of it correctly reading string and numeric columns, I receive NA's with the following message: " Error when trying to evaluate cell A2 - not implemented yet" I do not know what this means. Can anyone please assist? -- __________________________ *Barry...
2012 Aug 30
segfault in gplots::heatmap.2
...simple reproducible example causing the segfault on my machine. The offending dataset is quite big, so instead of posting it here I put it here: Please put it into offending.txt to make the code below working. This is the example. Note, that without loading 'XLConnect' this works nicely. #+begin_src R library("gplots") library("XLConnect") # any of XLConnect, venneuler, xlsx case a segfault offending <- dget("offending.txt") heatmap.2(x=offending) #+end_src Interestingly, I get a segfault when loading any of c(&qu...
2017 Sep 23
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Hi, I tried to read xlsx files by "XLConnect" packages, but the dates are one day earlier than it is supposed to be. I moved from California to Taiwan (Eastern Asia), and it worked well in California, but not in Taiwan. Even if I adjust my Mac time to California time zone, it gives the wrong dates. I don't know which part of the sett...
2017 Sep 23
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Hi John, It could be due to this: Jim On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 1:04 PM, John <miaojpm at> wrote: > Hi, > > I tried to read xlsx files by "XLConnect" packages, but the dates are > one day earlier than it is supposed to be. I moved from California to > Taiwan (Eastern Asia), and it worked well in California, but not in Taiwan. > Even if I adjust my Mac time to California time zone, it gives the wrong > dates. I don't know wh...
2011 May 30
Question of the XLConnect package
Hi Everybody I have started to learn how to use the XLConnect package and I think it is going to be very helpful to help me to operate between Excel users. Is there a function that can export a dataframe to a Excel sheet and automatically create a named region for every column (excluding the column heading) that correspond to the column name? If this is poss...
2012 May 25
Java problem - XLConnect/xlsx package
...m is the xlsx package. But if I load the package I get the following error: "Error : .onAttach in attachNamespace() Error: .jnew( "org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFWorkbook") " I did seth a path variable to the java folder (where the jvm.dll is). Then I tried to install the XLConnect package (which would not be that difficult to re-write my code to that package), this package loads without problems, but if I try to load a workbook an error comes up: Error: NoSuchMethodError (Java): org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions. setSaveAggressiveNamespaces()Lorg/apache/xmlbeans/XmlOptions; S...
2013 Apr 24
time from excel with XLConnect
When I read a time hh:mm:ss from a excel sheet with gdata read.xls it is as expected. When I read the time with readWorksheet I get 1899-12-31 00:20:00 UTC. I would prefer XLConnect because it does not nee perl installed but the data coming with XLConnect is not usable.
2014 Aug 01
Update R on a new Linux Mint Maya 13 + rJava and XLConnect
...led using: apt-get install r-base-core R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit) * What is the best way to upgrade to the latest version of R. * What is the best way to install rJava and XLConnect. Thanks for your time, Best, KW PS. I know some of you may have seen these questions before from me on r-help. I was told this forum might be a better place to peddle my problems. --
2015 Nov 12
Problema con la lectura de datos
Otra opción es importar directamente los datos que necesites usando XLConnect (sin llevarlos a CSV). Ese paquete permite hacer cosas muy potentes desde el propio fichero de Excel. Recomiendo, encarecidamente, la lectura de sus dos vignettes. Un Saludo, -- Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Muíños Dirección Xeral de Saúde P...
2013 Jul 22
problem loading large xlsx file into r
Hi, I am facing trouble when trying to read large xlsx file into R. please find the code and error below. The file I was trying to read has 36,500 rows X 188 col, ~ 37 MB size. > options( java.parameters = "-Xmx4g" ) > library(xlsx) Loading required package: xlsxjars Loading required package: rJava > cftc =