Chris Brien
2017-Nov-14 11:37 UTC
[Rd] Possible bug(s) causing ggplot2 and XLConnect to crash recent builds of r-devel
The following R code causes R to crashes under recent r-devel builds of R: library(ggplot2) RCBD.lay <- data.frame(Blocks = factor(rep(1:5, each = 6)), Units = factor(rep(1:6, times = 5)), Treatments = factor(rep(1:6, times = 5))) ggplot(data = RCBD.lay, aes(x = Units, y = Blocks, label = Treatments)) + geom_text(aes(colour = Treatments)) I have installed and am running R on a Windows 10 machine with Rtools34.exe installed. I am using RStudio version 1.1.383 This bug happens with combined Windows 32/64 bit binary builds of the 2017-11-11 r73707 and 2017-11-14 r73724 development snapshot of R. It does not occur under the build of the 2017-06-27 r72859 development snapshot of R. I installed the latest build with an empty R library tree " D:/Analyses/R LibDevel".> .libPaths()[1] "D:/Analyses/R LibDevel" [2] "C:/Program Files/StatSoft/R/R-devel.724/library" I installed package ggplot2 and its dependencies from CRAN using RStudio. As a result the following 20 packages were the only packages installed in the previously empty library tree: "colorspace","dichromat","digest","ggplot2","gtable","labeling","lazyeval", "magrittr","munsell","plyr","R6","RColorBrewer","Rcpp","reshape2","rlang","scales", "stringi","stringr","tibble","viridisLite" I then executed the above code in the Console window of Rstudio (running 64 bit R) and received the message "R Session aborted" with the information that "R encountered a fatal error". I also started the RGui for the 64-bit version and entered the same code into the console. The error message displayed in a dialog box was "R Windows GUI front-end has stopped working". Closing the dialog box cause RGui to close. I had a similar experience with the package XLConnect. Having used remove.packages to remove the ggplot2 and associated packages from the library, I installed XLConnect and it dependencies from CRAN from RStudio. Now the packages installed in "D:/Analyses/R LibDevel" were: "rJava", "XLConnect", "XLConnectJars". In this case executing library(XLConnect) cause the same response - "R Session aborted" with the information that "R encountered a fatal error". These are not packages that I maintain. However, I have packages (imageData and dae) that depend on ggplot2 and it seems that this bug is preventing me from compiling the packages under the most recent builds, although I can build the packages under the build of the 2017-06-27 r72859 development snapshot of R. Regards, Chris Brien Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Statistics ----- Phenomics and Bioinformatics Research Centre University of South Australia GPO Box 2471 ADELAIDE 5001 South Australia Phone:? +61 8 8302 5535 Fax:? +61 8 8302 5785 Email:?? Chris.Brien at WEB page:? <> CRICOS No 00121B