Displaying 20 results from an estimated 416 matches for "womens".
Did you mean:
2004 Mar 22
I got bitten recently by the following behaviour of detach();
> save(file="Junk")
> attach("Junk")
> search()
[1] ".GlobalEnv" "file:Junk" "package:methods" "package:ctest"
[5] "package:mva" "package:modreg" "package:nls" "package:ts"
2007 Apr 18
Problems in programming a simple likelihood
As part of carrying out a complicated maximum likelihood estimation, I
am trying to learn to program likelihoods in R. I started with a simple
probit model but am unable to get the code to work. Any help or
suggestions are most welcome. I give my code below:
mlogl <- function(mu, y, X) {
n <- nrow(X)
zeta <- X%*%mu
llik <- 0
for (i in 1:n) {
2014 Jan 03
Question about --files-from= and folder structure
I'm writing a script to sync some mp3 files. Due to a limitation in the
number of destination files that can be read from my thumb drive, I'm
not looking to preserve the original file structure (actually, I'm
looking to sync *only the files* to the new destination directory).
The source files are all subfolders under /backup/Music:
./Adrian Legg/Mrs. Crowe's Blue Waltz/Paddy
1999 Jan 13
problem w/ lm() ?
Any thoughts on the following? Am I missing something? [I am running R
for Windows 0.63.1 on a Win NT 4.0 (workstation, sevice pack #4) box.]
Thanks. FC.
R : Copyright 1998, The R Development Core Team
Version 0.63.1 Beta (Dec 5, 1998)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type "?license" or
2010 Feb 09
lm combined with splines
In the following I tried 3 versions of an example in R help. Only the two first predict command work.
After :
fm1 <- lm(weight ~ bs(height, df = 5), data = women)
ht1 <- seq(57, 73, len = 200)
ph1 <- predict(fm1, data.frame(height=ht1)) # OK
plot(women, xlab = "Height (in)", ylab = "Weight (lb)")
lines(ht1, ph1)
2006 Sep 05
Sweave and the "[" function
I am wanting to use the "[" operator in an S-chunk, e.g.
to show the equivalence of three methods of extracting an element from
a data.frame.
However Sweave returns the last of these as
in the S input chunk
How can I force it not to do this and return "["(women,1)
2008 Mar 28
Comparing proportions between groups
Hello there,
I have two groups (men and women) and I know per group how many of them
smoke or don't smoke (women 40 of 200; men 100 of 300). I would like to know
how I can compare in R if men and women differ significantly in their
smoking. However, because there are more men in the sample than women I
cannot just compare the number of smokers and non-smokers in both groups,
right?! (I would
2012 Mar 14
using predict() with poly(x, raw=TRUE)
Dear r-devel list members,
I've recently encountered the following problem using predict() with a model
that has raw-polynomial terms. (Actually, I encountered the problem using
model.frame(), but the source of the error is the same.) The problem is
technical and concerns the design of poly(), which is why I'm sending this
message to r-devel rather than r-help.
To illustrate:
2005 Feb 13
Select Enumerated Values with FormOptionsHelper
...n the
So here''s my situation. I have a table called "divisions" with a column
named "format". It''s a varchar, but only the following values are
valid: ["open", "womens", "coed"]. Naturally, I want to have an HTML
select element on the edit page that contains the valid values, and is
set to the current value. It seems like FormOptionsHelper#select should
do exactly what I want, so I tried this:
<%= select("division", "forma...
2010 Nov 01
sqldf error only on Unix not Windows
Hello Group,
I am having trouble with the sqldf package on unix. The same code works fine on windows.
Silly Example script:
# Load the package
# Use the titanic data set
sqldf('select height, count(*) from women where height is not null group by weight')
Unix Output and error:
bash-3.00$ R --vanilla <testR.R
2009 Sep 03
How can I appoint a small part of the whole data
Dear all,
I have 1980~1990 eleven datas,
every year have three variables,
gender(1=female, 2=male)
race(1=black, 2=white)
My original commands is:
I have three questions:
1. If I want to appoint y=women's wage in 1990
yo=women's wage in 1980
2. If I want to appoint y=women's wage in
2018 Mar 14
EuroLLVM: Women in Compilers and Tools Reception Tickets
We still have some tickets available for the Women in Compilers and Tools reception that is held the night before the 2018 Euro LLVM Developers’ Meeting in Bristol, UK.
Tickets are available here.
This is an evening reception on April 15th that includes dinner, drinks,
2011 Jun 06
list demographics
Hi all,
I got curious about something, so in proper scientific fashion I
obtained some data and analyzed it.
Question: what is the female participation in the R-help email list?
Data: the most recent list postings, obtained from the website. I took
my best shot at classifying the names given in the email header as
male/female, but ended with a fair number of unknowns.
This dataset had 2797
2005 Apr 19
controlling the x axis of boxplots
v 2.0.1 (sooooh old!) on Win2k
I think I know the answer to this but I can hope ...
I have data for continuous variables (measures of residents) by a
categorical variable in range (1,22), the units in which they live.
I want to plot these data with a pair of boxplots one above another
with same x-axis (1,22) using par(mfrow=c(2,1)) and then plotting
first for the women then for the men.
2008 Dec 24
Using SPSS Labels
I am trying to import a SPSS.sav file into R. The attached file is not
technically the file I am trying to import, but does replicate my
problem. The actual file is much too large to attach. No matter what I
do, I can not get R (base or Hmisc) to apply the value labels in
the .sav file to the dataframe created in R. Here's the code that I am
maine <- spss.get("test.sav")
2016 May 05
Resuming the discussion of establishing an LLVM code of conduct
Am 05.05.2016 um 23:19 schrieb Tanya Lattner:
> Having a code of conduct like this is just as bad as having no code
> of conduct at all. It trivializes the importance of a code of conduct
> and its pretty much impossible to enforce.
Regardless of what kind CoC you have: if it comes to having to enforce
it, the community has stopped being open and welcoming.
So I think this approach is
2008 Aug 23
graphs for pretest data
Is there an easy way to make graphs for the following data. I have
pretest and posttest scores for men and
women. I would like to form a 'titlted segment' plot for the data.
That is, make segments joining the scores,
with different types of segments for men and women.
Example data:
menpre <- c(43,42,26,39,60,60,46)
menpost <- c(40,41,36,42,54,58,43)
womenpre <-
2012 May 05
Dear users of metafor,
I am working on a meta-analysis using the metafor package. I have a
excel csv database that I am working with. I am interested in pooling
the effect measures for a particular subgroup (European women) in this
csv database. I am conducting both sub-group and meta-regression.
In subgroup-analyses, I have stratified the database to create a
separate csv file just for European
2002 Aug 17
Peculiar behavior of attached objects
I've just discovered R and think it is terrific. I quickly reproduced
results with a few lines of R commands that 7 years ago I had to do with
a larger fortran code and many calls to NAG routines. (I'm mostly a
computational plasma physicist, but occasionally delve into statistical
analysis of data.)
But I've come accross a very peculiar behavior of attached objects that
cost me
2007 Jun 28
sampling question
I am interested in locating a script to implement a sampling scheme
that would basically make it more likely that a particular observation
is chosen based on a weight associated with the observation. I am
trying to select a sample of ~30 census blocks from each ZIP code area
based on the proportion of women in a ZCTA living in a particular
block. I want to make it more likely that a block will