Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6925 matches for "weighte".
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2000 Jan 04
Stepwise logistic discrimination - II
I apologise for writing again about the problem with using stepAIC +
multinom, but I think the reason why I had it in the first place is
perhaps there may be a bug in either stepAIC or multinom.
Just to repeat the problem, I have 126 variables and 99 cases. I don't
know if the large number of variables could be the problem. Of couse the
reason for doing a stepwise method is to reduce this
2002 Feb 06
Weighted median
Is there a weighted median function out there similar to weighted.mean()
but for medians? If not, I'll try implement or port it myself.
The need for a weighted median came from the following optimization
x* = arg_x min (a|x| + sum_{k=1}^n |x - b_k|)
a : is a *positive* real scalar
x :...
2011 Jan 17
Using summaryBy with weighted data
...rep(2,20), rep(3,20), rep(4,20), rep(5,20))
weights = runif(100, 0, 1)
mydata = data.frame(response,group,weights)
## run summaryBy without weights:
summaryBy(response~group, data = mydata, FUN = mean)
## attempt to run summaryBy with weights, throws error
summaryBy(x~group, data = mydata, FUN = weighted.mean, w=weights )
## throws the error:
# Error in tapply(lh.data[, lh.var[vv]], rh.string.factor, function(x) { :
# arguments must have same length
My guess is that summaryBy is not giving weighted.mean() each group of weights, but instead is passing all of the weights in the data set each...
2006 Aug 04
why does lm() not allow for negative weights?
...s? I suspect that there is a good reason for this.
Yet, I can see reasonable cases when one wants to use negative case weights.
Take lm() for example:
n <- 20
Y <- rnorm(n)
X <- cbind(rep(1,n),runif(n),rnorm(n))
Weights <- rnorm(n)
# Includes Pos and Neg Weights
# Now do Weighted LS and get beta coeffs:
b <- solve(t(X)%*%diag(Weights)%*%X) %*% t(X) %*% diag(Weights)%*%Y
# This seems like a valid model, but when I try
lm(Y ~ X[,2:3],weights=Weights)
# I get: "missing or negative weights not allowed"
What is the rationale for not allowing negative weig...
2007 May 31
Problem with Weighted Variance in Hmisc
The function wtd.var(x,w) in Hmisc calculates the weighted variance of x
where w are the weights. It appears to me that wtd.var(x,w) = var(x) if all
of the weights are equal, but this does not appear to be the case. Can
someone point out to me where I am going wrong here? Thanks.
Tom La Bone
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2012 Oct 08
weighted cumulative distribution with ggplot2
Dear all,
I am trying to draw a weighted cumulative distribution (as defined
here http://rss.acs.unt.edu/Rdoc/library/spatstat/html/ewcdf.html)
with ggplot2
however the syntax
temp<-qplot(X,weight=weight,data=data,stat = "ecdf", geom =
seems not to produce exactly the right figure (th...
2009 Nov 14
Weighted descriptives by levels of another variables
I've noticed that R has a number of very useful functions for
obtaining descriptive statistics on groups of variables, including
summary {stats}, describe {Hmisc}, and describe {psych}, but none that
I have found is able to provided weighted descriptives of subsets of a
data set (ex. descriptives for both males and females for age, where
accurate results require use of sampling weights).
Does anybody know of a function that does this?
What I've looked at already:
I have looked at describe.by {psych} which will give descript...
2012 Jul 03
EM algorithm to find MLE of coeff in mixed effects model
I have a general question about coefficients estimation of the mixed model.
I simulated a very basic model: Y|b=X*\beta+Z*b +\sigma^2* diag(ni);
b follows
N(0,\psi) #i.e. bivariate normal
where b is the latent variable, Z and X are ni*2 design matrices, sigma is
the error variance,
Y are longitudinal data, i.e. there are ni
2008 Mar 10
Weighting data when running regressions
Dear R-Help,
I'm new to R and struggling with weighting data when I run regression. I've
tried to use search to solve my problem but haven't found anything helpful
so far.
I (successfully) import data from SPSS (15) and try to run a linear
regression on a subset of my data file where WEIGHT is the name of my
weighting variable (numeric), e.g.:
2006 Aug 30
working with summarized data
The data sets I am working with all have a weight variable--e.g.,
each row doesn't mean 1 observation.
With that in mind, nearly all of the graphs and summary statistics
are incorrect for my data, because they don't take into account the
For example "median" is incorrect, as the quantiles aren't calculated
with weights:
sum( weights[X < median(X)] )
2008 Jul 23
Weighted variance function?
There is a R function to calculate weighted mean : weighted.mean() under
stats package. Is there any direct R function for calculating weighted
variance as well?
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2005 Apr 13
logistic regression weights problem
Hi All,
I have a problem with weighted logistic regression. I have a number of
SNPs and a case/control scenario, but not all genotypes are as
"guaranteed" as others, so I am using weights to downsample the
importance of individuals whose genotype has been heavily "inferred".
My data is quite big, but with a dummy...
2011 Jul 06
how to best present concentrated data points/ ggplot2
Hi all,
I am trying to plot a weighted density plot for two different types and want to show the data points on the x axis.
The code is as follows. The data points are very concentrated. Is there a better way to present it( should I set the alpha value or something else)?
x <- rnorm(10000)
a <- r...
2017 May 11
What's the weight means in the dump of edge info from USR2?
Thank you, that is very helpful. And actually I do have a few further questions regarding this:
1. This weight is not the one specified in Subnet, this should be something related to the host, where can I manually configure this?
2. The weight value is ONLY take round trip latency as the measurement, or including CPU power and other factors into consideration?
3. I don't know how this
2012 Jul 18
How does "rlm" in R decide its "w" weights for each IRLS iteration?
...l down-weighting for each case.
init (optional) initial values for the coefficients OR a method to find
initial values OR the result of a fit with a coef component. Known methods
are "ls" (the default) for an initial least-squares fit using weights
w*weights, and "lts" for an unweighted least-trimmed squares fit with 200
b. The returned values:
w the weights used in the IWLS process
wresid a working residual, weighted for "inv.var" weights only.
How to use these input arguments?
Anybody please shed some light?
Also, is my understanding below correct?...
2009 Jul 23
Random # generator accuracy
...ry to see the code for your 'brief test' before anyone
could meaningfully comment on your results. But your results for a single
test could have been a valid "random" result."
I've re-created what I did below. The problem appears to be with the
weighting process: the unweighted sample came out much closer to the actual
than the weighted sample (>1% error) did. Comments?
> x
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
> weights
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
> a = mean(replicate(1000000,(sample(x, 3, prob = weights))));a # (1
million samples from x, of size...
2008 Jun 03
Rpart and case weights: working with functions
I can't get rpart accept case weights defined inside a function.
It keeps using the copy defined in the "global" environment (if they
exists) instead of the function-defined ones.
Here is what I do:
test.function <- function (formula, data) {
weights <- rep(.1, 100)
rpart(formula, data, weights)
test.function(x~y, data)
And I get an error:
> Error in
2007 May 08
Weighted least squares
Dear all,
I'm struggling with weighted least squares, where something that I had
assumed to be true appears not to be the case. Take the following
data set as an example:
df <- data.frame(x = runif(100, 0, 100))
df$y <- df$x + 1 + rnorm(100, sd=15)
I had expected that:
summary(lm(y ~ x, data=df, weights=rep(2, 100)))
2017 May 10
What's the weight means in the dump of edge info from USR2?
Hi, tinc experts
abc to def at x.x.x.x port 655 options d weight 540
How’s the 540 weight been calculated? What does it mean? How can I leverage this weight?
The d of after options mean direct?
2010 Apr 16
Weights in binomial glm
I have some questions about the use of weights in binomial glm as I am
not getting the results I would expect. In my case the weights I have
can be seen as 'replicate weights'; one respondent i in my dataset
corresponds to w[i] persons in the population. From the documentation
of the glm method, I understand that the weights can indeed be used
for this: "For a binomial GLM prior