Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "w32codecs".
2005 Dec 29
How to play emebed media files(online movies and music) in centos?
Does anyone know which package i should install in order to play online
movies and music (trailer video)? My friend told me that kaffeine does
a good job but after installing it , firefox still complains that no
plugin available to display media file. Any suggestion are welcome.
Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail
2006 Dec 18
Multimedia setup for LTSP
...Dag's, Karanbir's and Dries' repositories according
?Is there some intention to make a multimedia group as others groups
(FTP Server, Web Server... etc)? It would be great.
?What packages do you recommend to me for that (I supose lame, mplayer...)?
?Is there any way to install w32codecs package in my AMD64 box?
Jordi Espasa Clofent
PGP id 0xC5ABA76A #http://pgp.mit.edu/
FSF Associate Member id 4281 #http://www.fsf.org/
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2006 Feb 14
Windows codec
Hi all,
Is it possible to run video in windows codec with Centos4.2? Such as AVI
video. Where can I get it?
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial
15:17:10 up 26 min, 2.6.15-1.1830_FC4 GNU/Linux
Let's use OpenOffice. http://www.openoffice.org
2008 Dec 28
Can Foobar2000 use wineasio?
I have AudioFire2 1394 sound card. I installed ffado and jack server and they can works well. I can play music or movie through mplayer with audiofire2. But I have many ape/flac music. So I want to use foobar2000 under wine and hope foobar2000 can play through audiofire2. From google. seems wineasio can do it. I installed it but foobar2000 still can not work on audiofire2. Anybody can help me or
2007 Mar 08
I am trying to get my latest installation of Centos (4.4) to see videos
when I am in www.cnn.com.
I installed mplayer using yum and that went well. But I still get the
screen from microsoft saying I need to install their plugin..
What more can I do to get these videos to work when I use either mozilla
or konqueror..
2007 Aug 10
Building rpm-s from binaries
We'd like to simplify deployment of new blades and I need to package some of
proprietary libs we are using, and obviously I don't have sources for them.
Can anybody point me into good direction how to make packages from binaries? I
have basic knowledge about building rpms, but it seems to be source oriented.
Thanks in advance
Tomasz Napierala
System Administrator
Allegro Team
2005 Sep 23
Re: [OT] Rails intro video MOVs - what Open Source, player to use?
> Slightly OT question here, but I have a friend who needs to watch the Rails
> intro movs, but is on Linux and has no way of using an actual Quicktime
> player.
VLC? I assumed everyone used that anyway.
2005 Dec 06
BIG Samba howto for debian only.
...o STABLE ( Debian Sarge 3.1r0 )
## Laatest Samba from samba.org
#deb http://us4.samba.org/samba/ftp/Binary_Packages/Debian sarge samba
#deb-src http://us2.samba.org/samba/ftp/Binary_Packages/Debian sarge samba
## MPEG/AVI addons +W32CODECS With MPlayer
#deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ sarge main
## www.dotdeb.org, updated php4/php5 mysql-41 mysql-50 qmail clamav etc etc.
## check the site for the packages list. if you want only 1 package (
preferred )
## cha...