search for: vs2k5sp1

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2008 Dec 07
[LLVMdev] Build errors on trunk for about a week now.
...ludes, libraries, or whatnot (those defines I require for everything I compile, they fix some things Microsoft horribly broken). The "const" still needs to be added to the function, that is correct and has to be done. However, the string error in debug builds was a bug that was fixed in VS2k5SP1; I, apparently, was running the SP1 beta. So when I add const to that functor, everything builds nice and fine (well, besides the ton of warnings), the example apps work, etc... and so forth. Thanks for the help though. But yes, let me say again, that functor still needs const added to it. It i...
2008 Dec 05
[LLVMdev] Build errors on trunk for about a week now.
I did some looking up on that const thing. Apparently that const is 'supposed' to be there, but it is not strictly required. However there is a bug in VS2k3 (VS7) through VS2k8 (VS9) (no clue if it has been fixed yet) that requires it to be there when the functor is being called through a const qualified interface, such as through stl containers. They state that a bug report has been