Displaying 20 results from an estimated 46 matches for "versuchs".
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2005 Mar 11
RODBC Package
Hello R-Help,
is there any way of using the RODBC Package on a Mac OS X
System? If yes, what do I need to get it running. Concerning these
issues, I am pretty unexperienced, so please state any step
necessary. The actual problem is accessing data in Excel- files.
(unfortunately no alternative way of entering the data).
I already installed the Package, but it says the following:
> versuch
2009 Jul 14
Ubuntu JGR
I cannot get JGR installed.
Here is what I have tried so far http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/R
1. sudo -s # root werden
R CMD javareconf
root at gunnar-laptop:~# R CMD javareconf
Java interpreter : /usr/bin/java
Java version : 1.5.0_18
Java home path : /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-
Java compiler : /usr/bin/javac
Java headers gen.: /usr/bin/javah
Java archive
2009 Jul 13
Ubuntu und R
Hallo Zusammen,
hatte gestern die Schnauze voll von Vista und habe mir daraufhin Ubuntu
installiert. Bin also mit Ubuntu ?berhaupt nicht vertraut.
Nun habe ich ohne Erfolg versucht, R zu installieren.
Soweit ich der Anleitung folgen konnte habe ich es so wie auf
http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/R gemacht.
Im Terminal kann ich R problemlos starten.
Allerdings bei der Installation von
2005 May 03
Problem: R lässt sich nicht starten
ich schreibe einfach mal deutsch, und hoffe dass Du das auch verstehst
(if not write me back in English).
OS X 10.3.9
Ich habe R 2.1.0 installiert, und das Programm hat auch funktioniert.
Will wenig sp??ter wieder mit R arbeiten, es l??sst sich aber nicht mehr
starten. "Das Programm R wurde unerwartet beendet", w??hrend ich versuche
es durch Doppelklicken auf das R.app-symbol
2003 Oct 13
PRI/E1: machine freeze/dies after a few calls
Hi all,
inside my * is a E400P. The machine is a PII 400Mhz with 256MB Ram. OS is
Debian woody. * is the newest cvs co.
I have written a little callgen script which make outgoing calls through my
#! /bin/sh
set -e
n=$1 # Nummer
anz=$2 # Anzhal der Versuche
anz2=$3 # Kan?le
sle=$4 # Timeout bis zum n?chsten Versuch
if [ -z $4 ]; then
2009 Feb 10
Problem installing MASS-Package
Dear R-Help-Team,
I tried to use isoMDS-Function of the MASS-Package:
Fehler: konnte Funktion "isoMDS" nicht finden
(error: could not find function "isoMDS")
so I tried to install the package MASS:
> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()
versuche URL 'http://cran.rakanu.com/bin/windows/contrib/2.8/VR_7.2-45.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 1598763
2011 Feb 08
CentOs 5.5 Glusterfs 3.1.0 Samba 3.5 MSOffice Files
Dear all,
I have set up a two node workin gluster with glusterfs3.1 and Samba-Sernet
Everything is working great except MSOffice files (Word/Excell). On the
gluster-vol they have the strange behavior
That they rest read only, write protected. Every other type of files can be
manged without problem, openoffice files too.
So when I save a word file on the vol and try to change it it is write
2012 Sep 05
Installing lumi and hdrcde
To whom it may concern.
As I would like to analyse some array data I was keen on downloading the
lumi package that depends obviously on hdrcde that is not available for r
2.12.1. I did not find instructions to solve or circumvent this problem.
Installing hdrcde by hand did not work either. It was not detected by
> (.packages(all.available=TRUE))
if installed in the R library.
2002 Jun 24
Memdisk wieder aus Speicher entfernen
versuche mit Pxelinux Windows 98 ?ber das Netz zu laden. Hierzu verwende ich
Memdisk und ein Imgage einer funktionierenden Startdiskette (1,44 MB).
Memdisk und das Image werden korrekt geladen. Auch startet die Autoexec.bat
korrekt. Beim Start von Windows bricht das System allerdings ab. Mein
Verdacht ist, dass es an dem noch im Speicher stehenden Memdisk liegt. Gibt
es eine M?glichkeit
2001 Aug 16
wozu Wine?
Hallo NG-Leser,
ich denke mal, mir fehlt vielleicht einfach nur die Erfahrung, aber ich hab
bisher _kein_ einziges Win-Programm unter Linux zum Laufen bekommen.
Eigentlich m?chte ich nur einen IE 5.5 benutzen k?nnen, um zu sehen, ob
meine unter Linux entwickelten Webpages auch im IE gut aussehen. (jeder
Webmaster kennt ja die Probleme)
Aber mit Wine ist da wohl nix zu machen, wie? Ist das
2012 Jan 09
Open Street map problem
Dear all,
I would like to use R to create a map , with some points with no copyright. I am trying to use the open street map interface of Rgooglemaps package.
It seems that I am getting internal server error
[1] "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export?bbox=-74.02132,40.69983,-73.98622,4072595&scale=20&format=png"
versuche URL
2008 Dec 12
recursive List extraction question
...ment of each SL, which are the SSL1. It misses SSL2. Is
there a way to replace the ,"[[",1), with a regex or the like to get the
job done? Does anybody now any other solution?
Thanks and regards,
Andreas Dominik Cullmann
Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt
Wonnhalde 4
79100 Freiburg
Tel. +49 761 4018 204
Email: dominik.cullmann at forst.bwl.de
<mailto:dominik.cullmann at forst.bwl.de>
Homepage: www.fva-bw.de <http://www.fva-bw.de>
2009 Sep 07
Rmetrics: Problem with "align"
Hi there!
I'm stuck with a problem aligning financial timeseries and haven't found
a cue how to fix it...
When I run that simple script, everything goes well until the
x <- yahooSeries("^GDAXI")
xAligned <- align(x = x, by = "1d", method = "before", include.weekends
2018 Mar 22
Cannot install broom package
I've problems installing several packages in my R on Fedora 27 64 bit. I
found out that it has to do something with a missing compiler
(libgfortran.so.3, see below).
It works if I downgrade the current version of libgfortran to the
specified version by downloading libgfortran-6.2.1-2.fc25.x86_64.rpm and
manually installing it.
However, I don't want to mess up my system,
2011 Jun 03
Problem using read.xls - Everything converted to factors
I would like to use to read.xls function from the gdata package to read
data from Microsoft Excel files but I experienced a problem: For example
I used the following code:
testfile<-read.xls("/home/.../wsjecon0603.xls", #file path
2013 Jun 10
Rcmdr seit heute nicht mehr ladbar
Wenn man ihn mal braucht ist er tot. folgende Fehlermeldung ereilt mich seit heute beim starten des R Commander auf dem Mac:
> library(Rcmdr)
Lade n?tiges Paket: car
Lade n?tiges Paket: MASS
Lade n?tiges Paket: nnet
Error : .onAttach in attachNamespace() f?r 'Rcmdr' fehlgeschlagen, Details:
? Aufruf: structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj")
? Fehler: [tcl]
2009 Sep 27
zoo: merging aggregated zoo-objects fails
Dear all,
I have several text files looking like this:
9063032 19700201 22:00 174.067
9063032 19700201 23:00 174.076
9063032 19700202 00:00 174.085
9063032 19700202 01:00 174.091
9063032 19700202 02:00 174.094
9063032 19700202 03:00 174.091
9063032 19700202 04:00 174.082
9063032 19700202 05:00 174.079
And I run this loop:
for (j in 1:nr.of.files)
DF <-
2017 May 11
Samba 4.6.x as secondary DC to Windows 2008 R2
Dear All,
I am running a two location SOHO network with a Microsoft AD on a Windows 2008 R2 server. In detail, the infrastructure is as follows:
Primary location:
- 1 DC on Windows 2008 R2 hardware server
- 1 DC on Windows 2008 R2 virtual server
- 2 DC on Windows 2016 virtual servers (forest functional level 2008)
- 1 DC on Samba 4.6.2 on Debian Jessie
Secondary location:
- 1 DC on Samba 4.6.3
2019 Oct 21
New version Buster samba 4.11.1 availabe for testing.
Ive just uploaded a new build.
samba (2:4.11.1-0.1~buster~2) buster; urgency=medium
* d/control, samba-common-bin: added python3-markdown as needed package
- fixes:samba-tool schemaupgrade to Windows ServerR2 does not work.
! Thank Dirk S. for reporting that!
----------- THE REPO SETUP ---------------
- Import my key.
wget -O -
2009 Mar 23
Debian4.0 installation problems
I would like to install WinNE on my Debian 4.0 system.
For that I need to install the 32bit Libraries. The 2 first packages I could install with no troubles. But this package lib32z1-dev will display the following mistake:
libc6_2.3.6.ds1-13etch9_amd64.deb This package is being used also by the plesk and he cannot overwrite it.
What can I do?
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten