Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "veloppeur".
2006 Apr 02
je voudrais savoir s'il serait possible de sugg?rer aux d?veloppeurs
de R de proposer une option suppl?mentaire pour les moustaches, ?
savoir les placer sur d1 et d9 comme c'est pr?conis? dans les
programmes du secondaire en France, option du style boxplot
(serie,range=91) par exemple...
i would like to know if it is possible to have (with the agrement...
2003 Jul 01
French translation for the manpages -> possible inclusion ?
...an sont actuellement h?berg?es sur le site de G?rard Delafond
(http://www.delafond.org/traducmanfr/index.php), qui les envoie ensuite aux
diff?rentes distributions (? ma connaissance Debian GNU/Linux, Mandrake
GNU/Linux et RedHat, mais certainement d'autres ...).
R?cemment, un utilisateur et d?veloppeur Debian m'a demand? si j'avais contact?
l'?quipe OpenSSH pour une ?ventuelle inclusion des traductions dans la
distribution OpenSSH.
Alors ? ;)
Ci-dessous la liste des traductions disponibles :
2006 Mar 16
SCCP problem with ATA188, Asterisk@home and chan_sccp
...eld, the type field, tried different combinations of parameters, tried a single and multiple phones, but nothing works.
If anyone has an idea what might be causing this problem, I would very much appreciate your comments and suggestions.
Jean-Fran?ois Dontigny
Software Developper
D?veloppeur logiciel
Simplifying Service Assurance(tm)
Minacom Labs Inc.
260, Queen Street
Montreal (Quebec)
H3C 2N8
Tel.: (514) 879-9111 x226
Fax: (514) 879-9333
Email: jfdontigny@minacom.com <mailto:jfdontigny@minacom.com>
Web: www.minacom.com
-------------- next part --------------...
2008 Feb 22
Pb de compilation de mgeops-psp-3.0.6
...ns ant?rieures ? sigc++
1.2 n'est plus n?cessaire.
Il semble que Mandriva ai d?cid? de livrer la version de d?veloppement
(2.1.1) qui supprime ladite couche de compatibilit?... Sans
commentaire. C'est ce genre de d?cision qui m'a fait me d?tourner de
Mandriva, comme de nombreux autres d?veloppeurs et utilisateurs, au
profit d'une base Debian.
Sachant que ce code est g?n?r? par Glade (outil de g?n?ration
d'interface graphique), je ne peux rien faire de plus au niveau de
La seule solution est d'installer les paquets libsigc++ 2.0
2007 May 10
R talks at LSM 2007
Dear R users and developers,
Would any of you be interested in giving a lecture about R and/or R
use cases at the following free software conference that takes place
in Amiens, France, next summer?
We already had a talk on R last year by Yves Croissant
(http://2006.rmll.info/theme_26?lang=en) but are still open to any
submission this year.
We expect some talks this year (to be confirmed) about
2008 Mar 21
Problem with user regsitration and ldap on SVN version
[Mar 21 16:54:26] DEBUG[12002] sched.c: Attempted to delete nonexistent schedule entry -1!
As you can see, the peer is created the destroyed just after...
Any reasons why?
Thanks in advance,
Sylvain Desbureaux
Recherche et D?veloppement, Service aux entreprises
Ing?nieur concepteur d?veloppeur de services r?seaux pour les entreprises
sylvain.desbureaux at orange-ftgroup.com
2017 May 23
[imaptest] Explaining errors
...to communicate about such tests, for example:
- in news http://james.apache.org/#posts ?
- in medium article ?
We also would like to have James mentioned in the servers status page
How may we help you for that ?
Thanks in advance,
Antoine Duprat
D?veloppeur LGS/OBM/R&D
Committer/PMC Apache James
74-80 rue Roque de Fillol
92800 Puteaux
+33 (0)8 10 25 12 51
+33 (0)6 45 63 27 17
aduprat at linagora.com
La pr?sente transmission contient des informations confidentielles
appartenant ? Linagora,...
2000 Mar 14
samba and ldap
I have successfully setup samba (2.0.6 on redhat 6.1) to authenticate
users and get all user account information (home dir etc) from an ldap
server (openldap 1.2.7 on freebsd3.4) with win95/98 clients using
nss_ldap/pam_ldap and plaintext passwords.
I would like to use the same setup with client-side encryption ie.
between client (win98) and samba server, but have been unable to.
My question is
2008 Mar 21
----www.cdsportal.net---- wholesale voip provider
...ttempted to delete nonexistent
> schedule entry -1!
> As you can see, the peer is created the destroyed just after...
> Any reasons why?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sylvain Desbureaux
> Recherche et D?veloppement, Service aux entreprises
> Ing?nieur concepteur d?veloppeur de services r?seaux pour les entreprises
> sylvain.desbureaux at orange-ftgroup.com
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:27:43 +0100
> From: Olivier <oza-4h07 at myamail.com>
> Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] H...