Displaying 20 results from an estimated 211 matches for "veget".
Did you mean:
2008 Jan 28
matrix creation
...<- matrix(c(0.07,0,0.03,0.00,NA,0.00,
0.09,0.166666667,0.31,0.42,NA,0.00, 0.00,0,0.00,0.00,NA,0.00,
0.26,0.166666667,0.19,0.00,NA,0.00, 0.58,0.666666667,0.47,0.58,0,0.00),
nrow = 6, ncol = 6,
dimnames = list(c("Vegetative", "Vegetative with herbivory",
"Reproductive with herbivory", "Dormant", "Dead"),
c("Vegetative", "Vegetative with herbivory", "Reproductive",...
2007 Aug 28
subcripts on data frames (PR#9885)
...file called worms.txt at
the idea is to extract a subset of the rows, sorted in declining order
of worm density, with only the maximum worm density from each vegetation
[1] "Field.Name" "Area" "Slope" "Vegetation"
[6] "Damp" "Worm.density"...
2012 Oct 04
Creating vegetation distance groups from one column
Hi R listers,
I am trying to group distances of nests to the vegetation into classes that
are define by (0-5m, 6-10m, 11-15m, 16-20m, 21-25m, 26-30m, 31-35m, 36-40m,
41-45m, 46-50m, 51-55m, 56-60m). Each row is a nest and all the distances to
the vegetation is in a column.
In plyr, I have tried - below script but I think I am going about this the
wrong way and...
2008 Jul 06
What is my replication unit? Lmer for binary longitudinal data with blocks and two treaments.
First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read it.Here is my
I am running a lmer analysis for binary longitudinal (repeated measures)
Basically, I manipulated fruits and vegetation to two levels each(present
and absent) and I am trying to access how these factors affect mice foraging
behavior. The design consist of 12 plots, divided in 3 blocks. So each
block has 4 plots assigned to one of the following treatments.
Fruit intact and Vegetation intact
Fruit intact and...
2013 Jan 16
Mean calculation by two variables
...zodon intermedius", "Schizodon intermedius", "Schizodon intermedius",
"Schizodon intermedius"), Weight = c(0.06, 0.01, 0.01, 0.33, 0.01,
3.5, 0.01, 0.04, 0.01, 0.01, 0.38, 0.29, 0.04, 0.03, 0.11, 0.04,
0.04, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01), Food.item = c("Fish", "Vegetal", "Alga",
"MNI", "Sediment", "Fish", "Alga", "MNI", "Alga", "MNI", "Vegetal",
"Vegetal", "Vegetal", "Alga", "Vegetal", "Alga", "MNI", "Se...
2008 Jul 19
wroung groupedData despite reading Bates and Pinheiro 3 times
Hi everyone. I am trying to add a formula to my data using the groupedData
My experiment consists of randomized block design using fruits, vegetation
and time as factors. The idea is to see if fruits, vegetation and time
explain the abundance of mice. I am using tree density as a covariate.
So I tried to fit the following structure to my data.
> traps<-groupedData(mice~tree|plotID,outer=~time*fruit*veget|block,data=trap)
but time and...
2012 Sep 18
Formula in a data-frame
Hello all,
I'm new in R, and I have a data-frame like this (dput information below):
Specie Fooditem Occurrence Volume
1 Schizodon vegetal 1 0.05
2 Schizodon sediment 1 0.60
3 Schizodon vegetal 1 0.15
4 Schizodon alga 1 0.05
5 Schizodon sediment 1 0.90
6 Schizodon sediment 1 0.30
7 Schizodon sedime...
2007 Sep 05
ecological meaning of randomForest vegetation classification?
...imilar in the forum, so here's my problem (I'm no
expert in R nor statistics):
I have a data set of 59.000 cases with 9 variables each (fractional
coverage of 9 different plant types, such as deciduous broad-leaved
temperate trees or evergreen tropical trees etc.), which was generated by a
vegetation model.
In order to evaluate the quality of the vegetation model's output, I want
to compare it to a land-cover data set which has 23 different land-cover
types (such as needle leaved evergreen forest, dense broad-leaved forest,
barren, etc.).
A statistician advised me to use the randomFore...
2008 Jul 11
GroupedData for three way randomized block. LME
I am trying to fit a formula to my data, but I just can't find the right way
to do it.
My experiment consists of manipulating FRUITS and VEGETATION to two levels
each(intact or removed) on 12 experimental plots.
This leaves me with 4 treatment combinations
Fruit intact Vegetation removed
Fruit int. Veget int.
Fruit rem. Veget rem.
Fruit rem. Veget. intac
those treatements are distributed accross 3 blocks.
Plots were repeated surveye...
2010 Oct 24
best predictive model for mixed catagorical/continuous variables
...to advise on which package would offer the best
approach for producing a model able to predict the probability of species
occupation based upon a range of variables, some of them catagorical (eg.
ten soil types where the numbers assigned are not related to any
qualitative/quantitative continuum or vegetation type) and others continuous
such as field size or vegetation height.
I have tried using the TREE package but the models produced seem too
simplistic and discard most variables with the result that there is no
predictive power in the result.
I would expect that there will be interactions betw...
2010 Mar 12
simple plot in ggplot2, wrong error bars
...on Hadley's webpage
(http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/geom_errorbar.html), but it still doesn't make any
sense to me.
df <- data.frame(trt = factor(c("intact", "intact", "removed", "removed")),
coon = c(0.093, 0.06, 0.057, 0.09), group = factor(c("veget", "fruit",
"veget", "fruit")), se = c(0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.026))
limits <- aes(ymax = coon + se, ymin=coon - se)
p<-ggplot(df, aes(fill=group, y=coon, x=trt))
dodge <- position_dodge(width=...
2001 Nov 13
VEGAN: R functions for vegetation ecologists
A colleague has just passed me this interesting
"Vegan: R functions for vegetation ecologists"
"Vegan package is intended to help vegetation ecologists and
other community ecologists to use R. It is not a completely
self-contained package, but it complements other R functions.
At this first stage, vegan implements some of the
functionality of Peter Michi...
2009 Aug 20
ANCOVA with defined error terms
I am trying to run an ANCOVA with defined error terms. Thus I have to use
AOV and not lm.
my response variable is proportion of mice paw prints on track plates. These
plates were placed on plots that had vegetation and fruit manipulated to two
levels each (present or absent), and were sampled monthly for 14 months
(repeated measures). The fully crossed factor design was also blocked. My
sample size is just 3 and I cannot run the full model because I would ran
out of degrees of freedom.
I measured raccoo...
2010 May 26
Fill a matrix using logical arguments?
Hello all,
I am going slightly mad trying to create a table for running
co-correspondence analysis.
What I have is seed bank and vegetation data, and my aim is to see if
the vegetation found in a site (containing several seed bank samples)
can predict the composition of a seed bank sample within that site. So
for this I need two tables with matching rows.
I have created an empty matrix, where the rows correspond to the seed...
2010 Nov 12
repeated measure test
This is a question regarding technique rather than an R specific issue. I
have been asked to evaluate a 30+ year long term continuous survey of bird
presence/absence data that has an associated ocular estimate of the
vegetation community percent coverage. The data are organized by
subpopulations (5), and by year ( 1991 - present). We are interested in
gaining understanding on whether bird presence is 1) related to vegetation
community cover and 2) whether that relationship is variable over the
period of record. Ul...
2008 Apr 18
Correspondence and detrended correspondence analysis
I hope someone knows the answer to this or has a real good reference about it (I am using Legendre & Legendre, Numerical Ecology, 1998).... My data is a data.frame with locations as rows and vegetation assemblages / species as columns. I've done a PCA, a correspondance analysis (CA) using ca in ca package and a detrended correspondance analysis (DCA) using decorana from vegan package. As far as i understand what i've done .... the relationships between vegetation categories and locat...
2006 Jul 21
rpart unbalanced data
Hello all,
I am currently working with rpart to classify vegetation types by spectral
characteristics, and am comming up with poor classifications based on the fact
that I have some vegetation types that have only 15 observations, while others
have over 100. I have attempted to supply prior weights to the dataset, though
this does not improve the classificatio...
2012 Jul 13
How to simulate the relationship of vegetation and groundwater in Minqin Oasis, Gansu Province, China
...ge annual precipitation for the
past five years is 127.7mm, and the average annual evaporation is 2623mm);
on the other hand, serious deteriorated water quality (about 190,000 tons
salinity carried by irrigated water from Shiyang River).*
*3. **Traditional theory holds that the restoration of vegetation will
increase the evapotranspiration, then leading to groundwater decline.*
*4. **Let’s set aside the question of how we desalinated the saline
water. *
*Thank you!*
) ) ) ) )
( (...
2011 Sep 23
vegan rda na adaptation
...with NA-values and RDA (R vegan) and an adaptated RDA code due to a
specific study design (including a second matrix).
I am calculating a RDA for a dependent matrix (different variables for
tree performance) and different explanatory variables (species
identitiy, diversity, soil data, ground vegetation). I would very much
appreciate some help with my txt input file for the vegan function.
As for standard RDA's I have different plots (lines, the dependent
matrix) and for each plot a value for diversity, soil and vegetation
(in columns, the environmental matrix). I additionally have...
2008 Feb 04
How to search for packages
...ntil I decide that maybe one will do close to what I want. I wonder if there is any way to improve how these packages are displayed on the site and help with this decision. I wonder if the community as a whole can come up with some broader categories such as Bayesian, spatial statistics, bootstrap, vegetation analysis, circular statistics, robust statistics, etc., and the authors of the package can choose 1 or 2 or how many categories they think their package fits the most. On the web page we can have a list of those very broad categories and within each category we can have in alpha order the pack...