search for: vegdata

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "vegdata".

2008 Oct 17
using ifelse with surprising results
Thanks for the gracious assistance in advance I'm working on a non-metric scaling problem and am calculating the distance for input to isoMDS Here is the code library(MASS) vegdata <- tapply(Percent, list(PRIMARY_VE, MASTERID), sum) x.mat <- matrix(x, nrow=40, ncol=2750, byrow=TRUE, dimnames = c(dimnames(x)[1], dimnames(x)[2])) vegdata.dd <- dist(x) vegdata.dd <- ifelse(vegdata.dd==NA, 0.01, x.dd) vegdata.dd Everything works as expected until I try to repla...
2011 Sep 09
envfit vector labels with ordiplot3d
Hi R experts, I'm looking for some help with plotting vectors from envfit in vegan, onto a 3d plot using ordiplot3d. So far I have data.mds <- metaMDS(data, k=3,trace = FALSE) vect_data<-envfit(data.mds,vegdata[,3:21],choices=1:3,permu=9999) ordiplot3d(data.mds,envfit=vect_data) ordixyplot(data.mds,pch=pts,envfit=vect_data) (my data's not really called data, I thought it might be easier to communicate this way) These display the vectors as arrows, but what I would really like is for the arrows to be...
2012 Mar 11
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * EffectStars (1.0) Maintainer: Unknown Author(s): Gunther Schauberger License: GPL-2 The package provides functions to visualize regression models with categorical response. The effects of the covariates are plotted with star plots in order to allow for an optical
2010 Jul 18
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
....5-1), TSpadi (2010.5-1), TSPostgreSQL (2010.5-1), TSSQLite (2010.5-1), ttime (1.2), ttutils (1.0-1), tuneR (0.3-0), twitteR (0.1.6), udunits (1.3.1), umlr (0.3.0), uncompress (1.33), unmarked (0.8-6), untb (1.6-3), vardiag (0.1-3), varSelRF (0.7-2), vbmp (1.16.0), vcdExtra (0.5-0), vegan (1.17-3), vegdata (0.1.5), venneuler (1.0-2), VGAM (0.8-1), vowels (1.1), VPdtw (2.1-6), vrmlgen (1.4.4), wavelets (0.2-6), waveslim (1.6.4), wavethresh (4.5), wgaim (0.99-1), wle (0.9-4), WMCapacity (, wmtsa (1.0-5), wordnet (0.1-6), xlsx (0.2.1), xlsxjars (0.2.0), XML (3.1-0), xts (0.7-1), yaImpute (1.0-11...