Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11528 matches for "vanly".
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2018 Aug 24
Debian Stretch Samba packages 4.6.16/4.7.9/4.8.4 (amd64/i386) available
Hai Guys,
The Debian Stretch packages are now also available in the repos.
Im working on the samba 4.8.5 also.
I have also restructured the repo setup a bit, so package re-use is better which saved me some time.
You choose the samba you want to run and you stay at that version until you change the repo.
The site info isnt updated yet with this, i'll do that after i finish up with
2006 Jul 29
Out Of office
Ik ben afwezig vanaf 29/07/2006 en ik ben niet eerder terug dan
Ik ben met verlof van 31 juli tot en met 22 augustus.
Voor dringende zaken kan je mailen naar helpdesk@vlafo.be.
De personeelsleden van het agentschap doen hun best om in e-mails
betrouwbare informatie te geven. Toch kan
2019 Nov 27
Debian Stretch - apt-get update - Van Belle repository not found
When doing "apt-get update" on Debian Stretch, I am experimenting the
following error:
# apt-get update
Ign:1 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian stretch InRelease
Ign:2 http://apt.van-belle.nl/debian stretch-backports InRelease
Hit:3 http://security.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates InRelease
Hit:4 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian stretch-updates InRelease
2020 Sep 23
error from repository http://apt.van-belle.nl/
To explain this a bit more.
All my repo's are set per os and samba version.
So as long you dont change the sambaXXX version, you stay on that version and minimze risk with changes in samba.
Its always :? http://apt.van-belle.nl/debian?
And all you change is :??? buster-samba412?
Current available versions are :
2018 Nov 16
Ubuntu bionic 18.04 compatible samba 4.9.2 packages amd64 only now available.
its late, but the ubuntu 18.04 packages are ready.
The repo setup.
wget -O - http://apt.van-belle.nl/louis-van-belle.gpg-key.asc | apt-key add -
echo "# AptVanBelle repo for samba." | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list
echo "deb http://apt.van-belle.nl/debian bionic-samba49 main contrib non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list
2018 Aug 21
Debian Jessie Samba packages 4.6.16/4.7.9/4.8.4 (amd64/i386) available
Sorry for all delays, it was needed.
I have also restructured the repo setup a bit, so package re-use is better which saved me some time.
This resulted in a samba 4.8 for jessie, no need for multiple repo lines anymore.
You choose the samba you want to run and you stay at that version until you change the repo.
The site info isnt updated yet with this, i'll do that after i finish
2020 Sep 23
error from repository http://apt.van-belle.nl/
Hello, I trying to install samba 4.11 from the repository
and have an error.
Err:4 http://apt.van-belle.nl/ubuntu bionic-samba411 Release
2018 Nov 27
Debian Stretch 4.9.3 packages now available (amd64/i386)
The Debian Stretch packages for samba 4.9.3 are now available for amd64 and i386.
----------- THE REPO SETUP ---------------
1) Choose http or https for you apt, both work, for https you need to :
apt-get install apt-transport-https
2) Import my public key
wget -O - http://apt.van-belle.nl/louis-van-belle.gpg-key.asc | apt-key add -
3) (optional) setup a header line for the repo
2019 Jul 15
Debian Stretch Samba 4.9.11 ( updated) and 4.10.6 (new) amd64/i386 Available now.
Hai Guys,
Its finaly done, so the latest are online now.
The following has been done:? Debian Stretch samba 4.9.11?and?4.10.6?settings are updated with latest Official Debian Samba packages.
Other packages?will follow soon.
The changes logs of these changes, including the debian changes.
For 4.9.11 and 4.10.6 where the base of 4.9.11 is also re-used.
The samba Change logs.
2019 Sep 04
Ubuntu Bionic Samba 4.9.13 and 4.10.8 packages online now (amd64/i386)
If uploaded the Ubuntu Bionic Samba 4.9.13 and 4.10.8 packages.
The Build and Changes logs : http://downloads.van-belle.nl/samba4/Buildlogs/ubuntu/
1) Choose http or https for you apt, both work, for https you need to :
apt-get install apt-transport-https
2) Import my public key
wget -O - http://apt.van-belle.nl/louis-van-belle.gpg-key.asc | apt-key add -
3) (optional) setup a
2019 Apr 08
Debian Stretch, Samba 4.10.2, 4.9.6 and 4.8.11 Available (amd64/i386)
Hai guys,
I've updated the Debian Stretch package for Samba 4.10.2, 4.9.6 and 4.8.11.
Repo info : https://apt.van-belle.nl
Build logs: http://downloads.van-belle.nl/samba4/Buildlogs/stretch/
Quick repo setup:
Optional: apt-get install apt-transport-https
Import my public key:
wget -O - http://apt.van-belle.nl/louis-van-belle.gpg-key.asc | apt-key add -
# Example repo stretch samba
2017 Jun 13
Debian Jessie samba 4.5.8-2 4.5.10 4.6.5 available
I've (finaly) complete and restructured my apt.
All non-samba related packages are removed, so it all dedicated for samba.
More Info about my apt found here: http://apt.van-belle.nl/
The apt repo has the following setup.
All term like (jessie) and (jessie-backports) and (unstable) are related to this apt repo (apt.van-belle.nl),
but everything is builded and tested on Debian
2019 Nov 29
Debian Stretch - apt-get update - Van Belle repository not found
*Thank you Louis.
That solves my problem.
Have a good week-end.
*L.P.H. van Belle* belle at bazuin.nl
/Wed Nov 27 14:08:52 UTC 2019/
2018 Aug 27
Jessie samba 4.8.5 ( help test wanted ) (amd64/i386)
There are some changes in samba 4.8.5 and before i release these packages i've put them in the jessie-experimental line.
This is a copy of the jessie-samba48 but with the following added packages.
Added packages : liblmdb-dev 0.9.18-5.1~deb8 these are needed to build ldb 1.3.6
The important changes are ( from changelogs ).
TDB (1.3.6) : Bump build-dependencies to liblmdb-dev
2019 Jan 07
Van Belle Samba Repo
Hi Louis,
Is your repo currently having issues, or did I manage to somehow get blocked by your firewall? I could access it 30 minutes ago, now it’s no longer working.
# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/samba.list
deb http://apt.van-belle.nl/debian bionic-samba49 main contrib non-free
# apt update
W: Failed to fetch http://apt.van-belle.nl/debian/dists/bionic-samba49/InRelease Cannot initiate the
2017 May 24
apt.van-belle.nl offline?
Hello L.P.H van Belle
Your apt are offline?
I am getting error messages while updating my distro and when I access the
https://apt.van-belle.nl/ the following message appears:
"Site: Unknown
This site you entered is not known by this server.
or did you used an ipaddress to access this server !
Try again with a correct hostname"
Elias Pereira
2010 Aug 11
Samba/Winbind issue
I have an issue with Samba using winbind. We have Active Directory groups with underscores (for example sambagroup_underscore). But an underscore in Samba (Unix) is a space in Active Directory.
So my question is what character is used in Samba (Unix) for an underscore in Active Directory? Or are there other solutions to solve this?
I would be very happy if you can help me!
2020 Mar 20
Debian Buster Samba 4.12 (experimental packages) amd64/i386
Hai Guys,
I've uploaded the Debian Buster samba 4.12 packages to the buster-experimental repo.
These need some extra love in tests, so if your able to please these a bit.
And report back to me/the samba list.
ONLY amd64 and i386 Packages. (sorry armhf is still building)
Repo setup.
wget -O - http://apt.van-belle.nl/louis-van-belle.gpg-key.asc | apt-key add -
echo "deb
2018 Jul 20
Debian Stretch Samba Packages 4.8.3 available (amd64/i386)
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Namens
> Stefan G. Weichinger via samba
> Verzonden: vrijdag 20 juli 2018 11:29
> Aan: samba at lists.samba.org
> Onderwerp: Re: [Samba] Debian Stretch Samba Packages 4.8.3
> available (amd64/i386)
> Am 2018-07-20 um 11:22 schrieb L.P.H. van Belle via samba:
> > Hai
2017 Jun 13
Debian Jessie samba 4.5.8-2 4.5.10 4.6.5 available (part 2)
Is updated also.
Added: http://downloads.van-belle.nl/samba4/Buildlogs/ with all .build and .changes files.
Added: http://downloads.van-belle.nl/samba4/Patches/ with the applied patches in the jessie and unstable line (4.5.10 and/or 4.6.5).
See the .changes files
Added: http://downloads.van-belle.nl/samba4/Kyocera/ containing a pcl5 kyocera printer