Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "usjudgeratings".
2010 Sep 08
pairs and panel.smooth for two groups
I have modified the USJudgeRatings data (available in R) to
illustrate my question.
# Use the first 4 variables of USJudgeRatings and add a group variable
with two levels
USJudgeRatings <- USJudgeRatings[,1:4]
USJudgeRatings$group <- factor(c(rep(1, 22), rep(0, 21)))
# I can draw a pairs graph where members of each group ar...
2008 Jun 04
Creating a "simple" Radar/Spider Plot from Statgraphics
...h of the radial axes at the outside of the
plot instead of on a small circle in the middle?
Is there an easy way to get a legend like the sample plot?
Here's my attempt so far, using the USJudgeRating dataset... I'm sure that
there's something simple that I'm missing....
stars(USJudgeRatings[1:2,1:9],locations = 0:1, scale=FALSE,
main="Radar/Spider Plot\nSee
What I really want to do is plot a dataset like this one:
Year Below Basic...
2012 Feb 28
Unexpected behaviour for RowSideColors in function heatmap
...ge. This looks like a bug to me, but I might have misunderstood something.
When calling the function in symmetric mode, the ColSideColors are plotted correctly, but RowSideColors appear in reverse order. This code (modified from the example on the help page) demonstrates the problem:
cU <- cor(USJudgeRatings)
sideCols <- rainbow(ncol(cU))
heatmap(cU, symm = TRUE, distfun = function(c) as.dist(1 - c),
ColSideColors=sideCols, RowSideColors=sideCols)
Reversing the RowSideColors argument does not solve the problem:
heatmap(cU, symm = TRUE, distfun = function(c) as.dist(1 - c),
2010 Mar 12
how to plot only the upper triangle using the pairs function?
I am trying to use function pairs to plot the scatterplot, but I only want
to keep the upper triangle, what's the argument to do this?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Dec 03
Label data points in scatterplot matrices
I am new to R and would like to know how to label data points in the
matrices of scatterplots made by the pairs() command.
To be more specific, I want to assign a number to each data point, instead
of the small circumference that appears as a data point.
If anyone here knows if its possible to do this with R, I would greatly
appreciate your help.
Thank you,
Mauricio Esguerra
2004 Mar 03
Adding text (coefts) to pairs panels
...igits = NULL, nsmall = 0, justify =
"left", ...)
slope<-paste(prefix, slope, sep="")
if(missing(cex.cor)) cex <- 0.8/strwidth(const)
text(0.1, 0.5, const, cex=cex)
if(missing(cex.cor)) cex <- 0.8/strwidth(slope)
text(0.5, 0.1, slope, cex=cex)
pairs(USJudgeRatings[1:5], lower.panel=panel.smooth, diag.panel=panel.hist,
Mark Van De Vyver
Finance Discipline
School of Business
Faculty of Economics and Business
Economics & Business Building H69
The University of Sydney
Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
Telephone: +61 2...
2009 Jun 14
color in pairs
Dear list
Is there any way that I can color the background (not the plotted points) of
each box in "pairs" ?
I'd like to color them according to the correlation coefficiency of
each data pair.
2000 Feb 04
font size for pairs()
Dear R-Help,
I'm having some trouble with the font size in the pairs() function. It
seems to be impossible to alter the font size for the variable labels that
run down the diagonal. I've tried all the cex.??? parameters to no avail.
I'm using R0.65.0 on windowsNT. If the simple answer is to upgrade to the
latest version of R, then please accept my humble apologies for troubling you.
2005 Sep 14
correlation as distance/dissimilarity
...r help.
It has never been explicitly in R, because in the past 'everyone'
has thought this was obvious and trivial. The "past" here was
when S was used by statisticians, mathematicians or engineers...
Anyway, here is an example on how to do this.
> dd <- as.dist((1 - cor(USJudgeRatings))/2)
> plot(hclust(dd))
> round(1000 * dd)
INTG 567
DMNR 577 18
DILG 494 64 82
CFMG 432...
2005 Feb 02
(no subject)
UCBAdmissions Student Admissions at UC Berkeley
UKDriverDeaths Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84
UKgas UK Quarterly Gas Consumption
USAccDeaths Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978
USArrests Violent Crime Rates by US State
USJudgeRatings Lawyers' Ratings of State Judges in the US
Superior Court
USPersonalExpenditure Personal Expenditure Data
VADeaths Death Rates in Virginia (1940)
WWWusage Internet Usage per Minute
WorldPhones The World's Telephone...
2008 Nov 27
1-Pearson's R Distance
Hi again List,
Well this time I’m writing for a friend (really J). He needs to create a
distance matrix based on an abundance matrix using the 1-Pearson’s R index.
Well I told him to look at the proxy package, but there is only Pearson
Index. He needs it to perform a clustering. Well, as soon as he told me
there proxy only had the Pearson index I thought: “He could just do
something like
2020 Jan 21
class(<matrix>) |--> c("matrix", "arrary") -- and S3 dispatch
..., "complex")
> ## other cases
> my.class2(NA) # == class(NA) : "logical"
> my.class2("A") # == class("B"): "character"
> my.class2(as.raw(0:2)) # == "raw"
> my.class2(1 + 2i) # == "complex"
> my.class2(USJudgeRatings)#== "data.frame"
> my.class2(class) # == "function" # also for a primitive
> my.class2(globalenv()) # == "environment"
> my.class2(quote(sin(x)))# == "call"
> my.class2(quote(sin) ) # == "name"
> my.class2(quote({})) # == class(*)...
2019 Nov 21
class(<matrix>) |--> c("matrix", "arrary") -- and S3 dispatch
...+ 1i, 2)) # == c("array", "complex")
## other cases
my.class2(NA) # == class(NA) : "logical"
my.class2("A") # == class("B"): "character"
my.class2(as.raw(0:2)) # == "raw"
my.class2(1 + 2i) # == "complex"
my.class2(USJudgeRatings)#== "data.frame"
my.class2(class) # == "function" # also for a primitive
my.class2(globalenv()) # == "environment"
my.class2(quote(sin(x)))# == "call"
my.class2(quote(sin) ) # == "name"
my.class2(quote({})) # == class(*) == "{"
2020 Jan 28
class(<matrix>) |--> c("matrix", "arrary") -- and S3 dispatch
...er cases
>> my.class2(NA) # == class(NA) : "logical"
>> my.class2("A") # == class("B"): "character"
>> my.class2(as.raw(0:2)) # == "raw"
>> my.class2(1 + 2i) # == "complex"
>> my.class2(USJudgeRatings)#== "data.frame"
>> my.class2(class) # == "function" # also for a primitive
>> my.class2(globalenv()) # == "environment"
>> my.class2(quote(sin(x)))# == "call"
>> my.class2(quote(sin) ) # == "name"
2019 Nov 15
class(<matrix>) |--> c("matrix", "arrary") [was "head.matrix ..."]
>>>>> Pages, Herve
>>>>> on Thu, 14 Nov 2019 19:13:47 +0000 writes:
> On 11/14/19 05:47, Hadley Wickham wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 2:37 AM Martin Maechler
>> <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Gabriel Becker
>>>>>>>> on Sat, 2 Nov 2019
2000 Feb 17
Installation of rpm file on Suse Linux 6.2 (PR#449)
...ase/R-ex/Trig.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/base/R-ex/Tukey.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/base/R-ex/UCBAdmissions.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/base/R-ex/USArrests.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/base/R-ex/USJudgeRatings.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/base/R-ex/USPersonalExpenditure.R action:
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/base/R-ex/Uniform.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/base/R-ex/VADeaths.R action: create
D: file: /usr/local/lib/R/library/base/R-ex/Vers...
2002 Jul 11
dyn.load tcl/tk (PR#1774)
...html latex example
Tukey text html latex example
TukeyHSD text html latex example
UCBAdmissions text html latex example
USArrests text html latex example
USJudgeRatings text html latex example
USPersonalExpenditure text html latex example
Uniform text html latex example
VADeaths text html latex example
Version text...