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2012 Feb 08
Fitting polynomial (power greater than 2)
Hey all, first time poster here. I'm new to R and working on my first real
programming and forecasting asignment. I'm using unemployment data from
1948-2012. I successfully completed part a and the linear fit for part b,
but i am really struggling fitting a polynomial with a power greater than 2
to my forecast. I'll upload my R code at the bottom. Any help is very much
appreciated! Thank You!
(a) Produce a time-series plot...
2011 Jan 04
scoping/non-standard evaluation issue
Dear r-devel list members,
On a couple of occasions I've encountered the issue illustrated by the
following examples:
--------- snip -----------
> mod.1 <- lm(Employed ~ GNP.deflator + GNP + Unemployed +
+ Armed.Forces + Population + Year, data=longley)
> mod.2 <- update(mod.1, . ~ . - Year + Year)
> all.equal(mod.1, mod.2)
[1] TRUE
> f <- function(mod){
+ subs <- 1:10
+ update(mod, subset=subs)
+ }
> f(mod.1)
lm(formula = Employed ~...
2010 Feb 25
How to do: Correlation with "blocks" (or - "repeated measures" ?!) ?
...rstand there might be a place here to do some sort of mixed
model, but I would prefer to present a "correlation", and am not sure how to
extract such an output from a mixed model.
Also, here is a short dummy code to give an idea of what I am talking about:
N <- length(Unemployed)
block <- c(
rep( "a", N),
rep( "b", N),
rep( "c", N)
Unemployed.3 <- c(Unemployed + rnorm(1),
Unemployed + rnorm(1),
Unemployed + rnorm(1))
GNP.deflator.3 <- c(GNP.deflator + rnorm(1),
GNP.deflator + rnorm(1),
GNP.deflator + rnorm(1))
2011 Dec 21
matrix multivariate bootstrap: order of results in $t component
reproducible code.]
I'm doing a multivariate bootstrap, using boot::boot(),
where the output of the basic computation is a k x p matrix of coefficients,
representing a tuning constant x variable, as shown in the $t0 component
from my run, giving a 3 x 6 matrix
> lboot$t0
GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces Population Year GNP.deflator
0.00 -3.4472 -1.828 -0.6962 -0.34420 8.432 0.15738
0.01 -0.1798 -1.361 -0.5881 -1.00317 5.656 -0.02612
0.08 1.0907 -1.086 -0.4583 -0.08596 2.642 0.57025
?boot doesn't say how these are strung out...
2006 Jun 28
hash value won''t increment with =+ operator
...ash} & #{t.name} is on bkmk #{b.name}"
...results in this output:
hash is 195=>1 (80s is on bkmk 80s Video Clips)
hash is 195=>1 (culture is on bkmk 80s Video Clips)
hash is 195=>1 (music is on bkmk 80s Video Clips)
hash is 195=>1,196=>1 (activism is on bkmk Unemployment: A National
hash is 195=>1,196=>1 (careers is on bkmk Unemployment: A National
hash is 195=>1,196=>1 (eonomics is on bkmk Unemployment: A National
hash is 195=>1,196=>1 (politics is on bkmk Unemployment: A National
hash i...
2003 Oct 23
GIS re-mapping / polygon overlap
In Germany the Unemployment Agency uses a sectioning of the german map that
is different from the usual Administrative Boundaries.
Some demographic data are available in Administrative Boundaries only, some
in Unemployment Boundaries only.
I would like to generate estimates in one boundary system of data availabe
in the...
2003 Nov 05
Estimate hazard function from right-censored data only
Dear All,
I would like to ask if it is possible to estimate a hazard function
using the muhaz command when all the data is right-censored. My data
has information of the number of weeks people has been unemployed but
all of them are unemployed at the date of the survey, that is, I cannot
observed when the individuals leave the unemployment state.
I appreciate your help,
Monica L.
2011 Dec 07
removing specified length of text after a period in dataframe of char's
...0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
f<-structure(list(c("GDP (LCU,bn)", "GDP ($, bn)", "GDP per capita (LCU)",
"Ratio to EZ GDP Per Cap", "Share of World GDP (Intl $, %)",
"Real GDP Growth (%)", "Population (mn)", "Unemployment Rate (%)",
"Ratio of Employed/Unemployed", "PPP Exchange Rate", "Nominal Exchange
Rate (LCU per $)",
"Inflation (%)", "Main Lending Rate to Private Sector (%)", "Claims on
Central Gov",
"Claims on Private Sector", "...
2011 Aug 23
obtaining p-values for lm.ridge() coefficients (package 'MASS')
...lm.ridge(Employed ~ .,longley,lambda = seq(0,0.1,0.001))
> plot(gr)
> select(gr)
modified HKB estimator is 0.004275
modified L-W estimator is 0.0323
smallest value of GCV at 0.003
> ##let's choose 0.03 for lambda
> coef(gr)[gr$lam == 0.03,]
GNP.deflator GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces
Population Year
-1620.429355 0.021060 0.007994 -0.013146 -0.007752
-0.101880 0.869116
But how does one obtain the customary 'lm' summary information for the
model above? I tried supplying the chosen lambda to Design::ols()
using its 'penalty...
2008 Oct 27
counting run lengths
I have the following problem.
I am running simulations on possible states of a set of agents
(1=employed, 0=unemployed).
I store these simulated time series in a matrix like the following,
where rows indicates time periods, columns the number of agents (4
agents and 8 periods in this case):
1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 0...
2011 Feb 17
some think there are no unemployed OSS folks
On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 3:46 PM, John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com> wrote:
> ? ? ? ?issue? ?I don't get it. ?You seem to think that money is the end
> ? ? ? ?all be all for OSS. ?I would suggest that's a mindset you may
> ? ? ? ?wish to change as money doesn't drive OSS.
Are you saying there are no OSS folks who have lost their houses,
their cars and their Internet
2011 Dec 22
overlaid filled contour plots
...print the value to see what objects were saved.
col <- c("black", rainbow(5, start=.6, end=.1))
clr <- col[c(1,3,6)]
contour(dest0$x1, dest0$x2, dest0$fhat, nlevels=4,
xlim=c(-8,4), ylim=c(-3,0), cex.lab=1.25,
xlab="GNP", ylab="Unemployed" )
contour(dest1$x1, dest1$x2, dest1$fhat, nlevels=4, add=TRUE, col=clr[2])
contour(dest2$x1, dest2$x2, dest2$fhat, nlevels=4, add=TRUE, col=clr[3])
lines(rbind(cm0, cm1, cm2))
points(rbind(cm0, cm1, cm2), col=clr, pch=16, cex=1.5)
I've tried filled.contour(), as below, except that...
2005 Aug 24
...ox equal to
Ridge$Coef[near value of kHKV] and it does not seem to happen, why?
> Ridge$kHKB
[1] 0.004275357
Using the calculation above (third question, third point):
1 -0.095492310
GNP.deflator -0.052759002
GNP 0.070993540
Unemployed -0.004244391
Armed.Forces -0.005725582
Population -0.413341544
Year 0.048420107
And if I take from Ridge&coef:
GNP.deflator -0.03098507
GNP -1.32553151
Unemployed -1.53237769
Armed.Forces -0.63334911
Population -0.88690241
Year 6.82105049
Any help, sugg...
2009 Mar 11
Ggplot2: saving a grid with multiple plots
...creen with multiple plots in
it. Something like the example below. When I save that with ggsave(),
only the last plot gets saved (pPath in the example) instead of the
entire figure. Any suggestions how I can save this kind of figures
pPoint <- qplot(unemploy/pop, psavert, data=economics)
pPath <- qplot(unemploy/pop, psavert, data=economics, geom="path")
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(2, 1)))
print(pPoint, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1))
print(pPath, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout....
2012 Apr 11
Problem with effects package
[13] ctv_0.7-4 sos_1.3-1
[15] brew_1.0-6 Hmisc_3.9-3
[17] survival_2.36-12 MASS_7.3-17
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] cluster_1.14.2 digest_0.5.2 tools_2.15.0
# copy and paste the following:
library( catdata )
data( unemployment )
unempt <- unemployment
unempt$durbin <- unempt$durbin - 1
library( reshape )
unempt <- melt( table( unempt ) )
unempw <- cast( unempt, age ~ durbin )
names( unempw ) <- c( 'age', 'short', 'long' )
modt <- glm( durbin ~ age, weights = value, family =...
2010 Sep 09
Strange output daply with empty strata
Dear list,
I get some strange results with daply from the plyr package. In the
example below, the average age per municipality for employed en
unemployed is calculated. If I do this using tapply (see code below) I
get the following result:
no yes
A NA 36.94931
B 51.22505 34.24887
C 48.05759 51.00198
If I do this using daply:
municipality no yes
A 36.94931 48.05759
B 51.22505 51.00198...
2016 Oct 31
BoF: Raising Next Generation of LLVM Developers
...ed. Firstly, sharing experience and getting more
people interested in mentoring will help. Secondly, asking the
participating (ex-) students can give us better understanding of the
daily issues they have/had. Lastly, potentially involving HR people
could help to transition our best students (or unemployed contributors)
to more stable positions and thus keeping them around longer.
We have thought of a several potential directions for this BoF:
* Discuss how to make contributions to llvm easier. Eg. classify the
bugs/fixmes for newbies and put them online...
* Share mentoring experienc...
2009 Oct 29
How to turn individual consecutive information into survival objects?
...It is just meant to show the structure of the dataset.
The variables of interest are p_0, ... p_37. They represent types of activity of the 6021 persons interviewed in 38 consecutive period.
The values for p_0 and p_37 are coded as follows:
1 = self-employed
2 = employed
3 = in training
4 = unemployed
NA = no information available
p_0 is the period before p_1. This period was just before the survey, so that none of the individuals were interviewed in this period.
p_37 is the period after p_36. This period was just after the survey, so that none of the individuals were interviewed in this...
2011 Nov 04
survfit function?
...vfit function. My
historical data set is a pool of loans with monthly observed default
status for the next 24 months. The data is left truncated (delayed entry
to observation window after the loan is opened) and right censored. I
would like to fit the model with time varying covariate such as
unemployment rates and time constant variables at loan application, and
then use the model to predict the probability of default in the next 24
month for the pool of loans we have right now, by using function
survfit. When loans are outside of the observed time window, is it
reliable to use survfit func...
2009 May 20
How to load data from Statistics Canada
We would like to load data from Statistics Canada
(http://www.statcan.gc.ca/) using R,
for example, Employment and unemployment rates.
It seems to me that the tables are displayed in HTML.
I was wondering if you know how to load these tables. Thanks,