search for: tukeys

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1066 matches for "tukeys".

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2010 Feb 22
Siegel-Tukey test for equal variability (code)
Hi, I recently ran into the problem that I needed a Siegel-Tukey test for equal variability based on ranks. Maybe there is a package that has it implemented, but I could not find it. So I programmed an R function to do it. The Siegel-Tukey test requires to recode the ranks so that they express variability rather than ascending order. This is essentially what the code further below does. After the
2014 Aug 10
Retuning compression levels
Hi all, With the patch I mailed earlier today, I found out a few adjustments could be made to the compression level settings.This retuning speeds up the encoding and improves compression, while not changing anything decoding-wise. Currently, compression settings are as follows -5, -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 5 -A tukey(0.5) -6, -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 6-A tukey(0.5) -7, -l 8 -b 4096 -m -e -r 6-A
2008 Nov 18
Tukey HSD following lme
Hi everyone I'm using Tukey HSD as post-hoc test following a lme analysis. I'm measuring hemicelluloses in different species treated with three different CO2 concentrations (l=low, m=medium, h=high). The whole experiment is a split-plot design and the Tukey-function from the package multcomp is suitable for lme-analysis with random factors. The analysis works fine but I get a non
2012 Jan 12
multcomp two-way anova with interactions within and between
Hi all, I'd like to compare all levels of my interaction with each other. I read the pdf 'Additional multcomp Examples' but even though there is an example with an interaction it doesn't work for me when I want to compare within and between groups. Here is an example: ####<-data.frame(id=rep(1:16,3),treat1=rep(as.factor(LETTERS[1:3]),each=
2012 Sep 28
Anova and tukey-grouping
Hello, I am really new to R and it's still a challenge to me. Currently I'm working on my Master's Thesis. My supervisor works with SAS and is not familiar with R at all. I want to run an Anova, a tukey-test and as a result I want to have the tukey-grouping ( something like A - AB - B) I came across the HSD.test in the agricolae-package, but... unfortunately I do not get an output
2005 May 15
adjusted p-values with TukeyHSD?
hi list, i have to ask you again, having tried and searched for several days... i want to do a TukeyHSD after an Anova, and want to get the adjusted p-values after the Tukey Correction. i found the p.adjust function, but it can only correct for "holm", "hochberg", bonferroni", but not "Tukey". Is it not possbile to get adjusted p-values after
2017 May 29
stats::line() does not produce correct Tukey line when n mod 6 is 2 or 3
Tukey divides the points into three groups, not the x and y values separately. I'll try to get hold of the book for a direct quote, might take a couple of days. On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 8:40 AM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: > On 27/05/2017 9:28 PM, GlenB wrote: > >> Bug: stats::line() does not produce correct Tukey line when n mod 6 is 2 >> or
2013 Jan 14
Tukey HSD plot with lines indicating (non-)significance
Dear list members, I'm running some tests looking at differences between means for various levels of a factor, using Tukey's HSD method. I would like to plot the data as boxplots or dotplots, with horizontal significance lines indicating which groups are statistically significantly different, according to Tukey HSD. Here's a nice image showing an example of such a graphical
2012 Jan 02
Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Hello, I am trying to determine the most appropriate way to run post-hoc comparisons on my lme model. I had originally planned to use Tukey HSD method as I am interested in all possible comparisons between my treatment levels. TukeyHSD, however, does not work with lme. The only other code that I was able to find, and which also seems to be widely used, is glht specified with Tukey:
2010 Nov 09
I have been trying to do tukey's test to no avail. This is what I have and the error produced: pen.df = data.frame(blend, treatment, y) source("tukey.1.r") tukey.1(aov.pen, pen.df) Error in tukey.1(aov.pen, pen.df) : the model must be two-way This is a two-way design. Therefore I am confused. Can anyone help? Raphael > pen.df blend treatment y 1 1 A 89 2
2017 May 29
stats::line() does not produce correct Tukey line when n mod 6 is 2 or 3
A usually trustworthy R correspondent posted a pure R implementation on SO at some point in his lost youth: This one does indeed generate the line of identity for the (1:9, 1:9) case, so I do suspect that we have a genuine scr*wup in line(). Notice, incidentally, that >
2009 Apr 21
broken example: lme() + multcomp() Tukey on repeated measures design
I am trying to do Tukey HSD comparisons on a repeated measures expt. I found the following example on r-help and quoted approvingly elsewhere. It is broken. Can anyone please tell me how to get it to work? I am using R 2.4.1. > require(MASS) ## for oats data set > require(nlme) ## for lme() > require(multcomp) ## for multiple comparison stuff > Aov.mod <- aov(Y ~ N + V +
2011 Jul 13
Tukey HSD with repeated measure ANOVA
Hi, I need to determinate HSD value from a matrix like that Thesis Days A1 Cx 0 66.07 Cx 0 60.24 Cx 0 42.86 Tw 0 66.07 Tw 0 60.24 Tw 0 42.86 Aa 0 66.07 Aa 0 60.24 Aa 0 42.86 Qe 0 66.07 Qe 0 60.24 Qe 0 42.86 Cx 56 310.86 Cx 56 223.17 Cx 56 186.77 Tw 56 149.42 Tw 56 127.75 Tw 56 138.59 Aa 56 130.24 Aa 56 214.83 Aa 56 137.95 Qe 56 186.64 Qe 56 189.09 Qe 56 187.87 this is my script
2014 Aug 10
[PATCH] New apodization functions
Hi all, This patch adds two new apodization functions that I developed. From my own test results (on quite a diverse dataset) they outperform the current best apodizations by 0.05% - 0.1% (depending on the specifics) on compression. Here's a selection of the test results *Apodization functions* ,Compres, Speed partial_tukey(2) tukey(0.5) , 56.50 , 37.2x partial_tukey(3)
2007 Oct 24
scoping problem
I would like to write a function that computes Tukey's 1 df for nonadditivity. Here is a simplified version of the function I'd like to write: (m is an object created by lm): tukey.test <- function(m) { m1 <- update(m, ~.+I(predict(m)^2)) summary(m1)$coef } The t-test for the added variable is Tukey's test. This won't work: data(BOD) m1 <- lm(demand~Time,BOD)
2017 Nov 28
Repeated measures Tukey
...ated in gribblelab: require(nlme) a1<-lme(x~factortmnt,random=~1|factorid/factortmnt,data=mydata) print(anova(a1)) require(multcomp) summary(glht(a1,linfct=mcp(factortmnt="Tukey"))) The fact is that once I get both results, there are some occasions in which I get lower p values with Tukeys correction than in paired t-tests. How is it possible? Isn't Tukey more restrictive than paired t-tests? Cesc [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Mar 09
bugs in simtest (PR#8670)
# R for Windows will not send your bug report automatically. # Please copy the bug report (after finishing it) to # your favorite email program and send it to # # r-bugs at # ###################################################### This report is joint from Richard Heiberger <rmh at> and Burt Holland <bholland at>. Burt Holland is the coauthor
2010 May 17
Query on linear mixed model
Hi R Forum I am a newbie to R and I have been amazed by what I can get my team to accomplish just by implementing Scripting routines of R in all my team's areas of interest.. Recently i have been trying to adopt R scripting routine for some analysis with longitudanal data.. I am presenting my R script below that I have tried to make to automate data analysis for longitudanal data by employing
2017 May 29
stats::line() does not produce correct Tukey line when n mod 6 is 2 or 3
> Tukey divides the points into three groups, not the x and y values separately. > I'll try to get hold of the book for a direct quote, might take a couple of days. Ah well, I can't get it for a week. But the fact that it's often called Tukey's three group line (try a search on *tukey three group line* and you'll get plenty of hits) is pretty much a giveaway. On Mon,
2014 Nov 10
[PATCH] Update documentation for new compression presets
--- doc/html/documentation_tools_flac.html | 6 ++--- include/FLAC/stream_encoder.h | 42 +++++++++++++++++----------------- src/flac/main.c | 20 ++++++++-------- 3 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/doc/html/documentation_tools_flac.html b/doc/html/documentation_tools_flac.html index 9f85a25..0964cd2 100644 ---