search for: troubble

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "troubble".

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2005 Jul 19
Printing problem with Win XP SP2
Good day good people, I have troubble with printing. I have samba 3.0.14a-Debian, on Debian Stable Sarge. There is my smb.conf # Global parameters [global] dos charset = CP852 unix charset = ISO8859-2 workgroup = IRIXAS server string = Samba Irix a.s. null passwords = Yes obey pam restric...
2004 Oct 28
Increase of rrdtool data when using Stef Coene''s qos nice scripts.
...o a directory which is in an ext3 fs. The problem is that i now have over 32 000 files there (about 600 classes), once in 5 minutes there is a lot of data to receive from snmp and to write in so many files. The machine seems ok now, but i expect to have 2000 classes in some future and i expect big troubble because of so many files in that directory. I am intersted in a solution for that. For now i''m thinking in using reiserfs4 which will probably work ok when i''ll have the double number of files, but i''m sure more than that will create problems. I would like to know if any...
2002 Jul 28
write list parameter in 2.2.5?
Hello list. I would like to administrate the [users] share. But I am stuck with an access problem. Please observe the following to see what I have done: ----- [netlogon] comment = Network Logon Service path = /home/netlogon locking = No read only = Yes guest ok = Yes write list = joepie, @Administrators create mask = 0644 directory