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2006 Mar 24
"transparent" background for PDF
Colleagues Running R2.2.1 on either a Linux (RedHat 9) or Mac (10.4) platform. I created a PDF document using pdf("FILENAME.pdf", bg="transparent", version="1.4"). I then imported the graphic into PowerPoint - background was set to a non-transparent color. I was hoping that the inserted graphic would be transparent - instead, it had a white background.
2006 Nov 14
alphachannel on pdf-device
Dear R users, since R-2.4.0 I am not able any more to draw figures without transparency after drawing one figure with alphachannel set lower than 100%. For better unterstanding here a small example of my problem: ----------------------------------------------- pdf(paste("test_alpha_rgb.pdf",sep=""), version="1.4") plot(1:8, 1:8, type="n",
2007 Dec 08
OT: 3d surfaces with transparency
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I would be grateful if anyone had suggestions about software that could (1) create 3D surface plots, (2) handle transparency/alpha blending, (3) generate output in some vector graphics format that preserved the transparency. I could also live with a combination of two programs, one to generate the basic figure and another to modify the output
2007 Jun 06
KDesktop 3 transparency patch
Hello, this patch adds support for real transparency to kdesktop. It adds two new composite manager related features. To activate the features kdesktop has to be started with the "--bg-transparency" option. The first one allows you to change the opacity of the background image. This works currently with the beryl transparent cube and will also work with compiz once the transparent
2001 Aug 09
No subject
Philippe Grosjean raised the question of transparency in the context of writing Windows metafiles, but it has come up before for bitmapped graphics. I've taken a look in the sources, and what we do now is inconsistent. The postscript/xfig/pdf devices do not paint the background iff it is "white". All the screen devices always paint the background, as do the bitmap devices and all
2004 Oct 17
Transparent Squid in DMZ
Hi, I want forward port 21 and 443 to my squid. A simply rule (dnat) didnt help me. My http - port (only 80) will forwarded to my squid. It runs fine. Here I have used the HowTo from Tom and the hints from I want to do the same with port 21 as port 80. My network: Shorewall: eth0 net ( eth1 dmz ( eth2 loc ( eth3 loc1
2009 Aug 01
Transparency and trellis device
Dear R-users, I am trying to produce trellis (png, or jpeg) graphs with transparent background, but I cannot manage to make that happen. I tried to play around with themes but to no avail. Any advise on the following example will be greatly appreciated: Thank you Sebastien #### library(lattice) df <- data.frame(a=rep(1:4,4), b=rep(1:4,4), c=rep(1:4,each=4)) settings <- standard.theme()
2005 Sep 10
transparent backgound in lattice plots
I couldn't find this is in the FAQs or in the R archives and I've poked around the lattice package manual, but... I've been trying to figure out how to generate graphics files with a transparent background with the lattice package. The code to generate the levelplot is fine and I can produce a simple png file with a transparent background just fine, but I'm not sure how to
2002 Aug 06
polygon() draws non-transparent border, erase.screen draws non-transparent border (PR#1881)
# polygon ignores requests to have its border transparent, look at par(bg="transparent") plot(c(0, 3), 0:1) polygon(c(0, 1, 1, 0), c(0, 0, 1, 1), border=NA, col = 0) polygon(c(1, 2, 2, 1), c(0, 0, 1, 1), border="transparent", col = 0) polygon(c(2, 3, 3, 2), c(0, 0, 1, 1), border=0, col = 0) # a quick fix for erase.screen() is the following erase.screen <- function (n =
2019 Oct 15
Attempting to use tproxy on Centos 8 fails with 'No such file or directory'
I was working on a haproxy transparent proxy setup that we had working on Centos 7 (iptables), but running into issues getting tproxy working with NFTables on Centos 8. >From, It should be a matter of: # nft add table filter # nft add chain filter divert "{ type filter hook prerouting priority -150; }" # nft add rule
2011 Aug 09
Transparent color ramp problem
Hello, I can't seem to add transparency to any color ramp I create using colorRampPalette(). Can someone tell me if it is possible to create transparent colour ramps? I am attempting to map shaded relief under elevation data. I know I can use the terrain.colors() with the alpha option, but I would prefer to create my own colour ramp using more vibrant colours. My most recent attempt at
2007 Apr 12
[PATCH] Transparent cube
Hi, Recently i have worked on re-writing beryl's transparent cube, and ported 3d plugin to compiz. I'm attaching a patchset here that includes the transparent cube patches (i'll post the 3d plugin when i fix some problems that didn't happen in beryl). Patching order: btf-ftb.patch, clip-planes.patch, plugin-events.patch, cube-paint-order.patch, transparent-cube.patch. Special
2011 Dec 28
transparency using plot+points with sp classes
How can I make one point graphics with transparency These are all sp classes: plot(polygons_area,axes=TRUE,asp=1.5,main="Title",xlab="Latitude", ylab="Longitude") points(observations2000,type = "p",pch=21,col="green") points(observation1999,type = "p",pch=21,col="blue") points(reference.points,type =
2014 Jan 23
gpfs + sernet samba + ctdb + transparent failover confusion
Hi all, We're running gpfs (5 total nsds & quorum servers, 2 nsds running samba), sernet-samba 4.1.4-7, and ctdb and trying to get transparent failover to work from a windows 8 client. We have ctdb failover working, i.e. if I run mmshutdown on one of the nodes the IPs failover in a few seconds after the GPFS mount is unmounted. For our transparent failover test, I
2009 Aug 06
making scatter plot points fill semi-transparent
hi all, i have a simple scatter plot, and i'd like to make it so the scatter plot colors are slightly transparent. i see in a previous post that someone mentioned the "alpha" parameter, but i am not sure how it can be used with the 'plot' function [*]. for example, suppose i have: plot(mydata$column1, mydata$column2, col="red", cex=1) i now want to make it so
2008 Jun 21
Scatter plot transparency
Hi all, I'm putting a few plots together and wondering what format would be best to export a few scatter plots to Illustrator to make a figure. I'm thinking about overlaying some plot in Illustrator, so the export file type has to be transparent for Illustrator (version 10). I tried PNG and TIFF, but it does not seems to have transparency that is recognized by Illustrator (or Photoshop for
2011 Apr 13
latex, eps graphics and transparent colors
I have a diagram to be included in latex, where all my figures are .eps graphics (so pdflatex is not an option) and I want to achieve something like the following: three concentric filled circles varying in lightness or saturation. It is easiest to do this using transparency, but in my test using the postscript driver, the transparent color fills do not appear. Is it correct that postscript()
2004 Jul 28
Transparent backgrounds in png files
The result I'm aiming to achieve is a bitmap that can be imported into a PowerPoint file that shows what's behind the lines of the plot. There's a way in PowerPoint that almost works. By choosing a colour to set as transparent, what is behind the graphic is indeed visible, but it's at the expense of losing line and text definition. I notice there have been discussions about
2007 Mar 26
using alpha transparency for lines in levelplot
Hello, I'm having trouble with using the alpha channel for transparency with lines with lattice levelplots. If I use transparency via the alpha argument to rgb to overplot lines on levelplot the transparent colour affects all of the region colours in the plot. Can anyone explain why the difference in region colours? #### Warning: this code attempts to create PDF files in working directory
2003 Apr 08
Transparent squid (ipf)
FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #1: Sun Apr 6 09:38:34 EDT 2003 # $FreeBSD: ports/www/squid/Makefile,v 1.99 2003/03/09 10:59:07 netchild Exp $ ... checking if IP-Filter header files are installed... no WARNING: Cannot find necessary IP-Filter header files Transparent Proxy support WILL NOT be enabled ... I seem to recall that ipf doesn't install its includes per default any longer ? Perhaps