Displaying 20 results from an estimated 306 matches for "torre".
2011 Feb 19
reading simulations
Hi to all the people (again),
I'm doing some simulations with the memisc package of an own function, but
I've the problem that I didn't know how to read the result of such
simulations. My function is:
> Torre<-function(a1,N1,a2,N2)
+ {Etorre<-(a1*N1)/(1+a1*N1)
+ Efuera<-(a2*N2)/(1+a2*N2)
+ if(Etorre>Efuera)Subir=TRUE
+ if (Etorre<Efuera)Subir=FALSE
+ result<-list(Subir)
+ return(result)
+ }
> Torre<-Simulate(Torre(a1,N1,a2,N2),expand.grid(a1=3,N1=0.5,a2=c(0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1),N2=...
1999 Sep 22
smbmount and smb_dont_catch_keepalive
I am experiencing strange smbmount problems with my 3 computers.
I have:
janeway, an NT 4.0 SP5 box,
torres, a Linux box running kernel 2.0.36 and samba 2.0.5a,
q, a Linux box running kernel 2.0.36.
Both Linux machines have smbfs compiled as a module and loaded.
I can smbmount janeway shares on both torres and q, and I can see
torres shares on janeway. Naturally, q can't be seen by janeway and
1999 Jun 15
can't smbmount samba share
I have a new machine on a network:
kemmer: New Linux box (kernel 2.0.36. Samba 1.9.18p10)
torres: old Linux box (kernel 2.0.36. Samba 1.9.18p10)
janeway: Windows NT 4.0 SP4.
torres and janeway are performing flawlessly, I can access both
machine's shares from the other one.
kemmer is new and can't access DNS yet. Thus, I have to use the -I
switch to smbclient and smbmount to access...
2015 Nov 23
Dibujar en tres dimensiones para un dominio dado. Añadir curvas de nivel.
x <- seq(0, 1,length.out=50)
y <- seq(0, 1,length.out=50)
M <- mesh(x, y)
surf3D(x = M$x,
y = M$y,
z = pmin( 1 - abs(M$x-0.7), 1-abs(M$y-0.2) ),
Emilio Torres Manzanera
2010 Aug 23
Maria Teresa Torres Muñoz/Control/Gestión de Accidentes/LineaDirecta está ausente de la oficina.
Estaré ausente de la oficina desde el 23/08/2010 y no volveré hasta el
Responderé a su mensaje cuando regrese, si es urgente enviar mail a
Estadisticas GDA
Visítenos en: www.lineadirecta.com
"Este mensaje y los documentos que, en su caso, lleve anexos, pueden contener información confidencial. Por ello, se informa a quien lo reciba por error que la información contenida en
2010 Nov 08
Maria Teresa Torres Muñoz/Gestion de Intangibles/LineaDirecta está ausente de la oficina.
Estaré ausente de la oficina desde el 08/11/2010 y no volveré hasta el
Responderé a su mensaje cuando regrese, si es urgente enviar mail a
Visítenos en: www.lineadirecta.com
"Este mensaje y los documentos que, en su caso, lleve anexos, pueden contener información confidencial. Por ello, se informa a quien lo reciba por error que la información contenida en el
2015 Jan 23
Simulación de modelo logit con interacción
...etros de tu modelo:
>> res <- logisticsimulation(10000)
>> apply(res,2,median)
> (Intercept) x1 x2 x1:x2
> -0.9955877 -3.9938632 6.9967218 -0.9913839
> Un saludo. Olivier
> ----- Mensaje original -----
> De: "Emilio Torres Manzanera" <torres en uniovi.es>
> Para: r-help-es en r-project.org
> Enviados: Jueves, 22 de Enero 2015 12:28:14
> Asunto: [R-es] Simulación de modelo logit con interacción
> Hola,
> Deseo simular un modelo logit con interacción, estimar sus coeficientes y comprobar...
2008 Oct 31
how to compute a roc curve
...kage, but it's a mass for me, i'm
not a math guy and I'm getting lost
Could any of you recommend me an easy-to-use package to do this task? i just
have a list of positive/negative samples and his score on my program. can I
compute a roc curve with this?
Pau Marc Muñoz Torres
Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina Vicent Villar
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
telèfon: 93 5812807
Email : paumarc.munoz@bioinf.uab.cat
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2015 Jan 22
Simulación de modelo logit con interacción
Deseo simular un modelo logit con interacción, estimar sus coeficientes y comprobar si son o no parecidos al modelo teórico. Con este ejemplo obtengo que los coeficientes estimados no se asemejan mucho a los originales. ¿Se le ocurre a alguien cuál es el motivo de esta discrepancia? ¿y cómo solucionarlo?
Muchas gracias
logisticsimulation <- function(n){
dat <-
2012 Mar 31
lm no calcula un coeficiente
...ce_1.1-1 dichromat_1.2-4 digest_0.5.1
## [5] MASS_7.3-16 memoise_0.1 munsell_0.3 plyr_1.7.1
## [9] proto_0.3-9.2 RColorBrewer_1.0-5 reshape2_1.2.1
## [13] stringr_0.6
Emilio Torres Manzanera
Fac. de Comercio - Universidad de Oviedo
c/ Luis Moya 261, E-33203 Gijón (Spain)
Tel. 985 182 197 email: torres en uniovi.es
2011 Jul 04
Contrastes con el paquete survey (svycontrast)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] survey_3.24
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] tools_2.12.0
Emilio Torres Manzanera
Fac. de Comercio - Universidad de Oviedo
c/ Luis Moya 261, E-33203 Gijón (Spain)
Tel. 985 182 197 email: torres en uniovi.es
2009 Jun 09
Sweave and accents
...to "normal" accents in
2) run Sweave and create the tex file.
3) subtitute the "normal" accents into the accented letters in the tex
My question is:
Is there another way to do it?
Arnau Mir Torres
Edifici A. Turmeda
Campus UIB
Ctra. Valldemossa, km. 7,5
07122 Palma de Mca.
tel: (+34) 971172987
fax: (+34) 971173003
email: arnau.mir at uib.es
URL: http://dmi.uib.es/~arnau
2007 Dec 05
Imap and quota problem
Hi everyone,
i am using dovecot 1.0 as IMAP and i am facing the
following problem:
when a user is overquota he is unable to access his
account and thus he can't delete emails !
Is there any workaround for this problem ?
thanks for any help.
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
2009 Jan 21
Paravirtualized Debian (on CentOS host)
...to create a paravirtualized guest/DomU, should i use the same
distro as the host/dom0 is?
Or is it possible to install a paravirtualized Debian (as a guest / DomU)
into a CentOS (host / Dom0) ?
Juan Pablo
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Ferenc Wagner <wferi@niif.hu> wrote:
> Juan Pablo Torres <juanpablotorres@gmail.com> writes:
> > Im trying to install a paravirtualized Debian, but as an absolute newbie
> It has native support in the Lenny installer, see
> http://wiki.debian.org/Xen
> --
> Cheers,
> Feri.
2005 Dec 18
package unlisted (PR#8410)
Full_Name: Cesar Henrique Torres
Version: 2.2.0
OS: winXP-pro
Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi developer's!
I'd like to know were gtools package is, because in the link below it isn't:
This package is used in gplots and I'm trying to make a ballo...
2006 May 14
Mac OS X and Uninitialzed Constant Mysql
Development Platform:
ruby 1.8.4
Rails 1.1.2
mysql "gem" 2.7
Mac OS X (10.4.6), 64-bit
Mysql 5.0.19-standard (64-bit)
Lighttpd, 1.4.11
I''m trying to startup a simple test rails app against mysql. Rails
starts up fine and my pages render successfully, until a DB access is
made. I''m getting a "uninitialized constant Mysql". I''ve searched,
2008 Oct 14
help about how can R compute AIC?
...a to compute AIC:
AIC= -2*log-likelihood + 2*(p+1)
In my example, it would be:
AIC=-2*log-likelihood + 2*2
but I don't know how R computes log-likelihood:
'log Lik.' -16.37995 (df=3)
Arnau Mir Torres
Edifici A. Turmeda
Campus UIB
Ctra. Valldemossa, km. 7,5
07122 Palma de Mca.
tel: (+34) 971172987
fax: (+34) 971173003
email: arnau.mir at uib.es
URL: http://dmi.uib.es/~arnau
2005 Oct 19
adding error bars to lattice plots
Dear R-Users,
how to include error bars within lattice?
How should the panel = function(x,y,...){
looks like?
Does panel.arrows works here as well?
I appreciate any help on this.
Mario AT
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 May 03
INBOX inaccessible
One of my users can't read message of his Inbox, he can view subject of
message with Thunderbird or Squirrelmail and IMAP but when he click on a
message in order to read it he has thess messages
with Thunderbird :
The current command did not succeed. Invalidmessageset:
ou 1181461444:*
ou 1181461444:-1181461445
with Squirrelmail :
SquirrelMail: ERREUR
2008 Jul 14
Insurance review statistical methods
...t can be build a solution
like TRICAST or similar.
In a word:
Do you think that R has all the statistical tools
(I mean modeling tools) to make a job similar to TRICAST?
Does TRICAST has modeling tools that are not implemented
on R yet?
Thank you for your help.
Kenneth Roy Cabrera Torres <krcabrer at une.net.co>