Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "tobacco".
2008 Feb 09
bad variable names when printing a data frame containing a matrix (PR#10730)
...a.frame(x=I(heart.data$x), y = heart.data$y)
> data[1:2,]
x.1 x.2 x.3 x.4 x.5 x.6 x.7 x.8 x.9 y
1 160 12 5.73 23.11 1 49 25.3 97.2 52 1
2 144 0.01 4.41 28.61 0 55 28.87 2.06 63 1
> dimnames(heart.data$x)[[2]]
[1] "sbp" "tobacco" "ldl" "adiposity" "famhist" "typea"
[7] "obesity" "alcohol" "age"
Note that the printed variable names do not use the column names
of the matrix.
In contrast, in S-PLUS the names are used; the prin...
2010 Nov 08
How to represent factor levels & ordiellipses using different colors?
...distance based
redundancy analysis for species data on patients.
The species matrix consists of 70 patients and 274 species of bacteria.The
metadata matrix consists of 10 variables(environmental matrix)
My Professor asked me to do the following.To plot a constrained ordination
plot constrained by tobacco habit(which is one of the factors). However he
asked me to represent the graph as follows..
Represent the significant species (species that are farthest from the origin
in the direction of the environmental variable) with biplot arrows pointing
from origin to the species and hide the insignifican...
2006 Sep 20
Stats question - cox proportional hazards adjustments
Hi useRs,
Many studies of the link between red meat and colorectal cancer use
Cox proportional
hazards with (among other things) a gender covariate.
If it is true that men eat more red meat, drink more alcohol and smoke more than
women, and if it is also true that alcohol and tobacco are known risk
factors then why does
it make sense to "adjust" for gender? I would think that in this
case some of the
risk that should be properly attributed to the bad habits will actually end
up being attributed to being male instead.
Geoff Russell
2008 Feb 09
bad variable names when printing a data frame containing (PR#10732)
...gt; =20
> x.1 x.2 x.3 x.4 x.5 x.6 x.7 x.8 x.9 y
> 1 160 12 5.73 23.11 1 49 25.3 97.2 52 1
> 2 144 0.01 4.41 28.61 0 55 28.87 2.06 63 1
> =20
>> dimnames(heart.data$x)[[2]]
>> =20
> [1] "sbp" "tobacco" "ldl" "adiposity" "famhist" "typea"=
> [7] "obesity" "alcohol" "age" =20
> Note that the printed variable names do not use the column names
> of the matrix.
> In contrast, in S...
2002 Aug 13
interaction.plot() legend too narrow when mfcol > 2 (PR#1899)
...) :
with(OrchardSprays, {
interaction.plot(treatment, rowpos, decrease)
interaction.plot(rowpos, treatment, decrease)
with(esoph, {
interaction.plot(agegp, alcgp, ncases/ncontrols)
interaction.plot(agegp, tobgp, ncases/ncontrols, trace.label="tobacco",
Something that should be easy to fix, but needs some care (and
Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum LEO C16 Leonhardstr...
2010 Oct 07
Truncating leading zeros in strings
...ystem clock that represent
integers, and I want to convert them to integer values. Strtoi works
well, except when there are leading zeros on the string. Could anyone
suggest a way to remove those leading zeros?
E. Paul Wileyto, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
Tobacco Use Research Center
School of Medicine, U. of Pennsylvania
3535 Market Street, Suite 4100
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3309
Fax: 215-746-7140
epw at upenn.edu
2009 Jan 19
Error while adding legends to xyplot
...am interested in saving the graphs as a Meta file than any other
Below furnished is the R Code that I have used for the same.
CorrCoeff <- 0
Corr <- cor.test(FCV, FCV_Fitted)
CorrCoeff <- as.numeric(round(Corr$estimate,4))
myPlot <- xyplot(FCV + FCV_Fitted ~ Year, data=Tobacco,
col=c("orange","blue4"), freq=TRUE,
main="FCV Tobacco Production & Forecasted Figures Over The Years
: India", font=2, type="b",
auto.key = list (type = "", points=F, lines = F, border = F,
text = c("Observed Pro...
2004 Apr 23
Re:Importing SPSS Data Entry data files
...uilder itself allows for the exporting of the data file without the forms information (File -> Export -> Data). This gives you a 'standard' SPSS data file, which you can import into R using the 'foreign' library, or through R Commander.
Michael Bibo
Research Officer
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Service
Resource Unit
West Moreton Community Health Services
West Moreton Health Service District
Queensland Health
Michael_Bibo at health.qld.gov.au
Ph. +61 7 3817 2474
P.O. Box 878
Ipswich, 4305
2007 Aug 28
adding facts
I''m a little confused how to configure the puppermaster and puppetd to
add a new fact. I''ve followed this tutorial
http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/AddingFacts but I''m with
doubts about the factsource. In my puppetmaster I have the new fact in
/etc/puppet/facts directory.
fileserver.conf (on puppetmaster server):
path /etc/puppet/files
2004 Apr 27
Let's be together in the fight for life!
...was sent to you because your address
was founded on a public site or you chose to get
the RCL-ALERT Health Newsletter.
We use all means to invite you to know and benefit
of our free programs regarding "smoking cessation".
We want to inform corectly and professionally
all peoples about tobacco use and what threat it repersents.
The message can't be seen like a spam because it contains
all contacts information of the expeditor.
We understand and appreciate your intimacy
and we appologize if this message arrived to you from mistake.
If in the future you don't want to receive ou...
2006 Dec 12
Once again, thanks from all of us at the Janus Museum.
After leaving Lock Haven, Taylor started a new line of aircraft with
Taylorcraft Aviation Co.
" He asked if there was anything I wanted - tobacco, rum, a priest. As
days go by, the officials have grudgingly admitted further blunders in
one of the biggest embarrassments for the law enforcement agency in
Symbol: LITL
Mon Close: $0.99
5-day Target:...
2006 Dec 12
Leroy and I strolled out in the dimming afternoon light for a breath of air and to check out the progress of the colors in preparation for the Museum's annual Fall Colors Stroll.
...ty five thousand dollars for distribution of this report.
By the way, the furnace has not been ordered yet, and it's beginning to
get cold, here. I happened to be in a Latin American prison, accused of
running guns to the freedom fighters.
" He asked if there was anything I wanted - tobacco, rum, a priest. The
company was re-organized as the Taylor Aircraft Company with Taylor as
President and Piper as treasurer. You can trust me on this - forget that
unreliable narrator stuff for a minute.
It helps keep us in pickelhaubes.
2007 Jan 26
directory, effect of recurse with ensure => directory
I wanted to say::
this file is a directory and must be created , this directory and it''s content should be owned by root:www-data with 640
mode for file and 750 for dirs:
file { "base_admin":
path => "/my/dir"
owner => ''root'',
2019 Aug 16
Giving full administrator privileges through sudo on production systems
...production systems on television stations, a sysadmin give teens
(remaja group, age 13 and older) full administrator privileges by adding
this line to sudoers:
%remaja ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
Rationale: Almost all programs on the system can only be run by teens as
2. On production systems on tobacco factories, a sysadmin also give
adults (age 18 and older, dewasa group) full administrator privileges by
adding this line to sudoers:
%dewasa ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
Also, the sudo lecture file configured in sudoers (/etc/sudo.lecture)
contain the following:
2006 Jun 30
FOSS, Science, and Public activism
...urns out. From the article...
"Fontana says ... evidence of "younger" hearts in people on calorie
restriction, suggest that humans on CR have the same adaptive
responses as did animals whose rates of aging were slowed by CR."
I think that it is time to look at the tannins in tobacco leaves.
There may be other treasures lurking there too. As you may be
aware there is ample public research into any possible beneficial
compounds that may be obtained from tobacco leaves. The mechanisms
are there waiting to be discovered. If you want to post them, just
reply to me and I'd...
2006 Jul 01
FOSS, Science, and Public activism
...urns out. From the article...
"Fontana says ... evidence of "younger" hearts in people on calorie
restriction, suggest that humans on CR have the same adaptive
responses as did animals whose rates of aging were slowed by CR."
I think that it is time to look at the tannins in tobacco leaves.
There may be other treasures lurking there too. As you may be
aware there is ample public research into any possible beneficial
compounds that may be obtained from tobacco leaves. The mechanisms
are there waiting to be discovered. If you want to post them, just
reply to me and I'...
2006 Jul 01
FOSS, Science, and Public activism
...urns out. From the article...
"Fontana says ... evidence of "younger" hearts in people on calorie
restriction, suggest that humans on CR have the same adaptive
responses as did animals whose rates of aging were slowed by CR."
I think that it is time to look at the tannins in tobacco leaves.
There may be other treasures lurking there too. As you may be
aware there is ample public research into any possible beneficial
compounds that may be obtained from tobacco leaves. The mechanisms
are there waiting to be discovered. If you want to post them, just
reply to me and I'...
2003 Nov 27
....0.1.1 - The second interface). Because this i can't find my linux machine from windows machines.
How can i configure my samba server to register the first interface (eth0) in WINS?
Thanks for any help.
Jorge M?rio Fonseca Pinto
Analista de Suporte S?nior
CTA- Continental Tobaccos Alliance S/A
Ven?ncio Aires - RS
, jorgepinto@cta.com.br
( (0xx51) 3741.2126 r 2081 - (051) 9648.0307
2007 Oct 29
Setting variables in modules - order important?
For some reason I have to assign my variable before I include my class
for the assignment to ''take''. I though the ordering was immaterial. Am
I doing something wrong (again) or is this a funny?
This works:
<0> sa_dewha@engpsr0000.intranetdev.barcapdev.com (0 jobs)
2006 Jul 01
FOSS, Science, and Public activism
...urns out. From the article...
"Fontana says ... evidence of "younger" hearts in people on calorie
restriction, suggest that humans on CR have the same adaptive
responses as did animals whose rates of aging were slowed by CR."
I think that it is time to look at the tannins in tobacco leaves.
There may be other treasures lurking there too. As you may be
aware there is ample public research into any possible beneficial
compounds that may be obtained from tobacco leaves. The mechanisms
are there waiting to be discovered. If you want to post them, just
reply to me and I'd...