search for: tkgetopenfile

Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "tkgetopenfile".

2007 Jul 05
Me again, about the horrible documentation of tcltk
...t are the arguments of any of the functions of the tcl/tk package? I tried hard to find, using all search engines available, looking deep into keywords of R, python's tkinter and tcl/tk, but nowhere I found anything remotely similar to a help. For example, what are the possible arguments to tkgetOpenFile? I know that this works: library(tcltk) filename <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile( filetypes="{{Porn Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} {*}}")) if (filename != "") cat("Selected file:", filename, "\n") but, besides filetypes, what are the other arguments to tkgetOp...
2008 Sep 17
trouble with tkgetOpenFile
I'm trying to use the following loop to open a window multiple times to select files, but only the last window shows up. What am I missing? library(tcltk) nWin <- 6 fn <- vector('list', nWin) for (ii in nWin) { fn[[ii]] <- tclvalue( tkgetOpenFile( filetypes = "{{Files} {.1D}} {{All files} *}", title = paste('Choose number', ii, 'time series file'))) } TIA, Gang
2002 Sep 26
tcltk - command=function()
...spss("C:/Cummulative/data/wekaSpecial.sav", use.value.label=T, tkpack(label.widget,button.widget) tkdestroy(tt)) i have to use command=function() that this works like cat command ( i get no error message but nothing happen),or better how can i replace it with tkgetOpenFile and do than an assignment to a read.table,read.delim or read.spss command ? i experiment with deparse and substitute, but get no success ! really thanks for advance and regards,Christian -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Rea...
2003 Jan 20
curious code mistakes
...#39;m type below the same code , it works ??? ...imho a print type problem, what i''m never before observed and can''t recognize with my eyes ? P.S. R.1.6.1 /w2k thanks for advance & regards,christian >>getfile <- function() { + name <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes="{{SPSS files} {.sav}} {{All files} *}")) Error: syntax error >> if (name == "") return; Error: syntax error >> zz <- read.spss(name, use.value.label=T, Error: syntax error >> assign("myData", zz, env...
2011 Nov 28
window manager interface commands for linux
How can i replicate this in Linux: source(file.choose()) I've tried source(tkgetOpenFile()) but with no luck
2008 Oct 22
Bug when importing datas with tcltk window (PR#13191)
...hy. What is surprising is that it doesn?t happen each time. Most of the time I can't finish the importation of my 3 data folders, but sometimes I am successful. Here is my function: require(tcltk) import.donnees.f = function() { #### openObservations.f = function(){ name1<-tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile()) if (!nchar(name1)) tkmessageBox(message="Aucun fichier n'a ?t? s?lectionn?!") else tkmessageBox(message=paste("Vous avez s?lectionn? le fichier ",name1)) assign("fileName",name1,envir=.GlobalEnv) } openUnitobs.f = function(){ name2<-tcl...
2011 Oct 24
strsplit convert data
I am using the following code but I do not know the debug and run for correct errors library (tcltk) file <-tclvalue (tkgetOpenFile ()) if (nchar (file)) { tkmessageBox ("Select the file") } else { tkmessageBox (message = paste ("Was select file", file)) Dataset <- read.table (file, header = FALSE, sep = "", na.strings = "NA", dec =".", strip.white...
2008 Aug 19
Open directory within a menu in tcltk
Hello, I am trying to setup a menu to open files and directories. I have the following code: opendir<-function() { dirname<<-tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory()) } openfile<-function() { filename<<-tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile()) } require(tcltk) t1<-tktoplevel() topMenu<-tkmenu(t1) tkconfigure(t1,menu=topMenu) plotMenu<-tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE) tkadd(plotMenu,"command",label="Open file", command=openfile) tkadd(plotMenu, "command",label="Select directory",command...
2003 Jun 02
function for Browse
Hi all, I'm trying to implement a Browse (for directories) button in one Rcmdr menu. Is there a function in the tcltk package for browsing (like tkgetOpenFile for opening files)? Thanks, Adrian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adrian Dusa ( Romanian Social Data Archive ( 1, Schitu Magureanu Bd. 76625 Bucharest sector 5 Romania Tel./Fax: +40 (21) 312.66.18 [[alternate HTML version deleted]]
2007 Feb 16
R GUI programming
...ayed upon GUI initialization, later changes to the .dataset won't be reflected in the display. -- dataset.header <- tclVar("header information") .dataset <- 0 loaddataset <- function(.dataset) { # this function is bind to a tkbutton file <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile()) if (!length(file)) return() tclvalue(dataset.file)<-file .dataset <- read.csv(file,header=TRUE) # read in .CSV file to R object cat(colnames(.dataset)) tclvalue(dataset.header) <- colnames(.dataset) cat(paste("after ass...
2005 Jul 20
Internationalization of the Rcmdr package
...specially interested in a language or languages that use different character sets. One problem that I've encountered is that the text for buttons (e.g., "Open", "Cancel", "Yes", "No") in the standard Tk dialogs (e.g., tk_getOpenFile and tk_messageBox via tkgetOpenFile() and tkmessageBox() in the tcltk package) is not translated, at least under Windows XP, where I've tested. I've seen translated buttons in Tk dialogs under Linux, so perhaps this is a Windows-specific problem. Regards, John -------------------------------- John Fox Department of Sociolo...
2003 Apr 25
tcltk tkfilefind demo problem
Hi everyone, I wonder if anybody observed the crash of the tkfilefind demo. I looked into the code and it seems to crash executing dirtree<-tkwidget(base, "hierarchy_dir", root=path, showparent="Parent", showfiles=1, showall=all.names,
2003 Apr 24
R TclTk Examples
Hi, I've been learning how to use R TclTk in Windows over the last few months. I have recently put together a collection of examples of some common widgets and their corresponding R code, at I would be interested in any feedback - Is it useful? Does it contain any significant errors or bad coding style? Does anyone else want to
2012 May 03
Help with readBin
I'm trying to read a binary file created by a fortran code using readBin and readChar. Everything reads fine (integers and strings) except for double precision numbers, they are read as huge or very small number (1E-250,...). I tried various endianness, swap, But nothing has worked so far. I also tried on R 64 bit for linux and windows (R 2.14) and R 2.11 on windows XP 32 bit. Any help would
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
Hello, On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an application to be launched from within an app bundle, or (alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork. Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
Hello, On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an application to be launched from within an app bundle, or (alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork. Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2013 Jan 21
Problema gWidgets & XLConnect
Hola. Tengo una especie de "poltergeist"... a ver si alguien es capaz de echarme un cable.... sucede al usar los paquetes XLConnect ( y gWidgets ( simultáneamente en R 2.15.2 (de 32 bits bajo Windows 7) ... con la versión anterior (2.15.1), en las mismas condiciones, no pasa. Caso 1: #