search for: title3d

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "title3d".

2008 Nov 20
Math Expression in 3D Plots
Is there anyway to label axes in 3D plots with mathematical expressions? In the code below, I want to replace "delta_yrsed" with what "\Delta \widehat{yrsed}" represents in TeX, but the [xyz]lab parameters of title3d appear to only accept character strings. require("rgl") <- function(dist, delta.dist, beta.dist=-0.1376463, beta.dist2=0.0088698) { delta.yrsed <- (beta.dist + 2*beta.dist2*dist)*delta.dist + beta.dist2*delta.dist^2 return(delta.yrsed)...
2011 Sep 09
rgl: axis/viewport/box problems in persp3d()
Dear expeRts, I am a new user of rgl, below is my first trial to plot a simple function in 3d. I managed to put the axes in the right locations, but: (1) The xlab, ylab, and zlab arguments are ignored; how can I put in axes labels? (2) Since I removed the axes in persp3d() the viewport is too small; is it possible to keep the size of the viewport? (3) The box is not correctly drawn, there
2011 Aug 09
rgl how to plot a cylinder like arrow3d?
...ade3d(addNormals(c), col=mycol) } open3d() vector3D(start=c(0,0,0),end=data[,1], 'red'); vector3D(start=c(0,0,0),end=data[,2],'green') arrow3d(c(0,0,0),data[,1],color='red');arrow3d(c(0,0,0),data[,2], color='green') axes3d(c('x','y','z'));title3d('main','sub','X','Y','Z');box3d() thanks, Ren?
2007 May 29
...(x=d.mat[,1],y=d.mat[,3],z=d.mat[,2],size=3) lines3d(x=m1[,1],y=m1[,3],z=m1[,2],size=3) lines3d(x=m2[,1],y=m2[,3],z=m2[,2],size=3) I then added axes using box3d() axes3d(c('x--'),tick=TRUE,nticks=5) axes3d(c('z--'),tick=TRUE,nticks=5) axes3d(c('z++'),tick=TRUE,nticks=5) title3d(main = "Test 3-D plot", sub = NULL, xlab ="Lag", ylab = NULL, zlab = "Dissolved O2", line = NA) I did some rotation to determine a nicer view of the plot. I now wanted to create a snapshot of the plot (using rgl.postscript since I will be using in LATEX). Howeve...
2007 Jun 05
biplot package
...text3d(hl*, texts=rownames(hl), col=col.var) if(simple.axes) { axes3d(c('x', 'y', 'z')) } else decorate3d(xlab = 'PC1', ylab = 'PC2', zlab = 'PC3', box = box) title3d(xlab = 'PC1', ylab = 'PC2', zlab = 'PC3') } else { require(scatterplot3d) graph = scatterplot3d(cooplot, type = if(spheres) 'p' else 'n', xlab='PC1', ylab='PC2',...
2001 Jan 06
3D package in R
Hi all, I am considering writing a 3D visualisation package for R. Purposes: - Visualise 3 dimension data - Manipulate the data or series or any other object with the mouse as in any 3D software (3D Studio Max, Lightwave...) - Eventually display more than just 3D objects. Justification: - It's always interesting to plot data before performing any analysis - Manipulating (rotating,
2007 Jun 11
biplot package II
...ect3d) for(i in 1:nrow(hl)) { segments3d(rbind(matrix(0, nc=3), hl[i,]*var.factor), col=col.var) } text3d(hl*var.factor, texts=rownames(hl), col=col.var) if(simple.axes) { axes3d(c('x', 'y', 'z')) title3d(xlab=paste('PC', lambda.ini, sep=''), ylab=paste('PC', lambda.ini+1, sep=''), zlab=paste('PC', lambda.end, sep='')) } else decorate3d(xlab=paste('PC', lambda.ini, sep=''), ylab=paste...