Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "testpkg".
2003 Sep 28
infinite recursion during package installation with methods, setAs
I ran into a problem recently trying to update a package which uses S4
methods using a recent beta of R. I think I can reproduce it with a
simple example. I have package called `testpkg' in directory testpkg/.
In the R/ subdirectory of testpkg/ I have a file called testpkg.R which
contains the following two lines:
setClass("testpkg", representation(pts = "list"))
setAs("testpkg", "numeric", function(from, to) as.numeric(unlist(from)))...
2020 Jan 24
R package builder silently continues after unclosed brace
If you start a function in one file but don't close it, the package
will still build if you manage to close it in a later file. Like so:
function_a <- function(){
print("this is function_a")
function_b <- function(){
print("unclosed function_b")
# no closing }
function_c <- function(){
print("function_c will be part of
2007 Jul 18
possible bug R CMD check: No space(s) allowed after \VignetteDepends{}
tag,"\\{([^}]*)\\}[[:space:]]*", sep = "")
The test package I'm using has only one vignette:
%\VignetteIndexEntry{some entry}
R CMD build, R CMD check and R CMD INSTALL run successfully.
If I add an extra space after %\VignetteDepends{stats} then "R CMD check"
w5:falimadh [~/work/mypkg]> R CMD check testpkg
* checking fo...
2019 Jan 24
Possible setClassUnion Unloading Issue
...is loaded initially, it registers itself
as a super class of the component classes in the S4 cache. When the
package the class union lives in is unloaded, it does not undo that
registration. Here is an MRE of the problems it causes:
## the character and NULL basic types, and install it
testpkg <- tempfile()
dir.create(file.path(testpkg, 'R'), recursive=TRUE)
writeLines('', file.path(testpkg, 'NAMESPACE'))
description <- 'Package: testpkg\nTitle: Textpkg\nVersion: 0.1\n'
writeLines(description, file.path(testpkg, 'DESCRIPTION...
2012 Nov 27
Puzzling behavior while testing
I'm testing a new release of survival, executing the following piece of code:
for (testpkg in survdep) {
z <- testInstalledPackage(testpkg, outDir="tests")
cat(testpkg, c("Ok", "Failed")[z+1], "\n", file="progress", append=T)
The vector survdep contains the names of all 156 packages listed as reverse depends on the
CRAN p...
2020 Sep 11
Garbage collection of seemingly PROTECTed pairlist
return out;}
As you can see, I have some diagnostic print statements in there. The
offending line is line 40, which I have marked with a comment of // This is
where the error occurs. I have a minimal reproducible package at
https://github.com/rorynolan/testpkg and I have run R CMD CHECK with
valgrind using GitHub actions, the results of which are at
That's where I found out which line is causing the error. This function
works as expected sometimes, and then sometimes this is...
2007 Sep 23
html help fails for named vector objects (PR#9927)
platform = i386-apple-darwin8.10.1
arch = i386
os = darwin8.10.1
system = i386, darwin8.10.1
status = beta
major = 2
minor = 6.0
year = 2007
month = 09
day = 22
svn rev = 42941
language = R
version.string = R version 2.6.0 beta (2007-09-22 r42941)
Search Path:
.GlobalEnv, package:testpkg, package:stats, package:graphics,
package:grDevices, package:utils, package:datasets, package:methods,
Autoloads, package:base
John Maindonald email: john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
phone : +61 2 (6125)3473 fax : +61 2(6125)5549
Centre for Mathematics & Its Applications, Room...
2007 Apr 11
R CMD build fails with try(stop()) in vignette
A vignette in <pkg>/inst/doc with
produces an error with R CMD build <pkg>:
** building package indices ...
* DONE (testPkg)
* creating vignettes ... ERROR
Error in try(stop("err")) : err
This is not seen with Sweave alone.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.5.0 beta (2007-04-11 r41127)
2017 Nov 17
Risks of using "function <- package::function" ?
...one will overwrite the first one.
The normal way to handle this is in the NAMESPACE file, where you should
importFrom(stats, filter)
If you then have
importFrom(dplyr, filter)
you should get an warning:
Warning: replacing previous import ?stats::filter? by ?dplyr::filter?
when loading ?testpkg?.
Duncan Murdoch
2017 Nov 16
Risks of using "function <- package::function" ?
Large packages sometimes mask each other's functions and that creates a headache, especially for teaching code, since function signatures may depend on which order packages were loaded in. One of my students proposed using the idiom
<function> <- <package>::<function>
... in a preamble, when we use just a small subset of functions from a larger package. I like that
2020 Sep 12
Garbage collection of seemingly PROTECTed pairlist
> return out;}
> As you can see, I have some diagnostic print statements in there. The
> offending line is line 40, which I have marked with a comment of // This is
> where the error occurs. I have a minimal reproducible package at
> https://github.com/rorynolan/testpkg and I have run R CMD CHECK with
> valgrind using GitHub actions, the results of which are at
> https://github.com/rorynolan/testpkg/runs/1076595757?check_suite_focus=true
> .
> That's where I found out which line is causing the error. This function
> works as expected sometimes,...
2020 Oct 08
Coercion function does not work for the ALTREP object
Hi Gabriel, here is a simple package for reproducing the problem.
On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 5:04 AM Gabriel Becker <gabembecker at gmail.com> wrote:
> Jiefei,
> Where does the code for your altrep class live?
> Thanks,
> ~G
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 4:25 AM Jiefei Wang <szwjf08 at gmail.com> wrote:
2017 Nov 17
Risks of using "function <- package::function" ?
...handle this is in the NAMESPACE file, where you
>importFrom(stats, filter)
>If you then have
>importFrom(dplyr, filter)
>you should get an warning:
>Warning: replacing previous import ?stats::filter? by ?dplyr::filter?
>when loading ?testpkg?.
>Duncan Murdoch
>R-help at r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
>PLEASE do read the posting guide
>and pr...
2011 Jul 06
including figures in html documentation/help
Dear list members,
is it somehow possible to include figures to the html help pages of individueal functions (containing for example a plot produced by that function?)
I thought about adding these figures into a 'graphs' subfolder of the package folder and then to somehow insert some sort of html link into the documentation code.
I use inlinedocs for creating the documentation.
2020 Oct 07
Coercion function does not work for the ALTREP object
Hi all,
The coercion function defined for the ALTREP object will not be called by R
when an assignment operation implicitly introduces coercion for a large
ALTREP object.
For example, If I create a vector of length 10, the ALTREP coercion
function seems to work fine.
> x <- 1:10
> y <- wrap_altrep(x)
> .Internal(inspect(y))
@0x000000001f9271c0 13 INTSXP g0c0 [REF(2)] I am
2018 May 30
CentOS 7 issues with pdf manual / tex conversion
On 30 May 2018 at 11:34, Tom Callaway wrote:
| On 05/29/2018 04:53 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > I noticed it with a local, not-public package -- but it appears to apply with
| > any source package. I replicated with pkgKitten straight off CRAN and after
| > checking that it has a six page manual there.
| I'm having trouble reproducing this one. In my fresh CentOS 7 VM, I