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2005 Sep 19
waveform filtering
I'm not an engineer so I hope I'm using the correct terminology here. I
have a recorded waveform that I want to apply low and high pass filters
too, are tehre already R functions existing to do this or am I going to
have to program my own?
thanks for any pointers
2004 Aug 10
Polycom IP 500 - MWI Not Working
...to tell my phone that it should
display a MWI state. The light does not show when you have message nor
is there any indicator on the text lines of a message waiting. The wiki
doesn't cover this enough to help me find why I do not get the
notification on the phone when a message is waiting. Is tehre anyone
out there with Polycom phones who has Message Waiting Indicators working
with the IP 500? If so, can you tell me how you got it working, what
variable to set in * or the Polycom cfg files?
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2010 May 19
Safari reload
is tehre any news on the safari reload bug?
Maybe a workaround?
Mapstraction is sometimes not displayed on reload...
2010 Aug 12
MSN wtf?
Well I've dabbled with Wine on and off for about a year and quite frankly, I've never gotten Wine to work... in fact I've never gotten Wine to do anything--I don't know why I bother, I guess because sometimes my head inflates, and I just need Wine to tell me that yes tehre are some htings in life I can't have.
So I went here: http://wiki.winehq.org/MSN_Messenger_webcam_support
Didn't work... cashed. So I used wine tricks and installed a bunch of crap Google suggested.
Now I get this:
genius at k-laptop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/MSN Messenger...
2002 Sep 02
Installing vp31vfw.dll - how?
...31 vfw hack.
Now, my problem is that I need to integrate the vp31vfw.dll setup into a
MSI file, because spawning another installer is not exactly an option.
Can anyone post a list of complete registry keys that I need to push?
My main prob,em is - I also downloaded the sources, but the .INF file
tehre has very little resemblance with the registry keys I find on my
computer :-(
Thomas Tomiczek
THONA Consulting Ltd.
(Microsoft MVP C#/.NET)
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List archives: http://www.xiph.org/archives/
Ogg project homepage: http://www.xiph.org/ogg/
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2005 Aug 26
Samba clients fail after reboot
Hi all,
since three weeks ago, whenever one of our Linux client gets rebooted,
it can't get access to a W2K domain anymore. Everything is working,
nothing is changed in the configs, the Linux machines are simply
rebooted. Does anyone know whether tehre is a security update or so on
w2K that causes this? Another strange thing is that once in a while
for an unknown reason loggin in to the linux box works again and 10
minutes later it stops without touching the box.
On the domain controller I get in the event viewer:
The session setup from the co...
2007 Apr 13
stacked histograms
me the correct group levels and when setting groups = NULL, auto.key =
TRUE is obviously not producing any legend). Is this because the default
"panel"-argument of histogram() = panel.histogram has no group-argument
(in contrast to the xyplot() function and xyplot.histogram)? Is tehre a
way around it?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Arne Schr?der, PhD student
Department for Ecology and Environmental Science
Ume? University
SE-901 87 Ume?
phone: +46 (0)90 786 6635
e-mail: arne.schroder at emg.umu.se
fax: +46 (0)90 786 6705
2009 Jul 29
Empty result set after migration
Someone sent me an app with migrations.
I am using sqlite for my db in test. I succesfully run
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
And when I go to run this app, get "empty result set." Is tehre
something I am missing here?
2006 Jun 14
enormous wave on OTC, important statement
This Is Going To Explode!
C T X E . P K - C a n t e x E n e r g y C o r p
Global score: Excellent|
Mean Recommendation: Srtong Byu|
Investor Action:Buy Fats|
Current Price: $0.51 Get it Now!
Befroe we satrt wtih the proflie of C T X E . P K we wuold lkie to mention
somethnig vrey importatn: Tehre is a Big PR Cmapaign statring tihs week .
And it wlil go all week so it wolud be bset to get in Nwo.
Company Profile:
C a n t e x E n e r g y C o r poraiton is an independnet, maanged rsik, oil and gas explortaion, developemnt, and produciton compnay headquaretred in San Antnoio, Txeas.
2018 Jan 11
downloading only specific directories from directory tree
..., and indeed they don't have openSUSE_Leap_42.2
dirs directly. But they have different subdirs which have
openSUSE_Leap_42.2 dirs. What would be the correct filter set
to mirror all openSUSE_Leap_42.2 dirs at any level if I don't want
to include all dirs at the root level? At the roor level tehre are
many dirs and I can't mirror everything at a time because of space
limitations. I would like to mirror different groups from the
root level separately. Either by using root level pattern names or
by directly specifying the dirs I want to mirror. Each root level dir
may or may not have an o...
2018 Mar 16
Samba, AD and devices compatibility...
> Eg, i suppose that original windows server 2000 was not signed and
> sealed, and sometime in windows server os version this became
> mandatory.
> Eg, i can speak like: your printer seems not compatible with windows
> server 2008R2, because does not sign and seal auth: tehre's a firmware
> revision that...
It is a bit like setting this:
If they say 'just use SSL', then the allow_sasl_over_tls part of that
2016 Oct 31
problems with ESS 16.10-1 and R version 3.3.2
Hello everyone,
does anyone reported similar problems with ess 16.10-1 and R version 3.3.2
These are the steps I do to reproduce it
- Open any R script
- C-c C-n (or C-c C-j) on any line to start the interactive session
- the R process is started but it's hanging and emacs "freeze" (any command
is ignored)
R version 3.3.2 RC (2016-10-23 r71578) -- "Sincere Pumpkin
2002 Jul 17
Problem with R INSTALL
...ml latex
Imp.Estimates text html latex example
* DONE (boot)
But then I go to R and:
> library(boot)
Warning message:
Package `boot' contains no R code in: library(boot)
and yes, in the new directory /usr/local/lib/R/library/boot tehre is no R
. .. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION INDEX R-ex TITLE data help html latex
despite the fact that there is one in the directory
that comes from the tar.gz file
ls /usr/local/R-patched/R-1.5.1-recommended/boot
In some ot...
2009 Jun 12
JRclient.RSrvException Exception: Handshake
at org.rosuda.JRclient.Rconnection.<init>(Rconnection.java:58)
at org.rosuda.JRclient.Rconnection.<init>(Rconnection.java:42)
at tester.RTester.getLocalRconnection(RTester.java:28)
at tester.RTester.main(RTester.java:14)
Well, i understand, that tehre seems to be a version problem, but i dont understand what kind of. Im using the most recent Versions of RServe and JRclient which i could find on the page.
btw. im using Windows XP Pro and Eclipse ganimed (recent Version) as IDE.
Java jdk is at version 1.6.
Thx in advance for any help!
2005 Mar 08
SMBD loading CPU
...9.0 box.
It has dual 700MHz CPU's and 512MB RAM
It is used as a file server, serving files to Win XP and Win 2k users.
I have noticed it is using between 30% and 75% of CPU usage per smbd session, which slows the
network to a grind.
I thought samba and smbd used very little of the CPU. Is tehre anything i can do to reduce this ?
This communication is confidential to the intended recipient(s). If you are not that person you are not permitted to make use of the information and you are requested to notify the sender immediately of its receipt then destroy the copy in your...
2007 Oct 02
actionscript loadmovie
I want use in my file swf actionscript coomand "loadmovie" but I didn't see it into swfdec-0.5.2. I saw that tehre is a fuction (swfdec_movie_load) that permit to load a movie (second file swf flash) into a current swf file So...How can I do to call this fuction? while actionscript command should to be call by my swf file? Thanks! Bye Wolf
PS sorry for my bad english ^^'
2005 Aug 13
Why NAT problem
i am using asterisk-1.0.9. i have a NAT problem.
without NAT registration is ok. and if user is bhind
NAT it is registring on asterisk. but SJPhone is
showing "not registered". i think asterisk is properly
sending request to UA. any comments............this
sip.conf setting was working previously
-- Registered SIP '5000' at port 5060
expires 120
-- Saved
2002 Jun 23
Rsync ssh script execution fails under cron?
I've spent more than a day trying to write a script to backup my remote server to a local machine using ssh. The script works perfectly when I execute it directly (and I've gotten a number of variations to work okay), but I can't get cron to successfully execute it. There is no result output, so it seems cron is hanging on something, but I don't know what.
I'm running it as
2018 Mar 14
Samba, AD and devices compatibility...
...ome clue in 'windows lingo'?
Eg, i suppose that original windows server 2000 was not signed and
sealed, and sometime in windows server os version this became
Eg, i can speak like: your printer seems not compatible with windows
server 2008R2, because does not sign and seal auth: tehre's a firmware
revision that...
dott. Marco Gaiarin GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia'' http://www.lanostrafamiglia.it/
Polo FVG - Via della Bontà , 7 - 33078 - San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
2005 May 24
Theora with DirectX earlier than 9
I'm trying to use Theora video codec with DirectX 8 and DiretX 7. The
problem seems to be out format of Theora decoder wich is YV12 and
incompatible with DirectShow Video Renderer Filter.
Do you know a filter able to convert YV12 to RGB, usable in a
commercial application ? May I have to make such a filter myself ?
Is is said in the README file of oggdsf archive :
"You need