search for: task_id

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 48 matches for "task_id".

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2006 Apr 30
Adding values from a db the rails way?
...e''ll be multiple lines for a particular task. I want to retrieve the total number of hours worked on a task, so that I can include the information when one views the task details. I can write a sql query to do this easily enough, like "SELECT SUM(hours) AS total FROM tasklog WHERE task_id = x", but what''s the rails way to do this? thx n. -- Posted via
2006 May 23
ad-hoc query
How do you run an ad-hoc query that does not belong in any model? I thought it was something like ActiveRecord::connection.find("my query..."), but I can''t seem to find the documentation on it. I know I''ve seen it somewhere before, though. thanks, Jeff -- Posted via
2008 Apr 23
self referential (n-n relationship) belongs many controller
...--------------------------------------------------- model : class Task < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :statut has_many :links has_many :tasklinks , :through => :links end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2e table : links columns : id | task_id | tasklink_id so in this table, the tasklink_id are the key for the associated tasks to task_id --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- model : class Link < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :task belongs_to :tasklink, :class_name => ''Ta...
2006 Aug 09
select-multiple for has_many association
I haven''t looked into this for several months, but there still doesn''t seem to be an obvious way to generate a HTML select element for choosing multiple items to be set for a has_many association. <select id="person_task_ids" multiple="multiple" name="person[tasks][]"> <option value="1">Do something</option> ... </select> Let''s see. There''s a handy helper method that results in code like this, when used straightforwardly <...
2006 Mar 21
Newbie - ActiveRecord relationships
...veRecord::Base belongs_to :client belongs_to :user has_and_belongs_to_many :users has_and_belongs_to_many :parents, :class_name => "Task", :join_table => "parents_task", :association_foreign_key => "parent_id", :foreign_key => "task_id" has_many :logs has_many :users, :through => :logs ... My db schema is below. If anyone has some pointers for me I''d REALLY appreciate it. Thanks Nick CREATE TABLE `tasks` ( `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, `parent_id` int(4) default NULL, #Parent task `title` varc...
2012 Sep 13
Creating a link_to from a collection_select
...what is the current selection of the collection_select. And needless to say I can''t quite figure it out. app/views/tasks/show.html.erb Who would you like to assign this task to?<br /> <%= link_to ''Myself'', :controller => ''task_queues'', :task_id =>, :action => ''assign_to_me'' %> | Assign To: <%= collection_select("assign", "user_id", @users, :id, :full_name )%> <%= link_to ''Assign'', :controller =>''task_queues'', :task_id =>,...
2006 Jul 16
Calculations across multiple tables
...find_by_sql in the past) is get a sum of the timespan given by ended_at - begun_at for each client. Is it naive to imagine that AR''s calculations will span relations to provide a grouped result? The SQL I''m feeding to find_by_sql comes out something like this: SELECT client_id, task_id, project_id, clients.client_name, tasks.description, time_records.start_at, (SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(time_records.end_at) - time_to_sec(time_records.start_at)) / 60) AS total_client_minutes, (SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(time_records.end_at) - time_to_sec(time_records.start_at)) / 3600) AS total...
2013 Mar 25
validates presence of foreign key fails in nested form
...tr_accessible :status, :user_id, :start_date, :end_date, :activities_attributes has_many :activities, dependent: :destroy has_many :time_entries, through: :activities accepts_nested_attributes_for :activities, allow_destroy: true end class Activity < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :task_id, :timesheet_id, :time_entries_attributes validates :task_id, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: ''timesheet_id''} belongs_to :timesheet belongs_to :task has_many :time_entries, order: :workdate, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :time_entries, allow_dest...
2007 Dec 04
I have the requirement to empty the association records and add the association records as new (as below). @task = Task.find(params[:task_id]) @task.task_users = [] params[:ids].split(", ").each do |court_user_id| task_user = => court_user_id) @task.task_users << task_user end This is not working. Following error is thrown. ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch (Tas...
2018 Oct 16
high cpu load with share_conflict on browsing and opening files
...: * global: struct smbXsrv_open_global0 db_rec : NULL server_id: struct server_id pid : 0x0000000000000d16 (3350) task_id : 0x00000000 (0) vnn : 0xffffffff (4294967295) unique_id : 0x304715b8633d5fa0 (3478773118850129824) open_global_id : 0xb62ba247 (3056312903)...
2006 Apr 28
Newbie: using date-picker
Finally found a nice date chooser script (, but am a little confused how to implement it. So I put this where I need the date picker: <a id="_name_link" href="#" onclick="DatePicker.toggleDatePicker(''name'')" class="demo_link">[ choose date ]</a> <div
2006 Apr 27
last stupid question today
...a predecessor relationship with each other. My Task class has this: has_and_belongs_to_many :predecessors, :class_name => "Task", :join_table => "predecessor", :association_foreign_key => "predecessor_id", :foreign_key => "task_id" The join table predecessor looks like this: CREATE TABLE predecessor ( predecessor_id BIGINT NOT NULL, task_id BIGINT NOT NULL ); if I create two tasks t1 and t2 and make t2 a predecessor of t1 (like so: t1.predecessors << t2), then I can access t2 in memory ala t1.predece...
2008 Feb 19
Issue with Observers and has_one association...
...On the other hand, when I replace the has_one association with just a hand crafted method, it does get called correctly. So the following does not work: class Task has_one :current_instance, :class_name => ''TaskInstance'', :foreign_key => ''task_id'', :order => ''start_at DESC'', :conditions => ''end_at IS NULL'' but when replaced with the follwoing, it does work. def current_instance TaskInstance.find(:first, :conditions=>"task_id=#{sel...
2010 Jan 22
Problem with acts_as_commentable Plugin to use the acts as commentable Plugin, bit it seems not to work: My Commentable Model is the Task Class. if i try to get the Comments of a Task Object , e.g. task.find(:first) task.comments it occurs this error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Unknown column ''comments.task_id'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM `comments` WHERE ((`comments`.`task_id` = 4)) ORDER BY created_at ASC What do i made wrong? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, sen...
2008 Jun 14
does BackgrounDRB not "know" the rails environment it is running within/in parallel with?] the find/create services of project.rb invoice.project.delivery_at_date = nil "Projekt til faktura nr #{invoice.invoice_number} blev opdateret!" invoice.invoice_items.each { |ii| Task.find(ii.task_id).update_attribute( :invoiced_at, unless ii.task_id.nil? } "Faktura nr #{invoice.invoice_number} blev dannet med faktura linier!" else "Faktura med ID #{invoice_id} blev ikke dannet - som PDF!" end else...
2008 Sep 06
Active record question
...ments made for a particular project. I''m using four models, Projects, Tasks, Resources and Appointments. The SQL gets me what I''m looking for but how do I do it using Active Record? Select a.* from appointments a join resources r on = a.resource_id join tasks t on = r.task_id join projects p on = t.project_id Where project_id = 1; I can get all the Resources for a project using this but can not get the appointments. I could loop through the resources getting all the appointments and tracking them, but that doesn''t seem like the right way to do it. I cou...
2006 Jul 27
Update second pulldown menu based on first menu selection?
I know I''ve seen this somewhere on this board and just can''t search it anymore. I have three relational tables: clients, projects, and tasks. Currently I''m working on customizing the ''new/edit'' task _form. So far I have it listing clients in a pulldown menu so I can assign the new task to a client. I''d like to have a second pulldown select
2006 Mar 23
drag and drop sorting recipe
The new pragmatic Rails Cookbook has a drag and drop sorting recipe. Does anyone know if this works with 1.0? I''ve followed the recipe (i think), and I can drag but when I drop everything goes back the way it was. It seems that the sort logic doesn''t get invoked. I put this code in my view: <%= sortable_element ''task-list'' , :url => {
2010 Aug 21
Making a series of similar, but modified .r files - suggested method(s)?
Dear all: Any suggestions are much appreciated. I am looking for a way to make a series of similar, but slightly modified, .r files. My issue is automating making 320 .r files that change the for(i in 1:x) in my base .r file (as well as other elements, e.g., the load(...), setwd(...)). For smaller jobs running on a single computer with batch files, I have been manually changing the for(i in 1:x)
2014 Mar 24
Winbind logins failing after upgrade from Samba 3 to Samba 4
...truct messaging_rec msg_version : 0x00000002 (2) msg_type : MSG_WINBIND_TRY_TO_GO_ONLINE (1030) dest: struct server_id pid : 0x0000000000003f44 (16196) task_id : 0x00000000 (0) vnn : 0xffffffff (4294967295) unique_id : 0x0000000000000000 (0) src: struct server_id pid : 0x0000000000003f54 (16212)...