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2011 Oct 13
Counting the number of integers at one swoop
...sum(y==2) -> 0
sum(y==3) -> 3
sum(y==4) -> 0
sum(y==5) -> 2
sum(y==6) -> 1
However, in one computation I want to get this vector [1,2,0,3,0,2,1].
Thank you in advance.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Counting-the-number-of-integers-at-one-swoop-tp3901215p3901215.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2002 Jan 08
Subsets without NA
Is there a way of removing all rows with missing values from a data frame?
I usually use
subset(x, var1!="NA")
and repeat for each variable. It would be nice to be able to do it in one
fell swoop. Also, surprisingly, it doesn't always work. Sometimes I'm left
with an empty set even though not all rows have missing values for the
Mikkel Grum, PhD
Genetic Diversity Scientist
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)
Sub-Saharan Africa Gro...
2009 Sep 27
dimension-preserving matrix coersion
...still be a matrix with the original dimensions. in my
function to do this, i coerce 'm' to a logical, then re-form it as a
matrix, which seems like an extra (possibly bug-introducing) step that
might be avoided if i knew of some "hidden" feature that might permit
this in one fell swoop.
any ideas?
2013 Jun 08
splitting a string column into multiple columns faster
...0,000 rows so that it takes almost 30 seconds to run just one line (like
out<-... above)
And it's even slower because I have to do it step-by-step many times.
Any way to do it by specifying all 3 delimiters at once
("aaa","_bbb","_ccc") and then split it in one swoop into a data frame with
several columns?
Thanks a lot for any pointers!
Dimitri Liakhovitski
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 10
function to create multiple matrices
...ion for each Year?
What I've tried doing is the following:
data #dataframe
dataT<-table(data$Species,data$Location,data$Year) #creates tables of
Species vs Location for each Year
But I'm encountering issues individually indexing the tables and converting
them into matrices in one fell swoop.
r1997<-as.matrix(tableT[,,"1997"]) #How I would do it individually; but I
can I make matrices for each year as a function?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Lanna Jin
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1999 Apr 06
One more for the wish list
...for a long
time. Could we not have libraries (sorry, packages) other than for the
base distribution in a subdirectory [Rpath]/library/local/ or perhaps
This tiny change would make administration so much simpler; I could move
all the old packages into the new library in one fell swoop. Granted
it's not hopelessly difficult to copy new onto old with overwriting and
then move the old to the new, but with a system that looks set to
continue to need frequent upgrades it would be really nice not to have
to do all this.
Plus it does make generally good sense to keep add-ons sepa...
2003 Nov 11
+= assignment operator
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 4 7
[2,] 102 105 8
[3,] 3 6 9
Anyone have any better ideas on building this kind of operator? It would be
better if the condition [which(...)] were only evaluated once. Bonus points if
you can make %*=%, %-=%, etc. all in one fell swoop.
-- David Brahm (brahm at alum.mit.edu)
2006 Jan 12
server without gcc?
...lieve i have a production box online without gcc installed using a
new CentOS 4 server CD???
confused to say the least as i always install all the compiler and etc
will the command
yum install gcc
get me everything i need or should i specify something else to get
everything in one swoop that i might ever need
- rh
Robert Hanson - Abba Communications
Computer & Internet Services
(509) 624-7159 - www.abbacomm.net
2006 Jun 03
Asterisk + PRI Card -> Nortel BCM
Has anyone fed a Nortel BCM from Asterisk?
I'm interested in switching our company over, but don't want to
replace all the handsets in one fell swoop.
I imagine some of the PRI cards can "emulate" a switch?
I'd still like to pass CallerID into the Nortel, etc but all the
external traffic would be VOIP, not TDM.
2017 Jun 06
Subject: glm and stepAIC selects too many effects
If AIC is giving you a model that is too large, then use BIC (log(n) as the penalty for adding a term in the model). This will yield a more parsimonious model. Now, if you ask me which is the better option, I have to refer you to the huge literature on model selection.
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2017 Jun 06
Subject: glm and stepAIC selects too many effects
More principled would be to use a lasso-type approach, which combines selection and estimation in one fell swoop!
From: Ravi Varadhan
Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 10:16 AM
To: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Subject: [R] glm and stepAIC selects too many effects
If AIC is giving you a model that is too large, then use BIC (log(n) as the penalty for adding a term in t...
2004 Oct 11
[LLVMdev] Re: [llvm-commits] CVS: */Makefile.am
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004, John Criswell wrote:
> I believe the two best things that we can do to shorten releases is the
> following:
> 1. Re-arrange the LLVM and LLVM-GCC builds to build in one fell swoop.
> I checkout out, I type make, and it all builds. This requires moving
> parts of llvm/runtime into llvm-gcc, or making llvm-gcc an LLVM project,
> or some other approach.
FWIW, this would be very valuable in its own right, in addition to making
the release easier to manage. Ideally, I...
2005 Oct 19
Finding all parents of acts_as_tree relationship
I''m using acts_as_tree to maintain a hierarchy of categories (each
top-level category can contain multiple categories and each
sub-category can contain multiple sub-categories, etc.).
I want to be able to find all parents of a particular category. I
realize that I can use @category.parent or even
@category.parent.parent to move up in the hierarchy, but I need this
to happen dynamically
2007 Nov 07
R as a programming language
Is there anything less ugly than
-- for routine printing? Can [1] be eliminated from such simple
printing? What about formatted printing?
Is there a way to assign all of
a <- args[1]
b <- args[2]
c <- args[3]
in one fell swoop, a l? Python's
a,b,c = args
What's the simplest way to check whether a filename ends in ".rda"?
Will ask more as I go programming...
(Will someone here please write an O'Reilly's "Programming in R"? :)
2009 Feb 10
Putting values and axis X labels on the charts based on allEffects
Need help with graphics. I am runnig a simple lm and then using
allEffects from 'effects' package:
model<-lm(Y~A+B, data=mydataframe)
I am trying to build (for each predictor - A and then B) a plot of means on Y.
I was successful doing it like this - in one swoop:
ml.eff<-allEffects(ml1, se=F)
plot(ml.eff,ylab="Title of Y")
Is it possible to show on my graph:
1. The actual Y values for each dot.
2. The title for A on the A graph and the title for B on the B graph -
but without having to do it one by one - because in reality I have
more predic...
2005 Jan 06
Calculating a table of symbol frequencies
...r(i in 1:236)
> align1.F[names(summary(align1[[i]])),i] <-
Is there a more efficient (i.e., without a loop) way to do this? Is there
some way to use table or ftable to create an 22 x 236 table of amino acid
frequencies from align1 and AA in one fell swoop?
Kurt Wollenberg, PhD
Tufts Center for Vision Research
New England Medical Center
750 Washington St, Box 450
Boston, MA, USA
kwollenberg at tufts-nemc.org
617-636-8945 (Fax)
617-636-9028 (Lab)
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
discoveries, is not &qu...
2011 Dec 19
[LLVMdev] Disassembly arbitrary machine-code byte arrays
...olute bare minimum that I need to do to disassemble an
array of, say, ARM machine code bytes? Or an array of Thumb machine
code bytes? For example, I might have an array of unsigned chars --
how could I go about decoding these into MCInst objects? Does such a
decoding process take place in one fell swoop or do I parse the stream
one instruction at a time? Can I ask it to "decode the next 10 bytes"?
What follows is my (feeble) attempt at getting started. It probably
doesn't help that I am only familiar with C and Objective-C and find
C++ syntax absolutely bewildering.
Kind regards,
2011 Apr 27
bwlpot problems: printing, and tick labels
...hen the 'bwplot' line alone is submitted, the
plot duly shows up.
B. When the 'bwplot' line alone is submitted, y labels are values 1 to 6,
not actual distinct values of y$maxthreads.
(C. I would, of course, prefer to produce plots for all distinct values of
x$maxthreads in a single swoop, on a single figure).
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
options(stringsAsFactors = F)
x = structure(list(mode = c("serial", "parallel", "parallel", "parallel",
"serial", "parallel", "parallel", "parallel&q...
2013 Apr 26
how do you test and release puppet changes?
...process and interested in knowing what other folks are doing.
We are in a position that is not ideal but is not unique from what I
can tell. Our current testing process is basically the
responsibility of each person making a change. Small changes are
committed and pushed to dev/qa/prod in one swoop with the committer
spot checking the results manually. Larger changes are tested by
running a node against a puppet environment which is pointed to the
change branch and the desired behavior is manually verified.
What we would like to do is start with implementing some basic control
points whic...
2021 Sep 21
Repo for RHEL docs in CentOS Stream
On Fri, 2021-09-17 at 14:19 +0200, Tomas Capek wrote:
> Hey folks,
> ??? I'm following up after a meeting with Rich, Karsten, and others,
> where we discussed next steps towards setting up a mirror of
> https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/red-hat-enterprise-linux-documentation/rhel-8-docs
> at
> https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/docs