Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "sweight".
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2012 Jun 21
crosstable and regression for survey data (weighted)
I have survey data that I am working on. I need to make some multi-way tables
and regression analyses on the data. After attaching the data, this is the
code I use for tables for four variables (sweight is the weight variable):
> a <- xtabs(sweight~research.area + gender + a2n2 + age)
> tmp <- ftable(a)
Is this correct? I don't think I need to use the strata and cluster
variables, right?
And, below is the logistic regression code that I use for randomly sampled,
or unweighted,...
2008 Dec 03
help on tapply using sample with differing sample-sizes
...out getting what I want. if so what would all you strong programmers reccommend instead. I am thinking that perhaps loops may be the only way to go.
raoboot <- function (datavar, statavar, weight, nboot, ciqntl, ciqntu)
i <- 1
sdatavar <- sort(datavar)
sstratavar <- sort(statavar)
sweight <- sort(weight)
sdatavarwght <- sdatavar*sweight
# stramn <- tapply(sdatavar, sstratavar, mean)
meanvect <- rep(0, times = nboot)
stratasize <- tapply(sdatavarwght, sstratavar, length)
stratasizemone <- stratasize -1
while (i < nboot)
{ #vector of resampled observat...
2012 Jan 24
sampling weights in package lme4
...ultilavel regression analysis using packege lme4 using following codes
print(fm1 <- lmer(DC~sex+age+smoker+alcohol+fruits(1|setting), dataset,REML = FALSE), corr = FALSE)
print(fm2 <- lmer(DC~sex+age+smoker+alcohol+fruits(1|setting), dataset,REML = FALSE), corr = FALSE,weights=sweight)
The problem is both the codes giving me exactly the same results.is this "weights" not meant for sampling weights?if not, how can i include sampling weights in lme4?
thanks a lotmasood
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2009 Jan 26
R crashes when using the RODBC Package
...tblName <- "qryDataMonthly_Crosstab"
prices <- sqlFetch(channel, tblName, colnames = FALSE, rownames
# Get Weightings
sql <- "SELECT BbSecurity, Weighting FROM qryWeightingsUse"
sWeights <- sqlQuery(channel, sql)
# ==== Copy Data to Database ====
if ( bWeekly ) {
tblName <- "tblIndexWeekly"
} else {
tblName <- "tblIndexMonthly"
2012 Oct 12
goodness of fit for logistic regression with survey package
package. Could you help me how to see the goodness of fit for the model
below? Should I use AIC, BIC, ROC, or what? What code would let me run a
goodness of fit test for the model? Here are my codes:
#incorporating design effects#
> mydesign <- svydesign(id=~clust, strata=~strat, weights=~sweight,
> data=mydata)
#logistic regression model#
> model1 <- svyglm(y ~ x1 + x2+ x3 + x4 + x5, design = mydesign,
> data=(mydata),family=quasibinomial())
#I tried loglik function, but didn't work#
> logLik(model1)
[1] 8753.057
Warning message:
In logLik.svyglm(model1) : svyglm not fit...