search for: svicalifornia

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "svicalifornia".

2008 Jan 23
redirect_to broken?
Is ActionController''s redirect_to method broken by Facebooker? When I try to invoke it and execute through, I get a blank page returned, response code 200, no redirect. When I try to connect directly to the server (not through apps.fb), I get the infinite recursion error described minutes ago. Are any of you able to use redirect_to successfully, and if so, any ideas
2008 Jan 24
getting started with facebooker
Hi, I started with rfacebook but given the recent events figure its best to move over to facebooker. I have: 1.) Installed the facebooker plugin 2.) setup my facebook app (fbml/canvas) 3.) created a method on controller & view to handle initial request 4.) added "ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user" to top off application.rb I am able to get to my landing page
2008 Jan 23
Accessing the current session
I''m trying to fetch a session (and other fb user variables from the session) at the start of my controller, so that all the actions in that controller can make use of it. Here''s the code: class FacebookController < ApplicationController ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user fb_session = session[:facebook_session] # ... action functions here ... end
2008 Jan 15
Fwd: strange routing problem
Figured it out. I had commented the environment lines for testing something. So if anyone has that routing error, then you''re missing your config lines in the environment. :) Shawn ----- Begin forwarded message ----- From: Shawn Van Ittersum <svicalifornia at> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 13:19:12 -0800 To: facebooker-talk at Subject: strange routing problem Now when I try to use facebooker, I get routing problems on all controllers except the default route: ActionController::RoutingError (no route found to match "facebook...
2008 Jan 11
getting started
Hey all, Been reading through all the old posts (and the docs) to familiarize myself but I still feel a bit lost. I''m on trunk and am having a bit of a hard time knowing where to start with the particular I''m trying to solve. So far, I''ve downloaded backgroundrb, done the basic rails setup, created my worker and started it using `script/backgroundrb start`.
2008 Jan 26
Introducing facebooker.yml
If you are using facebooker as a plugin, you can now have all your configuration in one place, namely config/facebooker.yml. You can create this file with rake facebooker:setup. It is also generated when you install it as a plugin. It has a similar setup to database.yml with sections for each environment. You can also configure your ssh reverse tunnels. If you are upgrading, make sure to
2008 Jan 21
Facebooker website
I just wanted to contribute a quick-start page with details about how to get the Facebook session (for internal apps), how to get user info, set profile FBML, post to the news feed, etc. I could even send this as text, or I can add a page using the Radiant CMS if it''s not too cumbersome. I am also working with Dave Clements to augment the configuration options to make it easier for
2008 Jan 23
bug in external apps
I was connecting directly to my server to try to debug something. I disabled the ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user check, then tried to connect to my index action. Got this error: SystemStackError in FacebookController#index stack level too deep RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2008 Feb 01
Sorry, I won''t be able to send in the right diff just yet. If you want to check in my code, just change each instance of ENV[''FACEBOOKER_CALLBACK_PATH''] to ENV[''FACEBOOKER_SANDBOX_NAMESPACE'']. Thanks, Shawn
2008 Jan 15
strange routing problem
Now when I try to use facebooker, I get routing problems on all controllers except the default route: ActionController::RoutingError (no route found to match "facebook" with {:method=>:get}) This affects all app controllers, not just the facebook one, even app controllers with no Facebooker code. When I remove the facebooker plugin, the routing problems go away and the routing
2008 Jan 31
Facebooker and file_column
Facebooker URL Rewriter stuff overloads ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root, causing a conflict with the plugin file_column and possibly other utilities. file_column constructs image URLs using the server host and relative_url_root This is not related to the sandbox patch I added to the rewriter. Facebooker overloaded relative_url_root before I touched it. I''ve
2008 Jan 29
Here''s the fix for Facebook apps that specify a controller in their callback URLs. First, set this variable in your environment scripts: ENV[''FACEBOOKER_CALLBACK_PATH''] = ''/controller'' # where controller is the name of your Facebook controller And then patch vendor/plugins/facebooker/lib/facebooker/rails/facebook_url_rewriting.rb as shown in the