Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "svdialog".
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2005 Jun 09
the svDialogs package
Hi Philippe and R community,
I am trying to use some functions from the svDialogs package but I get some werid errors I do not understand:
> library(svDialogs)
> m_list <- as.list(1:10)
> guiDlgDoubleList(m_list, m_list)
Error in guiDlgDoubleList(m_list, m_list) :
Not yet implemented!
> guiDlgList(m_list)
Error in guiDlgList(m_list) : couldn't...
2005 Mar 10
dealing with package bundles (was RE: Gregmisc)
Given the confusions that some users have regarding package bundles, I'd
like to suggest some changes to how package bundles are handled.
My understanding is that a package bundle is essentially a convenient way to
distribute related packages, so that users can download/install them in one
shot. However, some users apparently get confused that one can do
2005 Mar 10
dealing with package bundles (was RE: Gregmisc)
Given the confusions that some users have regarding package bundles, I'd
like to suggest some changes to how package bundles are handled.
My understanding is that a package bundle is essentially a convenient way to
distribute related packages, so that users can download/install them in one
shot. However, some users apparently get confused that one can do
2008 Jul 05
SciViews GUI
After following all the instructions on how to install the SciViews package from CRAN I still can't make the GUI show. Can someone give me a hint on how to do this? I have tried library(svGUI), library(svDialogs) and so on with the rest of the packages. I have also placed all the 'sv' packages in my Rprofile but nothing works. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Felipe D. Carrillo
Supervisory Fishery Biologist
Department of the Interior
US Fish & Wildlife Service
California, USA
2008 Dec 31
Suggestions for inputting a date via a dialog box?
I've written a program which will be run by someone who isn't an R programmer
and isn't all that computer-savvy in general. The user starts the program
and is prompted to input various information such as location of data files.
I've used the Sciviews svDialogs package for this with good success.
(although we're still ironing out tck/tk issues on some of his machines -
with help from these archives :) .)
My question is: is there a highly user-friendly way to prompt for
user-entered dates? Currently I use a guiDlgInput box and instruct the
person t...
2012 Nov 29
Fwd: Re: choose folder interactively
Organisation : UMONS - EcoNum
Pour : <ivan.calandra at u-bourgogne.fr>
Dear Ivan,
I cannot post to R-help currently. This is something interesting for
you. Could you echo to R-Help and R-SIG-Mac too, please?
You will find a native Mac OS X directory selection dialog box in
svDialogs. Install the package (you also need to install svGUI) and see
It works both in R.app and in R run in the terminal. There is just a
little time lag when you call of of svDialogs's dialog boxes the first time.
It works the same on Windows and even on Linux/Unix, providing you have
2005 Oct 16
asking the user for data
Hello everyone.
How do I get R to ask users for data to be entered? Specifically I want
to ask for a z score to be entered (the user would look this up in a
table) and then use the entered data to compute a Dunn's post-hoc test
(post kruskal.test).
I've tried the "ask" function but it's not recognised - maybe I don't
have to appropriate libary installed. A pointer
2012 Mar 11
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* EffectStars (1.0)
Maintainer: Unknown
Author(s): Gunther Schauberger
License: GPL-2
The package provides functions to visualize regression models with
categorical response. The effects of the covariates are plotted with
star plots in order to allow for an optical
2009 Jun 10
License quandry in the Fedora sub-space of all R packages
GPL-2 R-Rsymphony
GPL-2 R-RUnit
GPL (>= 2) R-sampleSelection
GPL-2 R-sandwich
GPL-2 R-scatterplot3d
GPL (>= 2) R-sem
GPL-2 R-sn
GPL (>= 2) R-sp
GPL (>= 2) R-SparseM
GPL (>= 2) R-spatstat
GPL-2 R-strucchange
GPL (>= 2) R-svDialogs
GPL (>= 2) R-svGUI
GPL (>= 2) R-svIDE
GPL (>= 2) R-svMisc
GPL (>= 2) R-svSocket
GPL (>= 2) R-svTools
GPL (>= 2) R-svUnit
GPL (>= 2) R-svWidgets
GPL (>= 2) R-systemfit
GPL (>= 2) R-timeDate
GPL (>= 2) R-timeSe...
2024 Dec 18
Query concerning working directory for file.choose()
I believe file.choose() remembers the last choice, and repeats that
location the next time you call it. This is true when it is called at
top level or from within a function.
The first time you call it in a session, it will default to the current
working directory, but not after that.
Front ends are allowed to replace the underlying function, so that may
depend on which front end you are
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
2005 Oct 20
[R-gui] R GUI considerations
...ing in
> >>>>>practice,
> >>>>>- propositions for developping a common and reusable API
> for R GUIs
> >>>>>(preferrably written in R to be independent of
> particular graphical
> >>>>>widgets -I started such a thing in svDialogs, and I
> think that Simon
> >>>>>Urbanek's Iwidgets is similar in philosophy-),
> >>>>>- bringing bridges between existing R GUI projects,
> >>>>>- identifying cross-platform opportunities.
> >>>>>That session should b...
2008 Jul 30
model mix problem. FALSE CONVERGENCE
Hi R users
I try to use the lme but I can?t!!!!!
My script is (some words in french, sorry!!):
rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) #Efface tous les objets en m?moire pour ?viter des
library(MASS) #Chargement des Librairies
#Rep <- "C:/Documents and Settings/U3M/Bureau/steph/Scripts R/"
Rep <- "C:/Documents and Settings/rafa/Mis documentos/metabolomics/Scripts
R/Mod?les Mixtes/"
# Choix du fichier ? traiter