search for: sv1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 36 matches for "sv1".

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2002 Aug 01
Connection refused
I'm sure this has been asked a zillion times so I searched for hours before posting this. How can there be so little documentation on this. Point me to what to read. rsh is good: [g3p:~] smith% rsh -l a1012 Password: {} rsync not good: [g3p:~] smith% rsync -av sync/ rsync: open connection using rsh -l a1012 rsync --server --sender -vlogDtpr . kkk.txt Connection refused rsync: connection unexpectedly clo...
2015 Jul 18
bug in group permission check
Jul 19 01:05:27 sv1 dovecot: auth: Error: passwd-file(aa at ddd,89...24,<>): stat(/usr/dovecot-cfg/dom-home/ddd/etc/ddd/shadow) failed: Permission denied (euid=33454(dovecot) egid=33454(dovecot) missing +x perm: /usr/dovecot-cfg/dom-home/ddd, we're not in group 33795(sysgroup), dir owned by 32072:33795 mode=...
2009 Sep 23
reading web log file into R c-ip cs-username s-ip s-port cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query sc-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken cs(User-Agent) cs(Cookie) cs(Referer) "2007-12-03 13:50:17 - 80 GET /localidades/img/nada.gif - 200 328 447 0 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) ASPSESSIONIDSQCBSQAB=JOLECDCCBFCKPOFLGDLHMENA" "2007-12-03 13:50:17 - 80 GET /localidades/img/cargando.gif - 200 1150 451 0 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1....
2001 Jul 26
Updated Cray patch against openssh SNAP-20010725
This patch fixes my botched attempted to patch deattack.c. I created a bsd-cray.h file and cleaned up a few error cases in bsd-cray.c. Fixed cray_setup call to pass uid and login name in session.c and moved its call so that its called with root privs. Its been tested on a irix, sun, aix, unicos(SV1) and unicosmk(T3E) systems. If you are building this on a T3E you may have to edit the Makefile and edit out "-lrpc -lyp -lrpc". There a patch for sco that incorrectly assume that you have a yp library if you have a rpc library. I will submit a generic fix to this list latter since it...
2011 Jun 30
Specifying State Space model to decompose structural shocks
...simple state space model in R, using the package 'dlm'. This model has two observation equations and three state equations. Each observation equation represents structural shocks based on SVAR for country i, where i=1 to 2. The structural shocks (S1 and S2) are to be decomposed into common (sv1) and country-specific (sv2, sv3) shocks. We are interested only in the coefficient of common shock. Moreover, the transition equation is represented as a random noise. Observation equation: S1=c(1)*sv1+sv2 S2=c(2)*sv1+sv3 Transition equation: sv1=(variance=1) sv2=(c(3)) sv3=(c(4)) The variance...
2008 Aug 06
Experience moving mailboxes from Dovecot 0.99.14 to Dovecot 1.07 => Improvement possible
Hi, This small mail to share my observation about a recent move of mailboxes between two servers and ask about explanation and/or improvement about UIDL in dovecot. SV1 : Dovecot 0.99.14 / Red Hat Fedore Core 4 SV2 : Dovecot 1.07 / CentOS 5.2 Mailboxes in /var/spool/mail on the twoo servers. Test will be done with outlook express with option "leave message on server" checked. Goal is simply to move users mailboxes from SV1 to SV2 without re-downloading...
2002 Oct 21
Rsync and "ignore nonreadable" and timeout
Hi, Can anyone send me an example config file that makes use of ignore nonreadable timeout 600 When I try to put this in a module - rsync seems happy but it gets nasty logfile messages when a client connects to the server. Oct 19 20:30:14 4T:sv1 rsyncd[3706636]: params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly fo rmed line in configuration file: ignore nonreadable Oct 19 20:30:14 4T:sv1 rsyncd[3706636]: params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly fo rmed line in configuration file: timeout 600 What versions of the client and server of rsync support these...
2012 Nov 01
[Request for review] [RFC] Add label support for snapshots and subvols
...abel info for each snapshot and subvol. The drawback here is having to introduce V3 version of this structure. If there is any better way pls do share. The patch code is for the review. Any comments/suggestion welcome. Below is a demo of this new feature. ------------ btrfs fi label -t /btrfs/sv1 "Prod-DB" btrfs fi label -t /btrfs/sv1 Prod-DB btrfs su snap /btrfs/sv1 /btrfs/snap1-sv1 Create a snapshot of ''/btrfs/sv1'' in ''/btrfs/snap1-sv1'' btrfs fi label -t /btrfs/snap1-sv1 btrfs fi label -t /btrfs/snap1-sv1 "Prod-DB-sand-box-testing&...
2014 Aug 06
[Bug 82255] New: [VP2] Chroma planes are vertically stretched during VDPAU playback Priority: medium Bug ID: 82255 Assignee: nouveau at Summary: [VP2] Chroma planes are vertically stretched during VDPAU playback Severity: normal Classification: Unclassified OS: All Reporter: emil.l.velikov at
2011 Aug 17
[RFC] btrfs auto snapshot
sorry forgot to follow the protocol, now included RFC in the subject. Hi, Appears that no one is working on the auto-snapshot feature for btrfs, so here I am implementing the same. Below is a draft on the feature list. Any comments / questions / suggestions are welcome, please do let me know. btrfs auto snapshot feature will include: Initially: - configurable timely
2002 Jul 25
Barplot coloring question
Hi all, I have the following dataset, call it (30 columns, and one row named "0"): ADVP ADVP AP AP CONJ CONJ CP CP DU DU INF INF MWU MWU NP NP PP PP PPRT PPRT REL REL SMN SMN SSB SSB SV1 SV1 TI TI 0 96.85 2.05 89.07 2.54 70.91 2.37 94.92 3.46 82.31 11.33 40.96 2.25 98.06 3.43 90.77 17.63 86.60 10.78 60.27 1.32 93.27 0.97 77.60 12.46 64.98 3.32 88.54 3.70 24.33 0.28 I'm trying to plot these data points so that any pair of identical columns (e.g., ADVP) are plotted closer t...
2005 Jun 21
problem with pam_converse with openssh protocol version 1
...rned and conversation took no place at all. v2: # ssh -2 machine Password: Enter PIN: (...) Everything works like it should. I suspect that I will receive very simple answer - "use v2 only". It is the simplest and the most secure and effective, but inacceptable. Some of machines (Cray SV1 for example) have v1 only implemented. Besides hundreds of users connect to my site every day - try to persuade all of them to use v2 only. So one more time: 1) if ChallengeResponseAuthentication is set to yes, pam conversation works right with v2, but v1 returns PAM_CONV_ERR. Moreover, it ask...
2008 Feb 02
IE, flash and icecast
...ried. In capturing the traffic with wireshark, I found that the broken computer looked sent this (I blanked out some bits, obviously) GET **** HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Referer: ***** x-flash-version: 9,0,28,0 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: ***** Connection: Keep-Alive and the working computer like this: GET **** HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Accept-Language: en-US Referer: **** x-flash-version: 9,0,115,0 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) Host: **** Co...
2010 Jul 07
problema con file
Hola. Tengo un archivo de texto con formato Ansi en Windows que lo quiero convertir en una serie temporal pero cuando lo trato de hacer con el siguiente comando: out <- read.zoo(readLines(con <- file("log2.log", encoding="UCS-2LE")),FUN = as.chron) Me da los siguientes errores: Error en file(file, "rt") : no se puede abrir la conexión Además: Mensajes de
2001 Aug 02
Cray patch against openssh-SNAP-20010802
...IR environment variable. Add code to set up a unicos/unicosmk job and system limits. sshpty.c - Unicos/unicosk pty support. In openbsd-compat directory: bindresvport.c & - Code around the fact that the address of sin_port rresvport.c. really is 64 bit aligned on a SV1. bsd-cray.c - Clean up cray support routines. Fix su related security bug. bsd-cray.h - Cray support subroutine proto types. Bill Jones -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: craymods Type: application/octet-stream Size: 1757...
2001 Nov 30
rsync 2.5.0 released transfer * For log messages containing ridiculously long strings that might overflow a buffer rsync no longer aborts, but rather prints an ellipsis at the end of the string. (Patch from Ed Santiago.) PLATFORMS: * Improved support for UNICOS (tested on Cray T3E and Cray SV1) * autoconf2.52 (or later) is now required to rebuild the autoconf scripts. It is not required to simply build rsync. * Platforms thought to work in this release: Cray SV1 UNICOS cc Debian Linux 2.2 UltraSparc gcc Debian Linux testing/unstable ARM gcc FreeBSD 3.3-R...
2001 Nov 30
rsync 2.5.0 released transfer * For log messages containing ridiculously long strings that might overflow a buffer rsync no longer aborts, but rather prints an ellipsis at the end of the string. (Patch from Ed Santiago.) PLATFORMS: * Improved support for UNICOS (tested on Cray T3E and Cray SV1) * autoconf2.52 (or later) is now required to rebuild the autoconf scripts. It is not required to simply build rsync. * Platforms thought to work in this release: Cray SV1 UNICOS cc Debian Linux 2.2 UltraSparc gcc Debian Linux testing/unstable ARM gcc FreeBSD 3.3-R...
2017 Oct 27
How to check which version of openssl is getting compiled in into dovecot?
Correction. Even though i compile against fpic version of openssl imap-login binnary is still dynamicly linked :/ root at sv1 [/usr/dovecot-]# ldd imap-login|grep ssl => /lib64/ (0x00007f1428559000) I've put new in this location from /usr/openssl-1.0.2l-fpic/lib/ # strings /lib64/|grep openssl -i SSLv3 part of OpenSSL 1...
2005 Dec 23
WMP mp3 stream trouble
....x.x.x - - [23/Dec/2005:12:28:29 -0700] "GET /slack HTTP/1.1" 200 7350 "-" "Windows-Media-Player/" 0 x.x.x.x - - [23/Dec/2005:12:33:40 -0700] "GET /slack HTTP/1.1" 200 3649530 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET C where x.x.x.x is the same IP each time. To try the stream, please go to and click 'next' and then you'll see the mp3 link. If you could send me the error message, that would be great! Thanks and happy holidays, Bob.
2017 Oct 27
How to check which version of openssl is getting compiled in into dovecot?
>> You can check with ldd /usr/lib/dovecot/imap-login (or libexec) No, I cant because I'm compiling dovecot with openssl compiled as FPIC which means that its not getting dynamicly linked. When I try to compile against non-fpic openssl I just got /usr/openssl-1.0.2l/lib/libssl.a(s23_srvr.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata' can not be used when making a shared object;