search for: storie

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4879 matches for "storie".

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2007 Nov 15
What command to run all stories?
Hi, I''ve been following this thread and I can get the example stories to run with the ruby command. But I''ve been unable to get the example from to run with all.rb ruby stories/all.rb /home/edh/story/stories/additions/steps/addition_steps.rb:2: undefined method `steps_for'&...
2009 Sep 29
NoMethodError in Stories#show
I''m a Rails newbie and am working my way through Simply Rails 2 by Patrick Lenz. Have run into a problem on page 207 of the book; this is the error I run into when I fire up my server and open up httpL//localhost:3000/ stories/new I have posted the error message and trace below. Thanks in advance for your help. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Showing app/views/stories/show.html.rb where line #1 raised: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! Th...
2007 Oct 17
plain text stories: motivation number 27
This is mostly theoretical, but ... I''m starting to use lighthouse ( for my projects at work. I''m organizing iterations as milestones and stories as tickets tagged to a milestone. Lighthouse offers an API so that you can write access the data in your account and write apps to process that data. I think you see where this is going. It seems to me that a plain text story could be stored in a lighthouse ticket, read in via the lighthouse AP...
2007 Dec 21
StoryRunner docs/guidance
Hi all, Are there any plans for better documentation for the new StoryRunner feature? I tried to use it today (with Rails), and had a hard time getting my head around whether I was doing it "right" and exactly what things are appropriate to test at that level (this might be exacerbated by the fact that I''ve never really used integration testing that much). A full example of
2007 Oct 05
Stories VS Scenarios
Hi all, I have read Dan North''s post ''Whats in a Story?'' ( but I am still having a hard time knowing when I should break requirements up into separate stories or keep them as scenarios. I am currently trying to write a story (stories) for the registration process of a site. The registration process is a multistep process that changes based on the type/role of user that is signing up. So depending on the user''s role (given by the user on...
2008 Jan 14
RSpec stories introduction
I have played a bit with RSpec specs and now want to check out stories. I note that there is no generator for rspec stories pre se (unless I managed to miss all references to one ) and that the only directory relating to stories added by installing rspec is ./stories itself. The documentation at seems to presume a great deal of prior knowledge. What I am...
2010 Jun 17
Why do rails calls a method when I'm calling a property?
...ting on RoR, so I got a Book called simply rails...Following the steps in it sometimes when I try to call a property, the browser shows me the next exception: undefined method `name'' for nil:NilClass I don''t know''s my controller: #Controller starts here class StoriesController < ApplicationController before_filter :login_required, :only => [ :new, :create] def index get_stories ''votes_count >= 5'' end def bin get_stories '''' render :action => ''index'' end protected def...
2007 Dec 31
How to run stories with `spec'' command?
Hi, all! I have a story steps array.rb and the story array.story. I can run it with ruby array.rb But when I execute spec array.rb nothing happened. I''m wondering how can I use spec command to execute stories? (executing examples is OK) Or maybe another question. If I have to run stories with `ruby'' command, how can I choose the output format? (I think there''s only plain text and HTML for stories currently) Any idea? Thanks. ps: Here''s my stories ============ array.rb =====...
2007 Dec 20
Story runner rake task
What''s the status on a rake task for the story runner. If nothing is in progress, where could I start to try and build one? JD
2005 Dec 23
Stories with many tags, tags with many stories, has_and_belongs_to_many howto?
Hi, I began experimenting with habtm relationships, and so I created a stories table, a tags table, and a stories_tags table referencing the former 2. When I create a "story", I want to add several tags to it. Then, the model should create those tags and link them to the respective stories, and for the tags that already exists, just link them to the story. I t...
2008 Jun 10
validates_associated doesn't work on update (and i've tried :on => :update)
...def validate_associated_records_for_tags() end #to remove the generic "is invalid" error for tags ... validates_associated :tags, :message => ''may consist of only letters, numbers, and underscores'' ... class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :stories, :uniq => true, :order => "stories.created_at DESC" ... validates_presence_of :tag validates_format_of :tag, :with => /^[A-Za-z0-9\_]+$/, :message => ''Tags may consist of only letters, numbers, and underscores'' Ok, so here''s the stories control...
2007 Sep 14
Mocks in StoryRunner
Hi, I''m trying to get up and running with StoryRunner. I have a story that looks something like the following, but the call to mock_model produces the exception listed below. Am I just misunderstanding the concept? Are mocks not meant to be used in stories like this? Or is this a bug? Changing @user to be an actual AR object makes things run without error. ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment") require ''spec'' require ''spec/rails...
2008 Mar 11
Story testing views in isolation
Hi, I''ve been investigating plain text stories, and I had a quick question. How would I go about creating story tests for views in isolation, instead of the full stack? I had hoped to be able to do a straight render ''/'', but it says it can''t find the method. The reason that I want to do this is that I want to give o...
2008 Jul 08
undefined method `name' ...........
Hi Community.... I''m new in this game, so this might be a easy question, but I have done my google, without result, so I will try this.... I''m learning ROR, and I''m using Patrick Lens ''Ruby on Rails'' book. (This is written for ror 1.x - and I''m using NetBeans 6.1 - ror 2.x - this might be the problem...) But... I have made this
2007 Oct 16
RailsStory runner - empty response
...When "visiting", "/" do |page| get page end Then "viewer should see", "companies/show_initial" do |template| response.should have_text(/Welcome/) end end end When I run the story, I get the error: kwigger:~/workspace/rspec-stories alvin$ ruby stories/all.rb Running 1 scenarios: Story: View Home Page As a user I want to view my home page So that I can get a birds eye view of the system Scenario: Publisher with no videos When visiting / Then viewer should see companies/show_initial F 1 scenarios: 0 succeeded...
2007 Oct 15
Stories location
Should the stories dir be located on the project root? I was expecting to find it located under spec/ but there isn''t anything there, just the stories dir off of /. Also there don''t appear to be any rake tasks for stories, nor generators. Should there be any? Thanks, Steve
2008 Mar 20
sharing story steps
Hi, How can I have a common set of steps that all my stories share? i.e. My stories often start out looking like this: Given a user Joe Given a user Jordan then: Given("a user $username") do |username| @users ||= {} @user_sessions ||= {} @users[username] = create_user(:username => username) @user_sessions[username] = login_as(@users...
2008 May 27
Failing rspec story not causing a CruiseControl.rb build to fail?
We''ve just added rspec stories to our CruiseControl.rb build. When there''s a failing scenario we see the failure in the log output, but it doesn''t cause the CruiseControl build to fail. We''ve also just upgraded to the latest rspec version, 1.1.4, which fixes rspec bug 228, but the CC.rb build is sti...
2007 Sep 20
Getting Started with Story Runner
I haven''t found any How To''s to use story runner and I''m not sure how to get started. Should I be looking for resources on how to use rbehave? How do I generate my first Story? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jun 02
Pretty HTML reporting for stories
Hi all, I''m just getting to grips with rspec, and I''m trying to put together a showy demo. We''re trying to use the (plain text) stories feature, rather than the specs. I''d like to show off a fancy HTML report of the results if possible. So it seems I can do this from the spec command line tool, but I can''t make it work for a story. I''ve got the three files (story.txt, steps.rb, runner.rb) from the rspe...