search for: sst

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2013 Apr 17
R question
...Philippos, Try this: dat1<- read.csv("Validation_data_set3.csv",sep=",",stringsAsFactors=FALSE) #converted to csv str(dat1) #'data.frame':??? 12573 obs. of? 17 variables: # $ Removed.AGC????????????????????????????? : num? 65.67 46.17 41.26 14.09 5.38 ... # $ Removed.SST????????????????????????????? : chr? "" "46.1658" "41.2566" "14.0931" ... # $ Removed.Kurtosis???????????????????????? : num? NA NA NA NA 5.38 ... # $ Removed.Skewness???????????????????????? : num? 65.67 46.17 41.26 14.09 5.38 ... # $ Removed.QC17999?????????...
2009 Feb 20
mean over previous cells
Dear RUsers, I guess this is an easy question for someone a little familiar with programming...(which I am not)... I've got 2 colummns, one shows just dates(SST_date, Class 'Date' num), the other one shows the SeaSurfaceTemperature (SST, num) at that certain date. SST_date SST 2008-01-01 22.2 2008-01-02 21.8 2008-01-03 22.8 2008-01-04 22.9 2008-01-05 23.1 2008-01-06 23.2 ... ... now, I would like to add a column that shows the mean SST ove...
2011 Dec 12
i can't read large NETCDF file like CRU
i use library(ncdf) to read this file as follow library(ncdf) = open.ncdf(title) lonall = get.var.ncdf(,'lon') latall = get.var.ncdf(,'lat') precip = get.var.ncdf(,'pre') close( if i use this method my pc freeze and not respond until i restart it is there -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4...
2012 Nov 16
R-Square in WLS
Hi, I am fitting a weighted least square regression and trying to compute SSE,SST and SSReg but I am not getting SST = SSReg + SSE and I dont know what I am coding wrong. Can you help please? xnam <-colnames(X) # colnames Design Matrix fmla1 <- as.formula(paste("Y ~",paste(xnam, collapse= &qu...
2009 Oct 29
singular variance-covariance warning in lmer
Dear R Users, I was hoping for some help with a recurrent error message in lmer. I am trying to model the effect of temperature on metabolic rate in animals (response = int.length) at different temperatures (mean.sst), with repeated measurements on the same individuals (random effect = female). Ideally I would make a random slope and intercept model where the rate can change differently with temperature for different individuals: model<-lmer(int.length~mean.sst+(mean.sst|female)) However, I get the followi...
2011 May 06
read a netcdf file _Fill_value=-32768 = -60., 60. ; float lon(lon) ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:valid_range = -100., 45. ; double sst(time, lat, lon) ; sst:long_name = "sea surface temperature" ; sst:standard_name = "sea_surface_temperature" ; sst:units = "K" ; sst:_FillValue = -32768. ; double time(time) ; time:l...
2009 Nov 20
problem selecting 330 to 30 longitude
Hello, This is probably very simple but I am trying to select a region from the OIv2 SST dataset that crosses 0 longitude. The longitude variable is arranged from 0 to 360 and I get an error message when trying to go from 330 to 30 for example. The data are from a NOAA netCDF file. *temp = open.ncdf("c:/documents and settings/theoni/desktop/") print(temp) y1 = get...
2006 Nov 26
GLM and LM singularities
...a GLM or an LM. I'm looking at factors affecting fish annual catch rates (ie. CPUE) over 30 years. Two of the factors I'm using are sea surface temperature and sea surface temperature anomaly. A small sample of my data is below: CPUE Year Vessel_ID Base_Port Boat_Lgth Planing SST Anomaly 0.127 1976 2 BOI 40 Planing 19.4 -0.308 0.059 1976 30 BOI 40 Displacement 19.4 -0.308 0.033333 1977 46 BOI 45 Displacement 18.5 -1.008 0.169231 1977 2 BOI 40 Planing 18.5 -1.008 0.044118 1977 19 BOI 34 Planing 18.5 -1.008 0.114286 1977 29 W...
2006 Mar 16
filling a matrix with data
Hi, I've extracted netcdf data in R, and am trying to output it in a matrix format. I can make the matrix, and I have the data, but I can't get the matrix to include the data... I'm not very experienced at using R, so please forgive the crudeness of these codes... # For the matrix wind_dir_data<-matrix( NA, 17, 365 , byrow = FALSE ) wind_speed_data<-matrix( NA, 17, 365,
2011 Nov 17
aov how to get the SST?
...-07 *** Queue_size 1 0.40 0.395 0.2926 0.5888 Residuals 440 594.44 1.351 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 In order to compute the fraction of variation I need to know the total Sum Sq. and I assume it is like this: SST = SS-No_databases + SS-Partitioning + SS-No_middlewares + SS-Queue_size = 184.68 + 70.16 + 44.22 + 0.40 = 299.46 So the fraction of variation explained by the No_databases would be: SST/SS-No_databases = 184.68/299.46 = 0.6167101 ... and finally I can say that the No_databases ex...
2013 Jan 16
setting the legend scale in contour plots
Hi, I'd like to compare SST data for year 2000 with SST for year 2001. I managed to get filled contour plots showing monthly SST for both years (12 plots for each year, 24 plots in total). In order to compare year 2000 and year 2001, however, I'd need to have the same legend scale (same color bar) in both years plots. Th...
2009 May 11
R and McAfee 8.5
Hi, I have been working with R for the last year and using the UKFSST package to look at satellite tag track data and SST information. Fpr those not familiar, the package uses the positions estimated by the satellite tags themselves and the associated SST data from servers (in this case, from the University of Hawaii and the NOAA Coastwatch website) for the time prei...
2007 May 17
R2 always increases as variables are added?
Hi, everybody, 3 questions about R-square: ---------(1)----------- Does R2 always increase as variables are added? ---------(2)----------- Does R2 always greater than 1? ---------(3)----------- How is R2 in summary(lm(y~x-1))$r.squared calculated? It is different from (r.square=sum((y.hat-mean (y))^2)/sum((y-mean(y))^2)) I will illustrate these problems by the following codes:
2008 Aug 14
autocorrelation in gams
...fects of two explanatory variables on chlorophyll. The data are an annual time-series (so are autocorrelated) and the relationships are non-linear. I want to account for autocorrelation in my model. The model I am trying to use is this: Library(mgcv) gam1 <-gam(Chl~s(wintersecchi)+s(SST),family=gaussian, na.action=na.omit, correlation=corAR1(form =~ Year)) the result I get is this: Family: gaussian Link function: identity Formula: CPRChl ~ s(wintersecchi) + s(SST) Parametric coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept)...
2002 May 09
Rsquared in summary(lm)
Hello, I'm doing some linear regression: >lm<-lm(osas~alp,data) >summary(lm) However, the Rsquared in the output of summary() is not the same as the "standard" Rsquared calculated by spreadsheets, and outlined in statistical guidebooks, being SSR/SSTO. The output says "multiple Rsquared", but it is no multiple regression... What's the difference? Thanks, Wouter Buytaert -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Sen...
2007 Jul 04
Problem/bug with smooth.spline and all.knots=T
Dear list, if I do smooth.spline(tmpSec, tmpT, all.knots=T) with the attached data, I get this error-message: Error in smooth.spline(tmpSec, tmpT, all.knots = T) : smoothing parameter value too small If I do smooth.spline(tmpSec[-single arbitrary number], tmpT[-single arbitrary number], all.knots=T) it works! I just don't see it. It works for hundrets other datasets, but not for
2020 Feb 12
[PATCH 4/4] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: Share DP SST mode_valid() handling with MST
Currently, the nv50_mstc_mode_valid() function is happy to take any and all modes, even the ones we can't actually support sometimes like interlaced modes. Luckily, the only difference between the mode validation that needs to be performed for MST vs. SST is that eventually we'll need to check the minimum PBN against the MSTB's full PBN capabilities (remember-we don't care about the current bw state here). Otherwise, all of the other code can be shared. So, we move all of the common mode validation in nouveau_connector_mode_valid() into...
2010 Nov 05
prob with legend in my plots! help me with this? script - <- as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep="-")) ts1.n.e3 <- ts(data.nemr.e3[,3]) z1.n.e3 <- zoo(ts1.n.e3, plot(z1.n.e3, ylim = c(min(data.nemr.e3[,3]), max(data.nemr.e3[,5])), col="orange", main = "Monthly variations of SST in El-Nino3", xlab = "Year", ylab="SST (deg C)") lines(z2.n.e3, lty = 2, col="red2") lines(z3.n.e3, lty = 3, col="maroon3", lwd=1) legend(-0.1, -0.1, legend=c("min", "mean", "max"), lty=c(1,2,3), col=c("orange", &q...
2007 Jan 26
Form of the equation produced by a GLM with Poisson family and log link function
...cally, I want to know how to incorporate the Poisson family and log link function in the equation. I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this or direct me towards literature that would help me do this. Here are the coefficients from my model: Call: glm(formula = count ~ slope + sst + chl + dist + ice, family = poisson, data = dfo2003cc) Coefficients: (Intercept) slope sst chl dist ice -6.884e-01 -6.740e-01 5.644e-01 -2.694e+00 -7.278e-05 1.044e-01 Degrees of Freedom: 412 Total (i.e. Null); 407 Residual Null De...
2008 Nov 03
Calculating R2 for a unit slope regression
Does anyone know of a literature reference, or a piece of code that can help me calculate the amount of variation explained (R2 value), in a regression constrained to have a slope of 1 and an intercept of 0? Thanks! Sebastian J. Sebastián Tello Department of Biological Sciences 285 Life Sciences Building Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA, 70803 (225) 578-4284 (office and lab.)