Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30 matches for "spatialgriddatafram".
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2013 Jan 27
lapply and SpatialGridDataFrame error
...Name, regionnames="SP_ID"))
## draw the map
This is the error message that I receive:
> maxdepth.plys <- lapply(modeldepthsmore,
Grid2Polygons(modeldepthsmore, level = FALSE))
Error in Grid2Polygons(modeldepthsmore, level = FALSE) : Grid object not
of class SpatialGridDataFrame
Can someone assist me in modifying the R code so that I can convert the
set of files to .shp files and then to .bnd files for BayesX?
Irucka Embry
<span id=m2wTl><p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" style="font-size:13.5px&...
2010 Jul 20
data from SpatialGridDataFrame
Dear All,
I have a raster map of the class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' and coordinates
of the class 'SpatialPoints'. I would like to retrieve the values that are
contained in the raster map at the specific locations given by the
Can anyone help me out?
Kind regards,
Katrin Fleischer
2007 Sep 20
Superimposing vector polygons over raster grid in a plot
I would like to superimpose vector polygons (state outlines) from a
Shape file on top of a satellite image,
imported into a SpatialGridDataFrame from GEOTIFF via gdal_translate and
When I plot polygon and point shape files in R, into
SpatialPointDataFrame and SpatialPolygonDataFrame,
the two feature sets line up geographically, so it seems logical that a
SpatialGridDataFrame should behave
in the same way.
From my initial re...
2010 Oct 19
Tif image to 8bit colour matrix.
Dear listers,
I have a collection of tif images that I would like to convert, in R, to a
matrix containing the values of the 8bit colour. Ideally, I would like a matrix
for each of the colour channels (red, blue and green). I have 'googled' and
searched the help list but have yet to find a solution and hope that someone can
point me in the right direction.
I currently use
2012 Dec 26
Change class of elements in list
Dear R users,
I have a list of objects of type "im"
> mylist$sp1
and I want to convert them to a list of objects of class "SpatialGridDataFrame"
This works for a single object of class "im":
a <- mylist$sp1
b <- as(a, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
Then I want to write each element in the new list as a TIFF file, with the name of the elements in the list.
This also works for a single object in package "rgdal&...
2009 Jul 15
Read PNG file and display with more than 256 colors RGDAL
...example is below:
png(file="file.png", 4000,4000)
myTile <- readGDAL("basemap.png",silent=TRUE); #basemap.png is a PNG file returned from googlemaps
myTile at data <- myTile at data[,1:3]
col <- SGDF2PCT(myTile,ncolors=256) ## myTile is a spatialGridDataFrame with 3 bands
myTile$ind <- col$idx ## add the colour index to the data frame
myTile <- as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(myTile["ind"],1,2)$z;
attr(myTile, "COL") <- col$ct;
attr(myTile, "type") <- "rgb";
myTile <- list(lat.center, lon.c...
2009 Jul 01
The step before interfacing to GRASS
I would like to export this "terrain" (list object) to GRASS.
Reading the documentation that I found for interfacing between GRASS 6 and R (library (spgrass6)). I understood the following (I already managed to configured properly the mapset and so on):
1. I have to create a SpatialGridDataFrame object before to write into a Raster file.
2. In order to create a SpatialGridDataFrame I need a GridTopology.
3. After doing it, I am allow to write the file into GRASS using the function writeRAST6, like: writeRAST6 (spterrain, "maps.dem").
How to create the SpatialGridDataFrame and/o...
2008 Dec 10
exporting rast from R to GRASS
Hi, everybody!
i created a imagem by kriging using geoR package. I imported points
from GRASS("zn", after converted to geodata "zn_geo"), the border
"zn_border" and a raster mask. Then i interpolated the points by
kriging and created a raster image. Now, i need export this image back
to GRASS to use it in the module r.mapcalc. I can't do it. I tried use
2012 May 10
converting raster image
Dear R users,
I was wondering how I can convert a raster image (that made R through interpolation) into an ascii or csv format?
this is the last line of my command
p <- interpolate(r, tpsfit)
So p is my raster file which I want to convert into ascii or csv
Many thanks
2006 Oct 10
How to assign a rank to a range of values..
>From the following:
basin.map <- readAsciiGrid("c:/temp/area.asc", colname="area")
I have a SpatialGridDataFrame which has the x and y cordinate of a cell, and
the drainage area of that cell. There are many cells with a low drainage
area (in my case, 33000 with an area of 37.16) and one cell with the highest
drainage area (again, in my case, a drainage area of of 800000).
What I'd like to do, is to ran...
2007 Mar 03
R software to place points on Yahoo maps
Is there any R software that create an image from Yahoo maps together
with points of known UTM coordinates (or lat/long marked? Note that
my region of interest is not covered in sufficient detail by Google maps.
It actually does not have to be Yahoo maps as long as it has sufficient
coverage of my region but that's the one I have found with coverage of
my region. The scale I am interested in
2007 Sep 05
geotiff or tiff files with world files
I have a matrix of data which i can vizualize as an image - for example. I would like to save this image as a geotiff file or at a tiff file with a world file which holds the projection of my data (ultimately the data represent a map of some sort). I know i can save the data as an ESRI grid, but i am not interested in that.
I wonder if anybody knows about any code which will help me do
2009 Jun 11
GRASS raster data processing
...ing elevation data and the other containing an erosion index:
Kar_inc <-readRAST6("Incis_Kar", plugin=FALSE)
Kar_dem <- readRAST6("DEM_Kar", plugin=FALSE)
I just wanted to make a xy plot of erosion parameter vs elevation. How does
this work? I don't get how to handle SpatialGridDataFrames...
Thanks a lot
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/GRASS-raster-data-processing-tp23981740p23981740.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010 Oct 01
colored rasterImage()
I have been exploring the possibility to transition some code that
currently uses image() to use the new rasterImage(). To date, I
haven't been able to specify a color look-up strategy that works. For
nx <- 100
ny <- 100
m <- matrix(data = rep(seq(0,1, length = nx), ny), ncol = nx, nrow =
ny, byrow = TRUE)
plot(1:nx, 1:ny, type = "n")
2013 Apr 26
How to export graph value in R
Dear exports,I have created a hypsometric curve (area-elevation curve) for my watershed by using simple command hypsometric(X,main="Hypsometric Curve", xlab="Relative Area above Elevation, (a/A)", ylab="Relative Elevation, (h/H)", col="blue")It plots the hypsometric curve in "RGraphics window", My question is how can I export values which is used
2007 Jul 06
import DTM with readRAST6()
Exporting Raster as double values(bytes=8)
Using the Current Region settings ...
Percent complete: 100%
r.out.bin complete.
> summary(trentino.grid)
Object of class SpatialGridDataFrame
min max
coords.x1 1611600 1729700
coords.x2 5058500 5158000
Is projected: TRUE
proj4string :
[+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0.0000000000 +lon_0=9.0000000000 +k_0=0.9996000000
+x_0=1500000.0000000000 +y_0=0.0000000000 +a=6378388 +rf=297 +no_defs
2009 Mar 17
(no subject)
# How do I make from a SpatialGridDataframe a normal data frame? If I do
this in package gstat:
g.dummy <- gstat(formula = z~1, locations = ~x+y, dummy = TRUE, beta = 0,
model = vgm(1,"Exp",15), nmax = 20)
iso <- predict(g.dummy, newdata = xy, nsim = 10)
gridded(iso) = ~x+y
# spplot(iso,main="...
2009 Aug 18
kernel density estimation for univariate data using splancs
...ize=c(0.2, 0.2), cells.dim=c(75,100))
k1000 <- spkernel2d(cases1.xy, coord, h0=1000, grd1)
k5000 <- spkernel2d(cases1.xy, coord, h0=5000, grd1)
if (.sp_lt_0.9()) {
df <- AttributeList(list(k1000=k1000, k5000=k5000))
} else {
df <- data.frame(k1000=k1000, k5000=k5000)
kernels <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd1, data=df)
spplot(kernels, checkEmptyRC=FALSE, col.regions=terrain.colors(16), cuts=15)
Using this code, I get NAs for all values of k1000 and k5000. If this did work, can I then subtract the spplots from one another to have the difference between the two sets of cases?
Any advice would be...
2011 Nov 24
readGDAL or raster for reading bit map files
Dear all,
I have asked yesterday of how I can read a simple bitmap file in R cran.
I was suggest to use either readGDAL or raster for loading my bitmap
a. I have done it with readGDAL like
and it works,... but it converts my matrix-like notion of a bitmap to a large vector
b. Raster also returns a class that I can not understand.
So 1,
2012 Sep 05
analysis of bitmaps
I'm interested in using R to perform some statistical analysis of bitmaps. When I search, I see a lot of information about outputting bitmaps, but I'm not finding much about loading a bitmap into a data frame so that it can be analyzed. Would someone have a quick pointer to help me out?
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