search for: sorttypes

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "sorttypes".

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2006 May 05
Sorting by score
I''m trying to sort by score but it seems like SortField::SortType::SCORE is 0 instead of a SortType. A test case is attached. Without the C extensions the test passes, so I guess it''s a bug in them. Should I be using it without the extensions? Because if that''s the case I have some other bugs to report. Greetings, Pedro C?rte-Real -------------- next part
2005 Dec 16
Ordering results by something other than relevance
Along with the contents of the documents in my index, I have stored the date they were added. I want to search for keywords in the index but have the results be sorted by their date rather than their relevance to the keywords. How would I do this in ferret? Thanks, Carl
2006 Jul 12
Reverse sorting
I am getting strange results when I reverse sort a query. I am sorting by date, but it doesn''t seem to be related to dates (I have tried just integers). I also paginate the results. Items in the result set are sometimes duplicated and the not ordered at all. When I try a non-reverse sort I don''t see duplicates and the ordering is correct. Any ideas what is going on? Thanks
2005 Dec 16
Ferret 0.3.2 released
Hi folks, I''ve just released Ferret 0.3.2. Nothing much new here. Mostly bug fixes. The one thing to watch out for though is I''ve changed the order of sorts on Integers and Floats. The order will now be reversed. The default is to sort smallest numbers first. You can always reverse the search if you like. Also, I changed the integer sort type from
2006 Mar 01
Sorting the Result
The document describes search(query, options) sort: An array of SortFields describing how to sort the results. I have created index with two fields: ''file'' and ''content'' When I give SortField name as ''file'' while searching, it results into error. The exact command given by me: index.search_each("sleepless AND dreams", :num_docs
2006 May 09
Reverse sorts by score
The docs for say: reverse: pass true if you want the sort order to be reversed. Only works if you pass the field names. Does this mean it''s not possible to do a reverse sort by score? If it is it seems to be broken as I don''t seem to be able to reverse the order of the sort. I''ll write a test case if this is not a known problem. Greetings, Pedro.
2006 Jul 04
Recalculating the score
Hey .. I''m using ferret to index various objects and i''m create a Ferret::Document for each of these objects. Indexing and searching is working fine. Each of these Ferret::Documents has a ''relevance'' field, storing an integer, how relevant this object is for the search. The ''relevance'' is in the range of 1..10 Now i would like to
2006 May 25
.NET developer trying to understand some Rails basics
Hi All, I''ve been a ASP.NET developer for the last few years and consider it to be a pretty productive environment to work with. However, the object-relational mapping (ActiveRecord) and simplicity of the Rails framework and Ruby in general really appeals to me. .NET currently doesn''t have something like Rails'' ORM - atleast not out-of-the-box. Here''s my