Displaying 20 results from an estimated 447 matches for "soil".
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2004 Jun 11
Samba 3.0.3 on FC2: windows machine cannot join domain
passwd-hash {SSHA]
pidfile /var/run/slapd.pid
TLSCACertificateFile /var/ssl/cacert.pem
TLSCertificateFile /var/ssl/ldapcrt.pem
TLSCertificateKeyFile /var/ssl/ldapkey.pem
TLSVerifyClient 0
security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64
access to dn=".*,dc=soil,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" attr=userPassword
by dn="cn=Manager,dc=soil,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" write
by self write
by * auth
access to dn=".*,dc=soil,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" attr=mail
by dn="cn=Manager,dc=soil,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" write
by self write...
2011 Oct 04
Adonis and nmds help and questions for a novice.
...d been getting the grips with this.
I have been trying to use Adonis to find out if there are significant difference between groups on data that I have analyses with NMDS, and have been struggling with getting this to work and understanding what is going on. I am looking at diversity in different soils with either woodland or grassland habitats.
I have run the scripts
mydata <- read.table("ash_data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", row.names="Site")
envdata_fit <- read.table("ash_env.csv", header=TRUE, sep=&...
2006 Mar 02
extracting RGB values from a colorspace class object
...0.439 0.943
2.5Y 0.8 4 0.82 0.64 0.943
2.5Y 1 2 0.4362 0.4177 1.21
I have converted xyY coordinates to XYZ coordinates, based on the equations
presented here:
#read in the soil colors: munsell + xyY
soil <- read.table("soil_colors", header=F,
#convert to XYZ
X <- (soil$x * soil$Y ) / soil$y
Y <- soil$Y
Z <- ( (1- soil$x - soil$y) * soil$Y ) / soil$y
2006 Nov 21
means over factors in mlm terms
means <- aggregate(data, list(label), FUN=mean)
Here is a sample context-- a randomized block design
with two crossed factors (Contour, Depth) and 9 responses (pH, N, ...
Conduc). [An R-readable version of the data is appended at the bottom.]
> soils <- read.delim("soils.dat")
> str(soils)
'data.frame': 48 obs. of 14 variables:
$ Group : int 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ...
$ Contour: Factor w/ 3 levels "Depression","Slope",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 ...
$ Depth : Factor w/ 4 levels "0-10&quo...
2002 Sep 24
extracting elements from summary(aov object)
Hello. When one types "summary(fit)", where fit is an object from a call
to aov(), one gets an ANOVA table. I want to save just one element of this
summary. How does one extract this?
As an example, here is my output from a split plot ANOVA:
> summary(out)$"Error: soil.cores$block:soil.cores$treatment"
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
soil.cores$block 3 0.63626 0.21209 1.0557 0.4147
soil.cores$treatment 3 0.90276 0.30092 1.4978 0.2802
Residuals 9 1.80813 0.20090
I want to save only the F value of "soil.core...
2004 Sep 23
Re: Samba 3.0.3 on FC2: windows machine cannot join domain
passwd-hash {SSHA]
pidfile /var/run/slapd.pid
TLSCACertificateFile /var/ssl/cacert.pem
TLSCertificateFile /var/ssl/ldapcrt.pem
TLSCertificateKeyFile /var/ssl/ldapkey.pem
TLSVerifyClient 0
security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64
access to dn=".*,dc=soil,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" attr=userPassword
by dn="cn=Manager,dc=soil,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" write
by self write
by * auth
access to dn=".*,dc=soil,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" attr=mail
by dn="cn=Manager,dc=soil,dc=ncsu,dc=edu" write
by self write...
2007 Apr 08
locate nearest value in lookup table
...rence vector
between color space coordinates associated with a single analytical
value and the entire lookup table. Then I found the smallest
difference vector, and used that entry in the lookup table. Hoerver,
This does not always produce logical results...
here are the steps:
# read in the data
soil <- read.table("",
x <- read.csv('',
# extract important variables X,Y,Z
c <- data.frame(id=x$V1, X=x$V2, Y=x$V3, Z=x$V4)
# convert munsell t...
2009 Mar 06
Re peated ANOVA or nested ANOVA, or parallel one way ANOVA six times?
Hi, every body!
I am a new comer for R, so my question would unavoidablely sounds stupid.
In my experiment, there are two type of soil ( soil F and soil D), each half
of them were subjected to steam sterilize (result in FS and DS soil). A
equal volume of soil from two of the four soil types (F, D, FS, DS) were
mixed as follows: F+F, F+D, F+FS, F+DS, D+F, D+FS, D+DS, FS+DS (eight
Two type of plant (A, B) were planted i...
2008 May 29
akima interpolation and triangulation question
code on the web as part of an stats course (and it is not the only
example I found). Because I'm not really into the details of the
functions I would like to hear comments from people who have used
these functions before.
This is the code
soil <- read.table("http://www.unc.edu/~zhuz/teaching/Stat890/Data/soil.txt",header=TRUE)
soil.interp <- interp(u, v, moist) # linear interpolation works
# spline interpolation
soil.interp2 <- interp(u, v, moist, linear = F) # spline interpolati...
2010 Feb 10
heplot3d / rgl : example causes R GUI to crash
...rom an
rgl call, but, I can't get a traceback or other information because my R
session crashes. I've never seen this
behavior before.
The problem occurs *whenever* I try to supply linear hypotheses to be
displayed along with the model
terms. Here is a small example:
# Soils data, from car package
soils.mod <- lm(cbind(pH,N,Dens,P,Ca,Mg,K,Na,Conduc) ~ Block +
Contour*Depth, data=Soils)
heplot(soils.mod, variables=c("Ca", "Mg"))
## this works OK
heplot3d(soils.mod, variables=c("Mg", "Ca", "Na"))
2003 Dec 18
prevent aov re-ordering of model terms
(different factors, so they are not nested), but R moves the two-way
interaction to the front. I know it generally makes sense to fit the
two-way interactions first, but in this case I think I know what I'm doing.
+ hv
+ hv:rep
+ hv:soil
+ hv:spdiv
+ hv:spdivnom
+ hv:fgdiv
+ hv:fgdivnom
+ hv:soil:spdiv
+ hv:soil:spdivnom
+ hv:soil:fgdiv
+ hv:soil:fgdivnom
+ hv:mx...
2003 Sep 03
Re: normal distribution in samples of soil organisms.
You didn't specify the satistical model you are intereted in, I will
suppose it is something like:
#Organims ~ Landscape + Soil + Depth + Species
I suppose you have a table of with something like...
Spec Lands Soil Depth #Organisms
A 1 1 1 10
A 1 2 1 2
B 1 1 1 0
B 2 2 2 2
... etc,
Normally, the count of organisms in soil samples follows a posisson
distribution, not a normal one. You should effectively check for normalit...
2010 Jun 25
variograms and kriging
Trying to develop variograms and kriged surfaces from a point file. Here is
what I've done so far.
library(gstat) # also loads library(sp)
soilpts$x <- soilpts$UTM_X
soilpts$y <- soilpts$UTM_Y
soil.dat <- subset(soilpts, select=c(x, y, Area, BulkDensity, LOI, TP, TN,
TC, Total_Mg))
[1] 1292 7
coordinates(soil.dat) <- ~ x+y
gridded(soil.dat) <- TRUE
Warning messages:
1: In points2grid(points, toleranc...
2009 Mar 04
(no subject)
Hi, every body!
I am a new comer for R, so my question would unavoidablely sounds stupid. Sorry!
in my experiment, there are two type of soil ( soil F and soil D), each half of them were subjected to steam sterilize (result in FS and DS soil). A equal volume of soil from two of the four soil types (F, D, FS, DS) were mixed as follows: F+F, F+D, F+FS, F+DS, D+F, D+FS, D+DS, FS+DS (eight treatment).
Two type of plant (A, B) were planted in...
2006 Apr 03
Ternary or Triangular Plots (soil texture triangle plot)?
I am trying to create a triangular plot to show the 'composition' of a
set of items with three variables (historically the percent sand, silt
and clay in soil).
So far I have tried the 'soil texture triangle plot' in the package
plotrix and the 'ternary or triangular plots' in the package cwhtool
(cwhmisc). Both have strengths and weaknesses, but neither has a
'standard' or 'generic' feel about it.
To save myself tim...
2005 Apr 01
Ordering scales in xYplot.Hmisc
Dear R community,
I am using xYplot() from the Hmisc package. The package works great to
plot means + CI. But I am having issues handling the scales.
I am plotting "Soil Clay content" vs "Soil depth" by "land use".
Usually in this type of graphs it is better to place the variable "soil
depth" in the y-axis and it should be ordered downward by depth (0-5 cm,
5-10 cm, 10-20 cm).
I can't figure out how to sort/order the scale...
2005 Mar 17
Repeated Measures, groupedData and lme
I am trying to fit a REML to some soil mineral data which has been
collected over the time period 1999 - 2004. I want to know if the 19
different treatments imposed, differ in terms of their soil mineral
content. A tree model of the data has shown differences between the
treatments can be attributed to the Magnesium, Potassium and organ...
2003 Sep 09
tree mortality risk model using glm()
Dear all,
I've used glm(family=binomial(link="logit")) several times, but now I think
that a log link is more appropriate.
I want to fit a model for probability of tree fall (TF)), with tree
diameter (dbh) and soil moisure (soil) as predictors. A large number of
trees have been checked every second year whether they stand up (0) or have
fallen (1).
I assume that the tree fall probability is predicted by
TF = 1 - exp(-(dbh + soil))
log(1 - TF) = -(dbh + soil)
I thought the following call would fit the model...
2018 Mar 28
Fwd: netCDF to GeoTIFF by layer in r
I have a netCDF file of volumetric soil water content at four
different soil layers and want to convert each soil layer in the
netCDF file to a GeoTIFF layer. This code converts the netCDF file to
one GeoTIFF layer, i.e. unclear which soil depth.
file.nc <- "C:/Soil_Weather_data/Agro/VMC21/VMC21.nc"
file.tiff <- "C...
2009 Aug 12
Superscripts in axis label
Hi All,
I am trying to lable the y-axis on my scatterplot with the following:
"Soil moisture content (m3m-3)"
I am using the following coding for plotting the graph:
plot(soilmoisture~gradientlevel, xlab="Levels of droughting gradient", ylab="Soil moisture content (m3m-3)", bty="l", font.main="2", pch=16, las=1, cex.lab="1.13"...