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2024 Jul 10
Implementation for selecting lag of a lag window spectral estimator using generalized cross validation (using deviance)
...package which implements 5. Here is a reprex: # 1. Periodogram which may be biased plot(spectrum(lh,taper= 0, method="pgram"),log="dB") # 2. Using the default in built cosine taper plot(spectrum(lh,taper = .3, method="pgram"),log="dB") # 2. Again, using slepian taper library(multitaper) # I choose: n = length(lh), k =1, nw=2 mytaper = dpss(n=length(lh), k=1 , nw=2, returnEigenvalues=TRUE) # Tapered series lh * mytaper$v # I may compute the spectrum with reduced bias as: plot(spectrum(lh*mytaper$v,method="pgram"),log="dB") # We now foc...