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2005 May 05
problem with plot() and R 2.1.0
The following line when pasted into an R Console window causes Windows XP to flash a blue screen and then restart. R version 2.1.0 >plot(x=c(1:100000),y=sin(c(1:100000)), type="l") Windows XP SP2 I installed the precompiled version of R 2.1.0 This isn't the data I was originally trying to graph, but a way to reproduce the error I observed. Plotting without the sin() did not
2010 Dec 20
Sine Regression in R
Hi everyone, I am trying to fit a sine function on one year of wind data. I have two questions below. Looking around on the net I managed to get the following: Sine Equation: y = a + b * sin( c + d*x ) b is the amplitude, c is the phase shift, d is something deal with periodicty of data*.* This can be linearised by sin( c+dx ) = cos(c) * sin(dx) + sin(c) * cos(dx). If one calls dx = x1 y
2003 Jul 23
window function
Dear Sebastian and all, This is a Japanese to live in Japan. I have a question. Ogg's window functon is f(x)=sin(1/2*pi*sin^2((x+0.5)/n*pi)) for 0 <= x < n But I cannot understand why this window function satisfys the equation f^2(x)+f^2(x+n/2)=2 which is for MDCT's perfect signal reconstruction. reference: Analysis/Synthesis Filter Bank Design Based on Time Domain Aliasing
2007 Sep 03
Dear all, I found something strange when calculating sin of pi value sin(pi) [1] 1.224606e-16 pi [1] 3.141593 sin(3.141593) [1] -3.464102e-07 Any help and comment should be appreciated. Regards Nguyen ____________________________ Nguyen Dinh Nguyen Garvan Institute of Medical Research Sydney, Australia
2010 Jun 24
help, bifurcation diagram efficiency
Hello all - This code will run, but it bogs down my computer when I run it for finer and finer time increments and more generations. I was wondering if there is a better way to write my loops so that this wouldn't happen. Thanks! -Tyler ################# # Bifurcation diagram # Using Braaksma system of equations # We have however used a Fourier analysis # to get a forcing function
2010 Nov 15
[LLVMdev] Optimization of calls to functions without side effects (from Kaleidoscope example)
In there's an example that optimizes calls to functions without side effects. Specifically, ready> extern sin(x); ready> extern cos(x); ready> def foo(x) sin(x)*sin(x) + cos(x)*cos(x); Read function definition: define double @foo(double %x) { entry: %calltmp = call double @sin(double %x) %multmp = fmul double %calltmp,
2013 Mar 21
plot and save as png
Hi A.K This is working layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 4, 1, byrow = TRUE)) plot(sin, -pi, 10*pi) plot(sin, -pi, 20*pi) plot(sin, -pi, 30*pi) plot(sin, -pi, 40*pi) but if I add this line png(filename = "fname.png", width = 900, height = 600, units = 'px') no plot is generated. where is the problem?. thanks veepsirtt > png(filename = "fname.png", width =
2008 Oct 26
orthographic projection of ellipsoids
Dear list, I've generated a list of 3D coordinates representing ellipsoids in arbitrary orientations. I'm now trying to obtain a 2D projection of the scene, that is to draw the silhouette of each object on a plane (x,y). The only way I could think of is to compute the convex hull of the (x,y) coordinates of each object and use this as the outline of the object. This is clearly
2012 Feb 13
fit data to y~A+B*sin(C*x)
I want to fit discrete data that was measured on a wavegenerator. In this minimal example i generate some artificial data: testsin <- 2+ 5 * sin(1:100) #generate sin data testsin <- testsin+ rnorm(length(testsin), sd = 0.01) #add noise mydata <- list(X=1:100, Y=testsin) # generate mydata object nlmod <- nls(X ~ A+B*sin(C* Y), data=mydata, start=list(A=2, B=4, C=1), trace=TRUE) #
2015 Nov 30
Inconsistency in treating NaN-results?
As a side note, Splus makes sin(x) NA, with a warning, for abs(x)>1.6*2^48 (about 4.51e+14) because more than half the digits are incorrect in sin(x) for such x. E.g., in R we get: > options(digits=16) > library(Rmpfr) > sin(4.6e14) [1] -0.792253849684354 > sin(mpfr(4.6e14, precBits=500)) 1 'mpfr' number of precision 500 bits [1]
2008 Aug 21
max and min with the indexes in a zoo object (or anything else that could solve the problem)
library(zoo) library(chron) t1 <- chron("1/1/2006", "00:00:00") t2 <- chron("1/31/2006", "23:45:00") deltat <- times("00:15:00") tt <- seq(t1, t2, by = times("00:15:00")) d <- sample(33:700, 2976, replace=TRUE) sin.zoo <- zoo(d,tt) #there are ninety six reading in a day d.max <- rollapply(sin.zoo, width=96, FUN=max)
1997 May 09
R-alpha: R-0.49 / S-plus: "default argument evaluation" bugs and woes
There is a problem with 'default argument evaluation' when I use an existing function name as argument name : sintest <- function(x, y = 2, sin= sin(pi/4)) { ## Purpose: Test of "default argument evaluation" ## -------- Fails for R-0.49. Martin Maechler, Date: 9 May 97. c(x=x, y=y, sin=sin) } ## R-0.49: R> sintest(1) ##> Error in sintest(1) : recursive
2007 Nov 27
[LLVMdev] Other Intrinsics?
> > Do you have plans to add other intrinsics? I'm curious as to why there > > is an llvm.sin intrinsic and an llvm.cos intrinsic, but no llvm.atan > > intrinsic. Why is there an llvm.pow intrinsic but no llvm.log > > intrinsic? > > Intrinsics get added on demand. Generally there has to be a good reason > to add them. llvm.sin was implemented (for
2010 Nov 15
[LLVMdev] Optimization of calls to functions without side effects (from Kaleidoscope example)
Hi Rob, You need to set attribute ReadOnly on the sin / cos functions, using Function::addFnAttr(Attribute) for example. Best regards, -- Arnaud de Grandmaison -----Original Message----- From: llvmdev-bounces at [mailto:llvmdev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rob Pieke Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 11:41 AM To: llvmdev at Subject: [LLVMdev] Optimization of calls
2015 Nov 26
Inconsistency in treating NaN-results?
This question is more out of curiosity than a complaint or suggestion, but I'm just wondering. The behavior of R on calculations that result in NaN seems a bit inconsistent. # this is expected: > 0/0 [1] NaN # but this gives a warning > sin(Inf) [1] NaN Warning message: In sin(Inf) : NaNs produced # and this again does not > exp(NaN) [1] NaN Conceptually, I like to think that R
2011 Nov 05
3-D ellipsoid equations
+ Hello, The parametric equations of an ellipsoid can be written in terms of spherical coordinates. The three spherical coordinates are converted to Cartesian coordinates by X=a cos (α) sin(θ) Y=b sin(α) sin(θ) Z=c cos(θ) for α and θ The parameter α varies from 0 to 2 π and θ varies from 0 to π . Here ( X o , Y o ,Z o ) is the center of the ellipsoid, and θ is the angle
2017 Feb 06
Kaleidoscope tutorial: comments, corrections and Windows support
Hi, I'm currently working my way through the tutorial with LLVM 3.9.1 on Windows (finished chapter 4) and stumbled over a few things which could be improved: - "LLVMContext" does not exist as a variable -> "TheContext" - Chapter 3: 5 times - Chapter 4: 1 time - Chapter 5: 4 times - Chapter 6: 2 times - Chapter 7: 2 times 3.4. Function Code
2010 Jun 02
Draw text with a box surround in plot.
text() can draw text on a plot. Do we have a way/function to draw text with a box surround it? Thanks, -james
2011 Jan 20
Generating time progressing line for Google Earth
Dear, I am trying to visualise a time-progressing line (it's supposed to represent spread patterns) using brew package and Google Earth. The idea is to have a function which takes start and end point geographic coordinates, as well as number of intervals to chop the path up, and returns the collection of points segmenting this line. Unfortunately my calculations fail for large distances,
2004 Feb 02
Robust nonlinear regression - sin(x)/x?
You reall have only one parameter in your model, c = a/b. You can't identify both a and b from your model, therefore, you should fit the linear model: lm(z ~ c* sin(x)/x) Ravi. ----- Original Message ----- From: cstrato <cstrato at> Date: Monday, February 2, 2004 2:28 pm Subject: [R] Robust nonlinear regression - sin(x)/x? > Dear all > > Since I did not receive any