search for: sign_in

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 31 matches for "sign_in".

2010 Jul 06
Simple routing problem
I''ve got the following in config\routes.rb: map.resources :users In app\views\shared\_menu.erb, I''ve got: Please sign in <%= link_to "here", :controller=>"user", :action=>"sign_in" -%> In app\controllers\users_controller.rb def sign_in end When I run the application, I crash with: Routing Error No route matches "/user/sign_in" with {:method=>:get} I presume I should add "def sign_in; [snip]; end" somewhere in: app\views\users But where...
2013 Aug 22
duplicated log lines in console
...[2013-08-22 12:42:08] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=13913 port=4000 Started GET "/oauth/authorized_applications" for at 2013-08-22 12:42:12 +0200 Started GET "/oauth/authorized_applications" for at 2013-08-22 12:42:12 +0200 Started GET "/users/sign_in" for at 2013-08-22 12:42:13 +0200 Started GET "/users/sign_in" for at 2013-08-22 12:42:13 +0200 Started POST "/users/sign_in" for at 2013-08-22 12:46:39 +0200 Started POST "/users/sign_in" for at 2013-08-22 12:46:39 +0200 *...
2013 Mar 20
Rspec + Devise + BaseController
...end describe "before_filter#authenticate_admin!" do before(:each) do @admin = FactoryGirl.create(:admin) @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:admin] end context "when admin is not logged in" do it "redirect admin to sign_in path" do get :index response.should redirect_to new_admin_session_path end end end end ##################################################### I''ve already inclueded Devise::TestHelpers on my spec_helper.rb and I''m getting this error when running...
2012 May 12
before_save messing up
...rlsafe_base64 end end #sessions_controller.rb -------> Sessions Controller class SessionsController < ApplicationController def new end def create user = User.find_by_email(params[:session][:email]) if user && user.authenticate(params[:session][:password]) sign_in user redirect_to user else[''error''] = ''Invalid email/password combination'' render :new end end def destroy end end #sessions_helper.rb ------> Sessions Helper module SessionsHelper def sign_in(user) cookies.p...
2013 Oct 07
rails_admin problem in raoutes, parallel login area in devise
hello friends, i am using rails_admin as webapp admin interface. it create a User model by default using Devise gem. after that i am creating another authorization area member. now /admin route change to /member/sign_in from user/sign_in. any body have idea how to create a parallel login area in devise with rails_admin. /admin => /user/sign_in (default) after * rails g devise member*. it converted to /admin => /member/sign_in thanx in advance. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to...
2008 Mar 13
Specifing methods in a steps_for block
Hey list, I''m refactoring some much-used functionality into a common_steps step group. Methods like this are in there: steps_for :common do Given "a number of existing $types?" do |type| @initial_item_count = type.singularize.classify.constantize.count end When "the user adds an invalid $type" do |type| post
2011 Jul 30
Question about Helpers
Studying the RoR 3 Tutorial book by Michael Hartl and on page 345 there''s the code inside the SessionsHelper: _________________________________________________________ module SessionsHelper def sign_in(user) cookies.permanent.signed[:remember_token] = [, user.sault] self.current_user = user end end __________________________________________________________ What is the purpose of "self" inside the session helper? I know that inside a model it refers to the class object. For exam...
2011 Sep 24
Redirecting devise after login
hi, i am using devise gem in my app for authentication. if i enter link1 -> http://localhost:3000/users/sign_in, once i login, it will be redirected to link2 -> http://localhost:3000/user/dashboard. if i can add new posts or comments for that user using this link link3 -> http://localhost:3000/community_managers/posts/new/2/Facebook lets say i am using firebox. If i copy tha...
2011 Aug 02
ror +auth_token + c#
HI, i have to change a desktop app written in c# to post and get some data to/from a rails app. the railsapp uses devise. what im doing right now is: 1) pull up sign_in page 2) parse 1) for auth_token 3) post username+ pwd & auth_token 3.1) if 3 ok > goto 4) 4) post json data that works all good, except that i do not provide auth_token in step4 , but a) rails is still accepting my data. is that normal? b) it seemsi cant not access attributes of current_use...
2011 Aug 02
ror +auth_token + c#
HI, i have to change a desktop app written in c# to post and get some data to/from a rails app. the railsapp uses devise. what im doing right now is: 1) pull up sign_in page 2) parse 1) for auth_token 3) post username+ pwd & auth_token 3.1) if 3 ok > goto 4) 4) post json data that works all good, except that i do not provide auth_token in step4 , but a) rails is still accepting my data. is that normal? b) it seemsi cant not access attributes of current_use...
2010 Sep 03
Action Controller Error: undefined local variable or method `current_user'
...ews/layouts/_header.html.erb:6:in `_app_views_layouts__header_html_erb___1701013666_2174344740_524030'' app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:10:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__1439570095_2174436720_0'' ---- END sessions_helper.rb CODE: module SessionsHelper def sign_in(user) cookies.permanent.signed[:remember_token] = [, user.salt] current_user = user end def current_user=(user) @current_user = user end def signed_in? !current_user.nil? end def sign_out cookies.delete(:remember_token) self.current_user = nil end p...
2010 Apr 26
.... I have attached the code. Please help routing.rb map.connect '':controller/:action'' map.connect '':controller/:action/:id'' map.connect '':controller/:action/:id.:format'' Controller class EntriesController < ApplicationController def sign_in @name = params[:visitor_name] end end View <html> <head><title>Hello <%=h @name %></title></head> <body> <%=h @name %> <% form_tag :action => ''sign_in'' do %> <p>Enter your name: <%= text_field_tag ''v...
2010 Nov 24
NameError in Devise/sessionsController#new
I created a sample application. Added devise in it, it works fine. Then added cancan gem into it. Created an ability class. define some permissions. Then added line load_and_authorize_resource to the Application Controller, after that when i go to the page it gave the following error, NameError in Devise/sessionsController#new uninitialized constant Session Rails.root: /home/nazar/rails_projects/sample_can Please help me, i can not solve this issue. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails...
2011 Jun 13
Devise Authorization Error
...ot sure. Here is the relevant code: --- routes.rb --- # Root root :to => "content#index" # Admin Controllers namespace ''admin'' do root :to => "admin#index" # AdminController devise_for :admin, :path=> '''', :path_names => {:sign_in => ''login'', :sign_out => ''logout''} resources :admin end # UsersController devise_for :users, :path_names => {:sign_in => ''login'', :sign_out => ''logout''} --- END routes.rb --- --- admin.rb (Model) --- class A...
2012 Oct 06
how to scope the /auth/:provider/callback , using OmniAuth for users and members
I have two separate groups of people authenticated w Devise , but in this case I cannot used the Devise embedded OmniAuth support. So i am using directly the OmniAuth gem. Initialized w : Rails.configuration.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do ..provider :twitter, .. end It''s running fine , but I have an issue with the callback route mapping : I tried match
2010 Aug 08
issue with rescue_action_in_public! and testing 404 responses
...o I need to set something up for the rescue_action_in_public! to work? Or is this not the correct way to test missing records? My full example: (using factory_girl, rspec mocks and devise) it "respons with 404 when trying to edit non-existing reads" do rescue_action_in_public! sign_in(@user) Read.should_receive(:find_by_id_and_user_id!).with(2, get :edit, :id => 2 response.status.should eql 404 end and the exception: 1) ReadsController resources respons with 404 for non existing reads for GET /reads/2/edit...
2011 Nov 02
getting devise to return json data when signing out
....json { if user_signed_in? return render :json => {:success => true, :errors => ["Already logged in."]} end resource = warden.authenticate!(:scope => resource_name, :recall => "#{controller_path}#failure") return sign_in_and_redirect(resource_name, resource) } end end def sign_in_and_redirect(resource_or_scope, resource=nil) scope = Devise::Mapping.find_scope!(resource_or_scope) resource ||= resource_or_scope sign_in(scope, resource) unless warden.user(scope) == resource...
2012 Feb 01
Does Devise make use of a "status" method? Weird bug.
...Take out the extra render, and it works. What I can''t figure out for the life of me is how Devise is getting there in the first place! The problem is coming from the SessionsController#create method, but this is just the stock version I''ve done nothing do it: # POST /resource/sign_in def create resource = warden.authenticate!(:scope => resource_name, :recall => "#{controller_path}#new") set_flash_message(:notice, :signed_in) if is_navigational_format? sign_in(resource_name, resource) respond_with resource, :location => after_sign_in_path_for...
2011 Jul 14
Devise confusing routes night, it seemed like I fixed it. But now, when I want to create a New User, it''s redirecting me to the Sign In screen. Seems like I didn''t fix the problem completely. I think Devise is confusing the routes. If I do rake routes, I get this... new_user_session GET /users/sign_in(.:format) user_session POST /users/sign_in(.:format) destroy_user_session DELETE /users/sign_out(.:format) new_user GET /users/new(.:format) edit_user GET /users/:id/edit(.:format) user GET /users/:id(.:format) This is routes.rb devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations =...
2010 Jul 01
Close Modalpopup with RJS
...''rsecret''] = nil profile = user = User.find_or_create_by_screen_name(profile.screen_name) user.update_attributes({ :atoken => oauth.access_token.token, :asecret => oauth.access_token.secret, }) sign_in(user) # page << "window.close()" redirect_to session[:return_to] rescue redirect_to :controller => "home" # redirect_to :controller => "sessions/autoclose" end As you can see, by the commented out code, I attempted to push "window.close()"...