search for: showexception

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2010 Jul 26
Exception Pages when behind a proxy
I am not sure if this desired feature or not but when we are behind a local proxy ie. Nginx/Varnish then the new ShowException middleware doesn''t seem to properly detect the remote IP address and it appears as if every browser gets a local error page with a stack trace, etc. I''ve opened up a ticket on the rails bug tracker but I also would like to verify that this is in fact a problem. The bug is here:...
2011 Aug 12
Rack content-length Rack::Lint::LintErrors errors with unicorn
Has anyone seen anything like this before? I can get it to happen all the time if I issue a HEAD request, but it only happens very intermittently on GET requests. I''m using Ruby 1.9.2p180. Any ideas on where to start debugging?, - - [11/Aug/2011 21:03:50] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 37902 0.5316 app error: Content-Length header was 37902, but should be
2010 Apr 23
Routing a Sinatra application
Hello, I wish to route a sinatra application in my Rails 3 app. As said by Yehuda, it should be possible. However I see the route isn''t recognized and I get ActionController::RoutingError problems. It works well with simple rack apps however (the test in actionpack with a lambda passes well). I''ve written a test
2010 Dec 15
Error reverse engineering MySQL with RMRE
...Rails version 3.0.3 Active Record version 3.0.1 Action Pack version 3.0.3 Active Resource version 3.0.3 Action Mailer version 3.0.3 Active Support version 3.0.3 Middleware ActionDispatch::Static Rack::Lock ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache Rack::Runtime Rails::Rack::Logger ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions ActionDispatch::RemoteIp Rack::Sendfile ActionDispatch::Callbacks ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement ActiveRecord::QueryCache ActionDispatch::Cookies ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore ActionDispatch::Flash ActionDispatch::ParamsParser Rack::MethodOverride ActionDispatch::Hea...
2011 Aug 16
Unicorn logging in production env
Hi All, as I can see on the?Rack::CommonLogger used only in development env and in weird evn called "deployment". Any chance to add "production" to this case? Serg Podtynnyi
2008 Jul 19
Winelib: How can I compile a Borland C++ Builder application on Linux using winelib?
...; Application->CreateForm(__classid(TOptions), &Options); Application->CreateForm(__classid(TEditorOptionsForm), &EditorOptionsForm); Application->Run(); } catch (Exception &exception) { Application->ShowException(&exception); } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- N?stor Amigo Cairo +34 687 96 74 81 nestorac at
2010 Aug 09
Exceptions in functional tests (rescue_action_in_public! broken?)
...iseActionExceptions. This coordination is no longer present in 3.0.0.rc1; rescue_action_in_public! has no effect on whether or not exceptions propagate to the test (they always do). The mis-coordination has two aspects: a) config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions now defaults to false, meaning the ShowExceptions middleware is not used at all in the test environment -- i.e. there''s no way exceptions could be caught. b) ActionController::TestCase::RaiseActionExceptions#rescue_action_without_handler never gets called, be...
2013 Jul 22
How to handle exception that is generated in rack middleware before it reach rails app?
...exception when Rack''s parse_query method. Here is the detail of the problem: The issue is that it failed in rails Rack::MethodOverride with is before ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions middleware and way before it even got to the rails app. So how do we handle the exception gracefully without showing the stack trace? Thanks for your help. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To unsubscribe from...
2011 Mar 16
Help overriding rescue_action_in_public in Rails 3
...mplate => "errors/500", :status => 500, :layout => ''application'' end However, Rails 3 no longer has render_optional_error_file. Instead, you need to overriderescue_action_in_public, which I do: # config/initializers/error_page.rb module ActionDispatch class ShowExceptions protected def rescue_action_in_public(exception) status = status_code(exception).to_s template =["#{Rails.root}/app/views"]) if ["404"].include?(status) file = "/errors/404.html.erb" else...
2010 Aug 08
issue with rescue_action_in_public! and testing 404 responses
Hello, I''m new to rails and I''m trying to wrap my heads around how to spec controllers using RSpec (using rails 3rc1 and rspec 2.0.0.beta.19). The problem I''ve run into is when I want to test that my controllers respond with a 404 for unfound records. Whenever I run the spec, the ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception is not caught by rails, causing the spec
2008 May 21
Rack, Camping 2.0++
...use Rack in the "core". I got rid of (a little less) than 1kB in camping.rb and removed lots of un-necessary files (lib/server/*.rb, fastcgi.rb & mongrel.rb). bin/camping does now only provide WEBrick, Mongrel and console-support and should only be used in development. It uses Rack::ShowExceptions to catch error outside the app and I''ve also written a middleware for faking X-Sendfile. For production you should create a rackup-file or setup Rack in some other way: #!/usr/bin/env rackup # Auto-detects CGI & FastCGI # Start mongrel with: ./ -s mongrel -p 3301 requi...